import os, types import json from enum import Enum import requests import time from typing import Callable, Optional from litellm.utils import ModelResponse, Usage, CustomStreamWrapper import litellm, uuid import httpx class VertexAIError(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, message): self.status_code = status_code self.message = message self.request = httpx.Request( method="POST", url="" ) self.response = httpx.Response(status_code=status_code, request=self.request) super().__init__( self.message ) # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs class VertexAIConfig: """ Reference: The class `VertexAIConfig` provides configuration for the VertexAI's API interface. Below are the parameters: - `temperature` (float): This controls the degree of randomness in token selection. - `max_output_tokens` (integer): This sets the limitation for the maximum amount of token in the text output. In this case, the default value is 256. - `top_p` (float): The tokens are selected from the most probable to the least probable until the sum of their probabilities equals the `top_p` value. Default is 0.95. - `top_k` (integer): The value of `top_k` determines how many of the most probable tokens are considered in the selection. For example, a `top_k` of 1 means the selected token is the most probable among all tokens. The default value is 40. Note: Please make sure to modify the default parameters as required for your use case. """ temperature: Optional[float] = None max_output_tokens: Optional[int] = None top_p: Optional[float] = None top_k: Optional[int] = None def __init__( self, temperature: Optional[float] = None, max_output_tokens: Optional[int] = None, top_p: Optional[float] = None, top_k: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: locals_ = locals() for key, value in locals_.items(): if key != "self" and value is not None: setattr(self.__class__, key, value) @classmethod def get_config(cls): return { k: v for k, v in cls.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("__") and not isinstance( v, ( types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, classmethod, staticmethod, ), ) and v is not None } def _get_image_bytes_from_url(image_url: str) -> bytes: try: response = requests.get(image_url) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error for bad responses (4xx and 5xx) image_bytes = response.content return image_bytes except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # Handle any request exceptions (e.g., connection error, timeout) return b"" # Return an empty bytes object or handle the error as needed def _load_image_from_url(image_url: str): """ Loads an image from a URL. Args: image_url (str): The URL of the image. Returns: Image: The loaded image. """ from vertexai.preview.generative_models import ( GenerativeModel, Part, GenerationConfig, Image, ) image_bytes = _get_image_bytes_from_url(image_url) return Image.from_bytes(image_bytes) def _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages: list): """ Converts given messages for GPT-4 Vision to Gemini format. Args: messages (list): The messages to convert. Each message can be a dictionary with a "content" key. The content can be a string or a list of elements. If it is a string, it will be concatenated to the prompt. If it is a list, each element will be processed based on its type: - If the element is a dictionary with a "type" key equal to "text", its "text" value will be concatenated to the prompt. - If the element is a dictionary with a "type" key equal to "image_url", its "image_url" value will be added to the list of images. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the prompt (a string) and the processed images (a list of objects representing the images). Raises: VertexAIError: If the import of the 'vertexai' module fails, indicating that 'google-cloud-aiplatform' needs to be installed. Exception: If any other exception occurs during the execution of the function. Note: This function is based on the code from the 'gemini/getting-started/intro_gemini_python.ipynb' notebook in the 'generative-ai' repository on GitHub. The supported MIME types for images include 'image/png' and 'image/jpeg'. Examples: >>> messages = [ ... {"content": "Hello, world!"}, ... {"content": [{"type": "text", "text": "This is a text message."}, {"type": "image_url", "image_url": ""}]}, ... ] >>> _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages) ('Hello, world!This is a text message.', [, ]) """ try: import vertexai except: raise VertexAIError( status_code=400, message="vertexai import failed please run `pip install google-cloud-aiplatform`", ) try: from vertexai.preview.language_models import ( ChatModel, CodeChatModel, InputOutputTextPair, ) from vertexai.language_models import TextGenerationModel, CodeGenerationModel from vertexai.preview.generative_models import ( GenerativeModel, Part, GenerationConfig, Image, ) # given messages for gpt-4 vision, convert them for gemini # prompt = "" images = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message["content"], str): prompt += message["content"] elif isinstance(message["content"], list): # see for element in message["content"]: if isinstance(element, dict): if