# What this tests? ## This tests the litellm support for the openai /generations endpoint import sys, os import traceback from dotenv import load_dotenv import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) load_dotenv() import os import asyncio sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.abspath("../..") ) # Adds the parent directory to the system path import pytest import litellm def test_image_generation_openai(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = litellm.image_generation( prompt="A cute baby sea otter", model="dall-e-3" ) print(f"response: {response}") assert len(response.data) > 0 except litellm.RateLimitError as e: pass except litellm.ContentPolicyViolationError: pass # OpenAI randomly raises these errors - skip when they occur except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}") # test_image_generation_openai() def test_image_generation_azure(): try: response = litellm.image_generation( prompt="A cute baby sea otter", model="azure/", api_version="2023-06-01-preview", ) print(f"response: {response}") assert len(response.data) > 0 except litellm.RateLimitError as e: pass except litellm.ContentPolicyViolationError: pass # Azure randomly raises these errors - skip when they occur except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}") # test_image_generation_azure() def test_image_generation_azure_dall_e_3(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = litellm.image_generation( prompt="A cute baby sea otter", model="azure/dall-e-3-test", api_version="2023-12-01-preview", api_base=os.getenv("AZURE_SWEDEN_API_BASE"), api_key=os.getenv("AZURE_SWEDEN_API_KEY"), ) print(f"response: {response}") assert len(response.data) > 0 except litellm.RateLimitError as e: pass except litellm.ContentPolicyViolationError: pass # OpenAI randomly raises these errors - skip when they occur except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}") # test_image_generation_azure_dall_e_3() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_async_image_generation_openai(): try: response = litellm.image_generation( prompt="A cute baby sea otter", model="dall-e-3" ) print(f"response: {response}") assert len(response.data) > 0 except litellm.RateLimitError as e: pass except litellm.ContentPolicyViolationError: pass # openai randomly raises these errors - skip when they occur except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}") # asyncio.run(test_async_image_generation_openai()) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_async_image_generation_azure(): try: response = await litellm.aimage_generation( prompt="A cute baby sea otter", model="azure/dall-e-3-test" ) print(f"response: {response}") except litellm.RateLimitError as e: pass except litellm.ContentPolicyViolationError: pass # Azure randomly raises these errors - skip when they occur except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"An exception occurred - {str(e)}")