from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger import inspect import litellm class testCustomCallbackProxy(CustomLogger): def __init__(self): self.success: bool = False # type: ignore self.failure: bool = False # type: ignore self.async_success: bool = False # type: ignore self.async_success_embedding: bool = False # type: ignore self.async_failure: bool = False # type: ignore self.async_failure_embedding: bool = False # type: ignore self.async_completion_kwargs = None # type: ignore self.async_embedding_kwargs = None # type: ignore self.async_embedding_response = None # type: ignore self.async_completion_kwargs_fail = None # type: ignore self.async_embedding_kwargs_fail = None # type: ignore self.streaming_response_obj = None # type: ignore blue_color_code = "\033[94m" reset_color_code = "\033[0m" print(f"{blue_color_code}Initialized LiteLLM custom logger") try: print(f"Logger Initialized with following methods:") methods = [ method for method in dir(self) if inspect.ismethod(getattr(self, method)) ] # Pretty print the methods for method in methods: print(f" - {method}") print(f"{reset_color_code}") except: pass def log_pre_api_call(self, model, messages, kwargs): print(f"Pre-API Call") def log_post_api_call(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"Post-API Call") def log_stream_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"On Stream") def log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"On Success") self.success = True def log_failure_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"On Failure") self.failure = True async def async_log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"On Async success") self.async_success = True print("Value of async success: ", self.async_success) print("\n kwargs: ", kwargs) if ( kwargs.get("model") == "azure-embedding-model" or kwargs.get("model") == "ada" ): print("Got an embedding model", kwargs.get("model")) print("Setting embedding success to True") self.async_success_embedding = True print("Value of async success embedding: ", self.async_success_embedding) self.async_embedding_kwargs = kwargs self.async_embedding_response = response_obj if kwargs.get("stream") == True: self.streaming_response_obj = response_obj self.async_completion_kwargs = kwargs model = kwargs.get("model", None) messages = kwargs.get("messages", None) user = kwargs.get("user", None) # Access litellm_params passed to litellm.completion(), example access `metadata` litellm_params = kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}) metadata = litellm_params.get( "metadata", {} ) # headers passed to LiteLLM proxy, can be found here # Calculate cost using litellm.completion_cost() cost = litellm.completion_cost(completion_response=response_obj) response = response_obj # tokens used in response usage = response_obj["usage"] print("\n\n in custom callback vars my custom logger, ", vars(my_custom_logger)) print( f""" Model: {model}, Messages: {messages}, User: {user}, Usage: {usage}, Cost: {cost}, Response: {response} Proxy Metadata: {metadata} """ ) return async def async_log_failure_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time): print(f"On Async Failure") self.async_failure = True print("Value of async failure: ", self.async_failure) print("\n kwargs: ", kwargs) if kwargs.get("model") == "text-embedding-ada-002": self.async_failure_embedding = True self.async_embedding_kwargs_fail = kwargs self.async_completion_kwargs_fail = kwargs my_custom_logger = testCustomCallbackProxy()