element["type"] == "text": prompt += element["text"] elif element["type"] == "image_url": image_url = element["image_url"]["url"] images.append(image_url) # processing images passed to gemini processed_images = [] for img in images: if "gs://" in img: # Case 1: Images with Cloud Storage URIs # The supported MIME types for images include image/png and image/jpeg. part_mime = "image/png" if "png" in img else "image/jpeg" google_clooud_part = Part.from_uri(img, mime_type=part_mime) processed_images.append(google_clooud_part) elif "https:/" in img: # Case 2: Images with direct links image = _load_image_from_url(img) processed_images.append(image) elif ".mp4" in img and "gs://" in img: # Case 3: Videos with Cloud Storage URIs part_mime = "video/mp4" google_clooud_part = Part.from_uri(img, mime_type=part_mime) processed_images.append(google_clooud_part) return prompt, processed_images except Exception as e: raise e def completion( model: str, messages: list, model_response: ModelResponse, print_verbose: Callable, encoding, logging_obj, vertex_project=None, vertex_location=None, optional_params=None, litellm_params=None, logger_fn=None, acompletion: bool = False, ): try: import vertexai except: raise VertexAIError( status_code=400, message="vertexai import failed please run `pip install google-cloud-aiplatform`", ) try: from vertexai.preview.language_models import ( ChatModel, CodeChatModel, InputOutputTextPair, ) from vertexai.language_models import TextGenerationModel, CodeGenerationModel from vertexai.preview.generative_models import ( GenerativeModel, Part, GenerationConfig, ) from import content as gapic_content_types vertexai.init(project=vertex_project, location=vertex_location) ## Load Config config = litellm.VertexAIConfig.get_config() for k, v in config.items(): if k not in optional_params: optional_params[k] = v ## Process safety settings into format expected by vertex AI safety_settings = None if "safety_settings" in optional_params: safety_settings = optional_params.pop("safety_settings") if not isinstance(safety_settings, list): raise ValueError("safety_settings must be a list") if len(safety_settings) > 0 and not isinstance(safety_settings[0], dict): raise ValueError("safety_settings must be a list of dicts") safety_settings = [ gapic_content_types.SafetySetting(x) for x in safety_settings ] # vertexai does not use an API key, it looks for credentials.json in the environment prompt = " ".join( [ message["content"] for message in messages if isinstance(message["content"], str) ] ) mode = "" request_str = "" response_obj = None if ( model in litellm.vertex_language_models or model in litellm.vertex_vision_models ): llm_model = GenerativeModel(model) mode = "vision" request_str += f"llm_model = GenerativeModel({model})\n" elif model in litellm.vertex_chat_models: llm_model = ChatModel.from_pretrained(model) mode = "chat" request_str += f"llm_model = ChatModel.from_pretrained({model})\n" elif model in litellm.vertex_text_models: llm_model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained(model) mode = "text" request_str += f"llm_model = TextGenerationModel.from_pretrained({model})\n" elif model in litellm.vertex_code_text_models: llm_model = CodeGenerationModel.from_pretrained(model) mode = "text" request_str += f"llm_model = CodeGenerationModel.from_pretrained({model})\n" else: # vertex_code_llm_models llm_model = CodeChatModel.from_pretrained(model) mode = "chat" request_str += f"llm_model = CodeChatModel.from_pretrained({model})\n" if acompletion == True: # [TODO] expand support to vertex ai chat + text models if optional_params.get("stream", False) is True: # async streaming return async_streaming( llm_model=llm_model, mode=mode, prompt=prompt, logging_obj=logging_obj, request_str=request_str, model=model, model_response=model_response, messages=messages, print_verbose=print_verbose, **optional_params, ) return async_completion( llm_model=llm_model, mode=mode, prompt=prompt, logging_obj=logging_obj, request_str=request_str, model=model, model_response=model_response, encoding=encoding, messages=messages, print_verbose=print_verbose, **optional_params, ) if mode == "vision": print_verbose("\nMaking VertexAI Gemini Pro Vision Call") print_verbose(f"\nProcessing input messages = {messages}") tools = optional_params.pop("tools", None) prompt, images = _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages=messages) content = [prompt] + images if "stream" in optional_params and optional_params["stream"] == True: stream = optional_params.pop("stream") request_str += f"response = llm_model.generate_content({content}, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**{optional_params}), safety_settings={safety_settings}, stream={stream})\n" logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) model_response = llm_model.generate_content( contents=content, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**optional_params), safety_settings=safety_settings, stream=True, tools=tools, ) optional_params["stream"] = True return model_response request_str += f"response = llm_model.generate_content({content})\n" ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) ## LLM Call response = llm_model.generate_content( contents=content, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**optional_params), safety_settings=safety_settings, tools=tools, ) if tools is not None and hasattr( response.candidates[0][0], "function_call" ): function_call = response.candidates[0][0].function_call args_dict = {} for k, v in function_call.args.items(): args_dict[k] = v args_str = json.dumps(args_dict) message = litellm.Message( content=None, tool_calls=[ { "id": f"call_{str(uuid.uuid4())}", "function": { "arguments": args_str, "name":, }, "type": "function", } ], ) completion_response = message else: completion_response = response.text response_obj = response._raw_response optional_params["tools"] = tools elif mode == "chat": chat = llm_model.start_chat() request_str += f"chat = llm_model.start_chat()\n" if "stream" in optional_params and optional_params["stream"] == True: # NOTE: VertexAI does not accept stream=True as a param and raises an error, # we handle this by removing 'stream' from optional params and sending the request # after we get the response we add optional_params["stream"] = True, since needs to know it's a streaming response to then transform it for the OpenAI format optional_params.pop( "stream", None ) # vertex ai raises an error when passing stream in optional params request_str += ( f"chat.send_message_streaming({prompt}, **{optional_params})\n" ) ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) model_response = chat.send_message_streaming(prompt, **optional_params) optional_params["stream"] = True return model_response request_str += f"chat.send_message({prompt}, **{optional_params}).text\n" ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) completion_response = chat.send_message(prompt, **optional_params).text elif mode == "text": if "stream" in optional_params and optional_params["stream"] == True: optional_params.pop( "stream", None ) # See note above on handling streaming for vertex ai request_str += ( f"llm_model.predict_streaming({prompt}, **{optional_params})\n" ) ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) model_response = llm_model.predict_streaming(prompt, **optional_params) optional_params["stream"] = True return model_response request_str += f"llm_model.predict({prompt}, **{optional_params}).text\n" ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) completion_response = llm_model.predict(prompt, **optional_params).text ## LOGGING logging_obj.post_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, original_response=completion_response ) ## RESPONSE OBJECT if isinstance(completion_response, litellm.Message): model_response["choices"][0]["message"] = completion_response elif len(str(completion_response)) > 0: model_response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = str( completion_response ) model_response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = str(completion_response) model_response["created"] = int(time.time()) model_response["model"] = model ## CALCULATING USAGE if model in litellm.vertex_language_models and response_obj is not None: model_response["choices"][0].finish_reason = response_obj.candidates[ 0 ] usage = Usage( prompt_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.prompt_token_count, completion_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.candidates_token_count, total_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.total_token_count, ) else: # init prompt tokens # this block attempts to get usage from response_obj if it exists, if not it uses the litellm token counter prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, total_tokens = 0, 0, 0 if response_obj is not None: if hasattr(response_obj, "usage_metadata") and hasattr( response_obj.usage_metadata, "prompt_token_count" ): prompt_tokens = response_obj.usage_metadata.prompt_token_count completion_tokens = ( response_obj.usage_metadata.candidates_token_count ) else: prompt_tokens = len(encoding.encode(prompt)) completion_tokens = len( encoding.encode( model_response["choices"][0]["message"].get("content", "") ) ) usage = Usage( prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=completion_tokens, total_tokens=prompt_tokens + completion_tokens, ) model_response.usage = usage return model_response except Exception as e: raise VertexAIError(status_code=500, message=str(e)) async def async_completion( llm_model, mode: str, prompt: str, model: str, model_response: ModelResponse, logging_obj=None, request_str=None, encoding=None, messages=None, print_verbose=None, **optional_params, ): """ Add support for acompletion calls for gemini-pro """ try: from vertexai.preview.generative_models import GenerationConfig if mode == "vision": print_verbose("\nMaking VertexAI Gemini Pro Vision Call") print_verbose(f"\nProcessing input messages = {messages}") tools = optional_params.pop("tools", None) prompt, images = _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages=messages) content = [prompt] + images request_str += f"response = llm_model.generate_content({content})\n" ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) ## LLM Call response = await llm_model._generate_content_async( contents=content, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**optional_params), tools=tools, ) if