import sys, os import traceback import pytest from dotenv import load_dotenv import openai load_dotenv() sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.abspath("../..") ) # Adds the parent directory to the system path import litellm from litellm import embedding, completion litellm.set_verbose = False def test_openai_embedding(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = embedding( model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], metadata={"anything": "good day"}, ) litellm_response = dict(response) litellm_response_keys = set(litellm_response.keys()) litellm_response_keys.discard("_response_ms") print(litellm_response_keys) print("LiteLLM Response\n") # print(litellm_response) # same request with OpenAI 1.0+ import openai client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) response = client.embeddings.create( model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) response = dict(response) openai_response_keys = set(response.keys()) print(openai_response_keys) assert ( litellm_response_keys == openai_response_keys ) # ENSURE the Keys in litellm response is exactly what the openai package returns assert ( len(litellm_response["data"]) == 2 ) # expect two embedding responses from litellm_response since input had two print(openai_response_keys) except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_openai_embedding() def test_openai_azure_embedding_simple(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = embedding( model="azure/azure-embedding-model", input=["good morning from litellm"], ) print(response) response_keys = set(dict(response).keys()) response_keys.discard("_response_ms") assert set(["usage", "model", "object", "data"]) == set( response_keys ) # assert litellm response has expected keys from OpenAI embedding response request_cost = litellm.completion_cost(completion_response=response) print("Calculated request cost=", request_cost) except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_openai_azure_embedding_simple() def test_openai_azure_embedding_timeouts(): try: response = embedding( model="azure/azure-embedding-model", input=["good morning from litellm"], timeout=0.00001, ) print(response) except openai.APITimeoutError: print("Good job got timeout error!") pass except Exception as e: f"Expected timeout error, did not get the correct error. Instead got {e}" ) # test_openai_azure_embedding_timeouts() def test_openai_embedding_timeouts(): try: response = embedding( model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=["good morning from litellm"], timeout=0.00001, ) print(response) except openai.APITimeoutError: print("Good job got OpenAI timeout error!") pass except Exception as e: f"Expected timeout error, did not get the correct error. Instead got {e}" ) # test_openai_embedding_timeouts() def test_openai_azure_embedding(): try: api_key = os.environ["AZURE_API_KEY"] api_base = os.environ["AZURE_API_BASE"] api_version = os.environ["AZURE_API_VERSION"] os.environ["AZURE_API_VERSION"] = "" os.environ["AZURE_API_BASE"] = "" os.environ["AZURE_API_KEY"] = "" response = embedding( model="azure/azure-embedding-model", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], api_key=api_key, api_base=api_base, api_version=api_version, ) print(response) os.environ["AZURE_API_VERSION"] = api_version os.environ["AZURE_API_BASE"] = api_base os.environ["AZURE_API_KEY"] = api_key except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_openai_azure_embedding() # test_openai_embedding() def test_cohere_embedding(): try: # litellm.set_verbose=True response = embedding( model="embed-english-v2.0", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(f"response:", response) except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_cohere_embedding() def test_cohere_embedding3(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = embedding( model="embed-english-v3.0", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(f"response:", response) custom_llm_provider = response._hidden_params["custom_llm_provider"] assert custom_llm_provider == "cohere" except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") test_cohere_embedding3() def test_bedrock_embedding_titan(): try: # this tests if we support str input for bedrock embedding litellm.set_verbose = True litellm.enable_cache() import time current_time = str(time.time()) # DO NOT MAKE THE INPUT A LIST in this test response = embedding( model="bedrock/amazon.titan-embed-text-v1", input=f"good morning from litellm, attempting to embed data {current_time}", # input should always be a string in this test ) print(f"response:", response) assert isinstance( response["data"][0]["embedding"], list ), "Expected response to be a list" print(f"type of first embedding:", type(response["data"][0]["embedding"][0])) assert all( isinstance(x, float) for x in response["data"][0]["embedding"] ), "Expected response to be a list of floats" # this also tests if we can return a cache response for this scenario import time start_time = time.time() response = embedding( model="bedrock/amazon.titan-embed-text-v1", input=f"good morning from litellm, attempting to embed data {current_time}", # input should always be a string in this test ) print(response) end_time = time.time() print(f"Embedding 2 response time: {end_time - start_time} seconds") assert end_time - start_time < 0.1 litellm.disable_cache() except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_bedrock_embedding_titan() def test_bedrock_embedding_cohere(): try: litellm.set_verbose = False response = embedding( model="cohere.embed-multilingual-v3", input=[ "good morning from litellm, attempting to embed data", "lets test a second string for good measure", ], aws_region_name="os.environ/AWS_REGION_NAME_2", ) assert isinstance( response["data"][0]["embedding"], list ), "Expected response to be a list" print(f"type of first embedding:", type(response["data"][0]["embedding"][0])) assert all( isinstance(x, float) for x in response["data"][0]["embedding"] ), "Expected response to be a list of floats" # print(f"response:", response) except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_bedrock_embedding_cohere() # comment out hf tests - since hf endpoints are unstable def test_hf_embedding(): try: # huggingface/microsoft/codebert-base # huggingface/facebook/bart-large response = embedding( model="huggingface/sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(f"response:", response) except Exception as e: # Note: Huggingface inference API is unstable and fails with "model loading errors all the time" pass # test_hf_embedding() # test async embeddings def test_aembedding(): try: import asyncio async def embedding_call(): try: response = await litellm.aembedding( model="text-embedding-ada-002", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(response) return response except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") response = print("Before caclulating cost, response", response) cost = litellm.completion_cost(completion_response=response) print("COST=", cost) assert cost == float("1e-06") except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_aembedding() def test_aembedding_azure(): try: import asyncio async def embedding_call(): try: response = await litellm.aembedding( model="azure/azure-embedding-model", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(response) print( "hidden params - custom_llm_provider", response._hidden_params["custom_llm_provider"], ) assert response._hidden_params["custom_llm_provider"] == "azure" except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_aembedding_azure() def test_sagemaker_embeddings(): try: response = litellm.embedding( model="sagemaker/berri-benchmarking-gpt-j-6b-fp16", input=["good morning from litellm", "this is another item"], ) print(f"response: {response}") except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") def test_mistral_embeddings(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = litellm.embedding( model="mistral/mistral-embed", input=["good morning from litellm"], ) print(f"response: {response}") except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_mistral_embeddings() def test_voyage_embeddings(): try: litellm.set_verbose = True response = litellm.embedding( model="voyage/voyage-01", input=["good morning from litellm"], ) print(f"response: {response}") except Exception as e:"Error occurred: {e}") # test_voyage_embeddings() # def test_xinference_embeddings(): # try: # litellm.set_verbose = True # response = litellm.embedding( # model="xinference/bge-base-en", # input=["good morning from litellm"], # ) # print(f"response: {response}") # except Exception as e: #"Error occurred: {e}") # test_xinference_embeddings() # test_sagemaker_embeddings() # def local_proxy_embeddings(): # litellm.set_verbose=True # response = embedding( # model="openai/custom_embedding", # input=["good morning from litellm"], # api_base="" # ) # print(response) # local_proxy_embeddings()