from enum import Enum import requests, traceback import json from jinja2 import Template, exceptions, Environment, meta from typing import Optional, Any def default_pt(messages): return " ".join(message["content"] for message in messages) # alpaca prompt template - for models like mythomax, etc. def alpaca_pt(messages): prompt = custom_prompt( role_dict={ "system": { "pre_message": "### Instruction:\n", "post_message": "\n\n", }, "user": { "pre_message": "### Instruction:\n", "post_message": "\n\n", }, "assistant": {"pre_message": "### Response:\n", "post_message": "\n\n"}, }, bos_token="", eos_token="", messages=messages, ) return prompt # Llama2 prompt template def llama_2_chat_pt(messages): prompt = custom_prompt( role_dict={ "system": { "pre_message": "[INST] <>\n", "post_message": "\n<>\n [/INST]\n", }, "user": { # follow this format "pre_message": "[INST] ", "post_message": " [/INST]\n", }, "assistant": { "post_message": "\n" # follows this - }, }, messages=messages, bos_token="", eos_token="", ) return prompt def ollama_pt( model, messages ): # if "instruct" in model: prompt = custom_prompt( role_dict={ "system": {"pre_message": "### System:\n", "post_message": "\n"}, "user": { "pre_message": "### User:\n", "post_message": "\n", }, "assistant": { "pre_message": "### Response:\n", "post_message": "\n", }, }, final_prompt_value="### Response:", messages=messages, ) elif "llava" in model: prompt = "" images = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message["content"], str): prompt += message["content"] elif isinstance(message["content"], list): # see for element in message["content"]: if isinstance(element, dict): if element["type"] == "text": prompt += element["text"] elif element["type"] == "image_url": image_url = element["image_url"]["url"] images.append(image_url) return {"prompt": prompt, "images": images} else: prompt = "".join( m["content"] if isinstance(m["content"], str) is str else "".join(m["content"]) for m in messages ) return prompt def mistral_instruct_pt(messages): prompt = custom_prompt( initial_prompt_value="", role_dict={ "system": {"pre_message": "[INST]", "post_message": "[/INST]"}, "user": {"pre_message": "[INST]", "post_message": "[/INST]"}, "assistant": {"pre_message": "[INST]", "post_message": "[/INST]"}, }, final_prompt_value="", messages=messages, ) return prompt # Falcon prompt template - from def falcon_instruct_pt(messages): prompt = "" for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": prompt += message["content"] else: prompt += ( message["role"] + ":" + message["content"].replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n") ) prompt += "\n\n" return prompt def falcon_chat_pt(messages): prompt = "" for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": prompt += "System: " + message["content"] elif message["role"] == "assistant": prompt += "Falcon: " + message["content"] elif message["role"] == "user": prompt += "User: " + message["content"] return prompt # MPT prompt template - from def mpt_chat_pt(messages): prompt = "" for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": prompt += "<|im_start|>system" + message["content"] + "<|im_end|>" + "\n" elif message["role"] == "assistant": prompt += "<|im_start|>assistant" + message["content"] + "<|im_end|>" + "\n" elif message["role"] == "user": prompt += "<|im_start|>user" + message["content"] + "<|im_end|>" + "\n" return prompt # WizardCoder prompt template - def wizardcoder_pt(messages): prompt = "" for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": prompt += message["content"] + "\n\n" elif message["role"] == "user": # map to 'Instruction' prompt += "### Instruction:\n" + message["content"] + "\n\n" elif message["role"] == "assistant": # map to 'Response' prompt += "### Response:\n" + message["content"] + "\n\n" return prompt # Phind-CodeLlama prompt template - def phind_codellama_pt(messages): prompt = "" for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": prompt += "### System Prompt\n" + message["content"] + "\n\n" elif message["role"] == "user": prompt += "### User Message\n" + message["content"] + "\n\n" elif message["role"] == "assistant": prompt += "### Assistant\n" + message["content"] + "\n\n" return prompt def hf_chat_template(model: str, messages: list, chat_template: Optional[Any] = None): ## get the tokenizer config from huggingface bos_token = "" eos_token = "" if chat_template is None: def _get_tokenizer_config(hf_model_name): url = ( f"{hf_model_name}/raw/main/tokenizer_config.json" ) # Make a GET request to fetch the JSON data response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the JSON data tokenizer_config = json.loads(response.content) return {"status": "success", "tokenizer": tokenizer_config} else: return {"status": "failure"} tokenizer_config = _get_tokenizer_config(model) if ( tokenizer_config["status"] == "failure" or "chat_template" not in tokenizer_config["tokenizer"] ): raise Exception("No chat template found") ## read the bos token, eos token and chat template from the json tokenizer_config = tokenizer_config["tokenizer"] bos_token = tokenizer_config["bos_token"] eos_token = tokenizer_config["eos_token"] chat_template = tokenizer_config["chat_template"] def raise_exception(message): raise Exception(f"Error message - {message}") # Create a template object from the template text env = Environment() env.globals["raise_exception"] = raise_exception try: template = env.from_string(chat_template) except Exception as e: raise e def _is_system_in_template(): try: # Try rendering the template with a system message response = template.render( messages=[{"role": "system", "content": "test"}], eos_token="", bos_token="", ) return True # This will be raised if Jinja attempts to render the system message and it can't except: return False try: # Render the template with the provided values if _is_system_in_template(): rendered_text = template.render( bos_token=bos_token, eos_token=eos_token, messages=messages ) else: # treat a system message as a user message, if system not in template try: reformatted_messages = [] for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": reformatted_messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": message["content"]} ) else: reformatted_messages.append(message) rendered_text = template.render( bos_token=bos_token, eos_token=eos_token, messages=reformatted_messages, ) except Exception as e: if "Conversation roles must alternate user/assistant" in str(e): # reformat messages to ensure user/assistant are alternating, if there's either 2 consecutive 'user' messages or 2 consecutive 'assistant' message, add a blank 'user' or 'assistant' message to ensure compatibility new_messages = [] for i in range(len(reformatted_messages) - 1): new_messages.append(reformatted_messages[i]) if ( reformatted_messages[i]["role"] == reformatted_messages[i + 1]["role"] ): if reformatted_messages[i]["role"] == "user": new_messages.append( {"role": "assistant", "content": ""} ) else: new_messages.append({"role": "user", "content": ""}) new_messages.append(reformatted_messages[-1]) rendered_text = template.render( bos_token=bos_token, eos_token=eos_token, messages=new_messages ) return rendered_text except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Error rendering template - {str(e)}") # Anthropic template def claude_2_1_pt( messages: list, ): # format - """ Claude v2.1 allows system prompts (no Human: needed), but requires it be followed by Human: - you can't just pass a system message - you can't pass a system message and follow that with an assistant message if system message is passed in, you can only do system, human, assistant or system, human if a system message is passed in and followed by an assistant message, insert a blank human message between them. Additionally, you can "put words in Claude's mouth" by ending with an assistant message. See: """ class AnthropicConstants(Enum): HUMAN_PROMPT = "\n\nHuman: " AI_PROMPT = "\n\nAssistant: " prompt = "" for idx, message in enumerate(messages): if message["role"] == "user": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.HUMAN_PROMPT.value}{message['content']}" elif message["role"] == "system": prompt += f"{message['content']}" elif message["role"] == "assistant": if idx > 0 and messages[idx - 1]["role"] == "system": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.HUMAN_PROMPT.value}" # Insert a blank human message prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.AI_PROMPT.value}{message['content']}" if messages[-1]["role"] != "assistant": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.AI_PROMPT.value}" # prompt must end with \"\n\nAssistant: " turn return prompt ### TOGETHER AI def get_model_info(token, model): try: headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} response = requests.get("", headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: model_info = response.json() for m in model_info: if m["name"].lower().strip() == model.strip(): return m["config"].get("prompt_format", None), m["config"].get( "chat_template", None ) return None, None else: return None, None except Exception as e: # safely fail a prompt template request return None, None def format_prompt_togetherai(messages, prompt_format, chat_template): if prompt_format is None: return default_pt(messages) human_prompt, assistant_prompt = prompt_format.split("{prompt}") if chat_template is not None: prompt = hf_chat_template( model=None, messages=messages, chat_template=chat_template ) elif prompt_format is not None: prompt = custom_prompt( role_dict={}, messages=messages, initial_prompt_value=human_prompt, final_prompt_value=assistant_prompt, ) else: prompt = default_pt(messages) return prompt ### def anthropic_pt( messages: list, ): # format - """ You can "put words in Claude's mouth" by ending with an assistant message. See: """ class AnthropicConstants(Enum): HUMAN_PROMPT = "\n\nHuman: " AI_PROMPT = "\n\nAssistant: " prompt = "" for idx, message in enumerate( messages ): # needs to start with `\n\nHuman: ` and end with `\n\nAssistant: ` if message["role"] == "user": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.HUMAN_PROMPT.value}{message['content']}" elif message["role"] == "system": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.HUMAN_PROMPT.value}{message['content']}" else: prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.AI_PROMPT.value}{message['content']}" if ( idx == 0 and message["role"] == "assistant" ): # ensure the prompt always starts with `\n\nHuman: ` prompt = f"{AnthropicConstants.HUMAN_PROMPT.value}" + prompt if messages[-1]["role"] != "assistant": prompt += f"{AnthropicConstants.AI_PROMPT.value}" return prompt def _load_image_from_url(image_url): try: from PIL import Image except: raise Exception("gemini image conversion failed please run `pip install Pillow`") from io import BytesIO try: # Send a GET request to the image URL response = requests.get(image_url) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception for HTTP errors # Check the response's content type to ensure it is an image content_type = response.headers.get('content-type') if not content_type or 'image' not in content_type: raise ValueError(f"URL does not point to a valid image (content-type: {content_type})") # Load the image from the response content return except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Request failed: {e}") except UnidentifiedImageError: print("Cannot identify image file (it may not be a supported image format or might be corrupted).") except ValueError as e: print(e) def _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages: list): """ Converts given messages for GPT-4 Vision to Gemini format. Args: messages (list): The messages to convert. Each message can be a dictionary with a "content" key. The content can be a string or a list of elements. If it is a string, it will be concatenated to the prompt. If it is a list, each element will be processed based on its type: - If the element is a dictionary with a "type" key equal to "text", its "text" value will be concatenated to the prompt. - If the element is a dictionary with a "type" key equal to "image_url", its "image_url" value will be added to the list of images. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the prompt (a string) and the processed images (a list of objects representing the images). """ try: from PIL import Image except: raise Exception("gemini image conversion failed please run `pip install Pillow`") try: # given messages for gpt-4 vision, convert them for gemini # prompt = "" images = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message["content"], str): prompt += message["content"] elif isinstance(message["content"], list): # see for element in message["content"]: if isinstance(element, dict): if element["type"] == "text": prompt += element["text"] elif element["type"] == "image_url": image_url = element["image_url"]["url"] images.append(image_url) # processing images passed to gemini processed_images = [] for img in images: if "https:/" in img: # Case 1: Image from URL image = _load_image_from_url(img) processed_images.append(image) else: # Case 2: Image filepath (e.g. temp.jpeg) given image = processed_images.append(image) content = [prompt] + processed_images return content except Exception as e: raise e def gemini_text_image_pt(messages: list): """ { "contents":[ { "parts":[ {"text": "What is this picture?"