tools is not None and hasattr( response.candidates[0][0], "function_call" ): function_call = response.candidates[0][0].function_call args_dict = {} for k, v in function_call.args.items(): args_dict[k] = v args_str = json.dumps(args_dict) message = litellm.Message( content=None, tool_calls=[ { "id": f"call_{str(uuid.uuid4())}", "function": { "arguments": args_str, "name":, }, "type": "function", } ], ) completion_response = message else: completion_response = response.text response_obj = response._raw_response optional_params["tools"] = tools elif mode == "chat": # chat-bison etc. chat = llm_model.start_chat() ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) response_obj = await chat.send_message_async(prompt, **optional_params) completion_response = response_obj.text elif mode == "text": # gecko etc. request_str += f"llm_model.predict({prompt}, **{optional_params}).text\n" ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) response_obj = await llm_model.predict_async(prompt, **optional_params) completion_response = response_obj.text ## LOGGING logging_obj.post_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, original_response=completion_response ) ## RESPONSE OBJECT if isinstance(completion_response, litellm.Message): model_response["choices"][0]["message"] = completion_response elif len(str(completion_response)) > 0: model_response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = str( completion_response ) model_response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] = str(completion_response) model_response["created"] = int(time.time()) model_response["model"] = model ## CALCULATING USAGE if model in litellm.vertex_language_models and response_obj is not None: model_response["choices"][0].finish_reason = response_obj.candidates[ 0 ] usage = Usage( prompt_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.prompt_token_count, completion_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.candidates_token_count, total_tokens=response_obj.usage_metadata.total_token_count, ) else: # init prompt tokens # this block attempts to get usage from response_obj if it exists, if not it uses the litellm token counter prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, total_tokens = 0, 0, 0 if response_obj is not None: if hasattr(response_obj, "usage_metadata") and hasattr( response_obj.usage_metadata, "prompt_token_count" ): prompt_tokens = response_obj.usage_metadata.prompt_token_count completion_tokens = ( response_obj.usage_metadata.candidates_token_count ) else: prompt_tokens = len(encoding.encode(prompt)) completion_tokens = len( encoding.encode( model_response["choices"][0]["message"].get("content", "") ) ) # set usage usage = Usage( prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=completion_tokens, total_tokens=prompt_tokens + completion_tokens, ) model_response.usage = usage return model_response except Exception as e: raise VertexAIError(status_code=500, message=str(e)) async def async_streaming( llm_model, mode: str, prompt: str, model: str, model_response: ModelResponse, logging_obj=None, request_str=None, messages=None, print_verbose=None, **optional_params, ): """ Add support for async streaming calls for gemini-pro """ from vertexai.preview.generative_models import GenerationConfig if mode == "vision": stream = optional_params.pop("stream") tools = optional_params.pop("tools", None) print_verbose("\nMaking VertexAI Gemini Pro Vision Call") print_verbose(f"\nProcessing input messages = {messages}") prompt, images = _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages=messages) content = [prompt] + images request_str += f"response = llm_model.generate_content({content}, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**{optional_params}), stream={stream})\n" logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) response = await llm_model._generate_content_streaming_async( contents=content, generation_config=GenerationConfig(**optional_params), tools=tools, ) optional_params["stream"] = True optional_params["tools"] = tools elif mode == "chat": chat = llm_model.start_chat() optional_params.pop( "stream", None ) # vertex ai raises an error when passing stream in optional params request_str += ( f"chat.send_message_streaming_async({prompt}, **{optional_params})\n" ) ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) response = chat.send_message_streaming_async(prompt, **optional_params) optional_params["stream"] = True elif mode == "text": optional_params.pop( "stream", None ) # See note above on handling streaming for vertex ai request_str += ( f"llm_model.predict_streaming_async({prompt}, **{optional_params})\n" ) ## LOGGING logging_obj.pre_call( input=prompt, api_key=None, additional_args={ "complete_input_dict": optional_params, "request_str": request_str, }, ) response = llm_model.predict_streaming_async(prompt, **optional_params) streamwrapper = CustomStreamWrapper( completion_stream=response, model=model, custom_llm_provider="vertex_ai", logging_obj=logging_obj, ) async for transformed_chunk in streamwrapper: yield transformed_chunk def embedding(): # logic for parsing in - calling - parsing out model embedding calls pass