#### What this does #### # On success, logs events to Langsmith import dotenv, os import requests import requests from datetime import datetime dotenv.load_dotenv() # Loading env variables using dotenv import traceback class LangsmithLogger: # Class variables or attributes def __init__(self): self.langsmith_api_key = os.getenv("LANGSMITH_API_KEY") def log_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time, print_verbose): # Method definition # inspired by Langsmith http api here: https://github.com/langchain-ai/langsmith-cookbook/blob/main/tracing-examples/rest/rest.ipynb metadata = {} if "litellm_params" in kwargs: metadata = kwargs["litellm_params"].get("metadata", {}) # set project name and run_name for langsmith logging # users can pass project_name and run name to litellm.completion() # Example: litellm.completion(model, messages, metadata={"project_name": "my-litellm-project", "run_name": "my-langsmith-run"}) # if not set litellm will use default project_name = litellm-completion, run_name = LLMRun project_name = metadata.get("project_name", "litellm-completion") run_name = metadata.get("run_name", "LLMRun") print_verbose( f"Langsmith Logging - project_name: {project_name}, run_name {run_name}" ) try: print_verbose( f"Langsmith Logging - Enters logging function for model {kwargs}" ) import requests import datetime from datetime import timezone try: start_time = kwargs["start_time"].astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat() end_time = kwargs["end_time"].astimezone(timezone.utc).isoformat() except: start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() # filter out kwargs to not include any dicts, langsmith throws an erros when trying to log kwargs new_kwargs = {} for key in kwargs: value = kwargs[key] if key == "start_time" or key == "end_time": pass elif type(value) != dict: new_kwargs[key] = value requests.post( "https://api.smith.langchain.com/runs", json={ "name": run_name, "run_type": "llm", # this should always be llm, since litellm always logs llm calls. Langsmith allow us to log "chain" "inputs": {**new_kwargs}, "outputs": response_obj.json(), "session_name": project_name, "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, }, headers={"x-api-key": self.langsmith_api_key}, ) print_verbose( f"Langsmith Layer Logging - final response object: {response_obj}" ) except: # traceback.print_exc() print_verbose(f"Langsmith Layer Error - {traceback.format_exc()}") pass