from typing import Any, Literal, List class CustomDB: """ Implements a base class that we expect any custom db implementation (e.g. DynamoDB) to follow """ def __init__(self) -> None: pass def get_data(self, key: str, table_name: Literal["user", "key", "config"]): """ Check if key valid """ pass def insert_data(self, value: Any, table_name: Literal["user", "key", "config"]): """ For new key / user logic """ pass def update_data( self, key: str, value: Any, table_name: Literal["user", "key", "config"] ): """ For cost tracking logic """ pass def delete_data( self, keys: List[str], table_name: Literal["user", "key", "config"] ): """ For /key/delete endpoint s """ def connect( self, ): """ For connecting to db and creating / updating any tables """ pass def disconnect( self, ): """ For closing connection on server shutdown """ pass