}, { "inline_data": { "mime_type":"image/jpeg", "data": "'$(base64 -w0 image.jpg)'" } } ] } ] } """ try: import google.generativeai as genai except: raise Exception( "Importing google.generativeai failed, please run 'pip install -q google-generativeai" ) prompt = "" images = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message["content"], str): prompt += message["content"] elif isinstance(message["content"], list): # see for element in message["content"]: if isinstance(element, dict): if element["type"] == "text": prompt += element["text"] elif element["type"] == "image_url": image_url = element["image_url"]["url"] images.append(image_url) content = [prompt] + images return content # Function call template def function_call_prompt(messages: list, functions: list): function_prompt = ( "Produce JSON OUTPUT ONLY! The following functions are available to you:" ) for function in functions: function_prompt += f"""\n{function}\n""" function_added_to_prompt = False for message in messages: if "system" in message["role"]: message["content"] += f"""{function_prompt}""" function_added_to_prompt = True if function_added_to_prompt == False: messages.append({"role": "system", "content": f"""{function_prompt}"""}) return messages # Custom prompt template def custom_prompt( role_dict: dict, messages: list, initial_prompt_value: str = "", final_prompt_value: str = "", bos_token: str = "", eos_token: str = "", ): prompt = bos_token + initial_prompt_value bos_open = True ## a bos token is at the start of a system / human message ## an eos token is at the end of the assistant response to the message for message in messages: role = message["role"] if role in ["system", "human"] and not bos_open: prompt += bos_token bos_open = True pre_message_str = ( role_dict[role]["pre_message"] if role in role_dict and "pre_message" in role_dict[role] else "" ) post_message_str = ( role_dict[role]["post_message"] if role in role_dict and "post_message" in role_dict[role] else "" ) prompt += pre_message_str + message["content"] + post_message_str if role == "assistant": prompt += eos_token bos_open = False prompt += final_prompt_value return prompt def prompt_factory( model: str, messages: list, custom_llm_provider: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ): original_model_name = model model = model.lower() if custom_llm_provider == "ollama": return ollama_pt(model=model, messages=messages) elif custom_llm_provider == "anthropic": if any(_ in model for _ in ["claude-2.1","claude-v2:1"]): return claude_2_1_pt(messages=messages) else: return anthropic_pt(messages=messages) elif custom_llm_provider == "together_ai": prompt_format, chat_template = get_model_info(token=api_key, model=model) return format_prompt_togetherai( messages=messages, prompt_format=prompt_format, chat_template=chat_template ) elif custom_llm_provider == "gemini": if model == "gemini-pro-vision": return _gemini_vision_convert_messages(messages=messages) else: return gemini_text_image_pt(messages=messages) try: if "meta-llama/llama-2" in model and "chat" in model: return llama_2_chat_pt(messages=messages) elif ( "tiiuae/falcon" in model ): # Note: for the instruct models, it's best to use a User: .., Assistant:.. approach in your prompt template. if model == "tiiuae/falcon-180B-chat": return falcon_chat_pt(messages=messages) elif "instruct" in model: return falcon_instruct_pt(messages=messages) elif "mosaicml/mpt" in model: if "chat" in model: return mpt_chat_pt(messages=messages) elif "codellama/codellama" in model or "togethercomputer/codellama" in model: if "instruct" in model: return llama_2_chat_pt( messages=messages ) # elif "wizardlm/wizardcoder" in model: return wizardcoder_pt(messages=messages) elif "phind/phind-codellama" in model: return phind_codellama_pt(messages=messages) elif "togethercomputer/llama-2" in model and ( "instruct" in model or "chat" in model ): return llama_2_chat_pt(messages=messages) elif model in [ "gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b", "gryphe/mythomix-l2-13b", "gryphe/mythologic-l2-13b", ]: return alpaca_pt(messages=messages) else: return hf_chat_template(original_model_name, messages) except Exception as e: return default_pt( messages=messages ) # default that covers Bloom, T-5, any non-chat tuned model (e.g. base Llama2)