# This file runs a health check for the LLM, used on litellm/proxy import asyncio import random from typing import Optional import litellm import logging from litellm._logging import print_verbose logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ILLEGAL_DISPLAY_PARAMS = ["messages", "api_key", "prompt", "input"] def _get_random_llm_message(): """ Get a random message from the LLM. """ messages = ["Hey how's it going?", "What's 1 + 1?"] return [{"role": "user", "content": random.choice(messages)}] def _clean_litellm_params(litellm_params: dict): """ Clean the litellm params for display to users. """ return {k: v for k, v in litellm_params.items() if k not in ILLEGAL_DISPLAY_PARAMS} async def _perform_health_check(model_list: list): """ Perform a health check for each model in the list. """ tasks = [] for model in model_list: litellm_params = model["litellm_params"] model_info = model.get("model_info", {}) litellm_params["messages"] = _get_random_llm_message() mode = model_info.get("mode", None) tasks.append( litellm.ahealth_check( litellm_params, mode=mode, prompt="test from litellm", input=["test from litellm"], ) ) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) healthy_endpoints = [] unhealthy_endpoints = [] for is_healthy, model in zip(results, model_list): cleaned_litellm_params = _clean_litellm_params(model["litellm_params"]) if isinstance(is_healthy, dict) and "error" not in is_healthy: healthy_endpoints.append({**cleaned_litellm_params, **is_healthy}) elif isinstance(is_healthy, dict): unhealthy_endpoints.append({**cleaned_litellm_params, **is_healthy}) else: unhealthy_endpoints.append(cleaned_litellm_params) return healthy_endpoints, unhealthy_endpoints async def perform_health_check( model_list: list, model: Optional[str] = None, cli_model: Optional[str] = None ): """ Perform a health check on the system. Returns: (bool): True if the health check passes, False otherwise. """ if not model_list: if cli_model: model_list = [ {"model_name": cli_model, "litellm_params": {"model": cli_model}} ] else: return [], [] if model is not None: model_list = [x for x in model_list if x["litellm_params"]["model"] == model] healthy_endpoints, unhealthy_endpoints = await _perform_health_check(model_list) return healthy_endpoints, unhealthy_endpoints