# +-----------------------------------------------+ # | | # | Give Feedback / Get Help | # | https://github.com/BerriAI/litellm/issues/new | # | | # +-----------------------------------------------+ # # Thank you users! We ❤️ you! - Krrish & Ishaan import litellm import time, logging import json, traceback, ast, hashlib from typing import Optional, Literal, List, Union, Any from openai._models import BaseModel as OpenAIObject def print_verbose(print_statement): try: if litellm.set_verbose: print(print_statement) # noqa except: pass class BaseCache: def set_cache(self, key, value, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def get_cache(self, key, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError class InMemoryCache(BaseCache): def __init__(self): # if users don't provider one, use the default litellm cache self.cache_dict = {} self.ttl_dict = {} def set_cache(self, key, value, **kwargs): self.cache_dict[key] = value if "ttl" in kwargs: self.ttl_dict[key] = time.time() + kwargs["ttl"] def get_cache(self, key, **kwargs): if key in self.cache_dict: if key in self.ttl_dict: if time.time() > self.ttl_dict[key]: self.cache_dict.pop(key, None) return None original_cached_response = self.cache_dict[key] try: cached_response = json.loads(original_cached_response) except: cached_response = original_cached_response return cached_response return None def flush_cache(self): self.cache_dict.clear() self.ttl_dict.clear() class RedisCache(BaseCache): def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, password=None, **kwargs): import redis # if users don't provider one, use the default litellm cache from ._redis import get_redis_client redis_kwargs = {} if host is not None: redis_kwargs["host"] = host if port is not None: redis_kwargs["port"] = port if password is not None: redis_kwargs["password"] = password redis_kwargs.update(kwargs) self.redis_client = get_redis_client(**redis_kwargs) def set_cache(self, key, value, **kwargs): ttl = kwargs.get("ttl", None) print_verbose(f"Set Redis Cache: key: {key}\nValue {value}") try: self.redis_client.set(name=key, value=str(value), ex=ttl) except Exception as e: # NON blocking - notify users Redis is throwing an exception logging.debug("LiteLLM Caching: set() - Got exception from REDIS : ", e) def get_cache(self, key, **kwargs): try: print_verbose(f"Get Redis Cache: key: {key}") cached_response = self.redis_client.get(key) print_verbose( f"Got Redis Cache: key: {key}, cached_response {cached_response}" ) if cached_response != None: # cached_response is in `b{} convert it to ModelResponse cached_response = cached_response.decode( "utf-8" ) # Convert bytes to string try: cached_response = json.loads( cached_response ) # Convert string to dictionary except: cached_response = ast.literal_eval(cached_response) return cached_response except Exception as e: # NON blocking - notify users Redis is throwing an exception traceback.print_exc() logging.debug("LiteLLM Caching: get() - Got exception from REDIS: ", e) def flush_cache(self): self.redis_client.flushall() class S3Cache(BaseCache): def __init__( self, s3_bucket_name, s3_region_name=None, s3_api_version=None, s3_use_ssl=True, s3_verify=None, s3_endpoint_url=None, s3_aws_access_key_id=None, s3_aws_secret_access_key=None, s3_aws_session_token=None, s3_config=None, **kwargs, ): import boto3 self.bucket_name = s3_bucket_name # Create an S3 client with custom endpoint URL self.s3_client = boto3.client( "s3", region_name=s3_region_name, endpoint_url=s3_endpoint_url, api_version=s3_api_version, use_ssl=s3_use_ssl, verify=s3_verify, aws_access_key_id=s3_aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=s3_aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token=s3_aws_session_token, config=s3_config, **kwargs, ) def set_cache(self, key, value, **kwargs): try: print_verbose(f"LiteLLM SET Cache - S3. Key={key}. Value={value}") ttl = kwargs.get("ttl", None) # Convert value to JSON before storing in S3 serialized_value = json.dumps(value) if ttl is not None: cache_control = f"immutable, max-age={ttl}, s-maxage={ttl}" import datetime # Calculate expiration time expiration_time = datetime.datetime.now() + ttl # Upload the data to S3 with the calculated expiration time self.s3_client.put_object( Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=key, Body=serialized_value, Expires=expiration_time, CacheControl=cache_control, ContentType="application/json", ContentLanguage="en", ContentDisposition=f"inline; filename=\"{key}.json\"" ) else: cache_control = "immutable, max-age=31536000, s-maxage=31536000" # Upload the data to S3 without specifying Expires self.s3_client.put_object( Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=key, Body=serialized_value, CacheControl=cache_control, ContentType="application/json", ContentLanguage="en", ContentDisposition=f"inline; filename=\"{key}.json\"" ) except Exception as e: # NON blocking - notify users S3 is throwing an exception print_verbose(f"S3 Caching: set_cache() - Got exception from S3: {e}") def get_cache(self, key, **kwargs): import boto3, botocore try: print_verbose(f"Get S3 Cache: key: {key}") # Download the data from S3 cached_response = self.s3_client.get_object( Bucket=self.bucket_name, Key=key ) if cached_response != None: # cached_response is in `b{} convert it to ModelResponse cached_response = ( cached_response["Body"].read().decode("utf-8") ) # Convert bytes to string try: cached_response = json.loads( cached_response ) # Convert string to dictionary except Exception as e: cached_response = ast.literal_eval(cached_response) if type(cached_response) is not dict: cached_response = dict(cached_response) print_verbose( f"Got S3 Cache: key: {key}, cached_response {cached_response}. Type Response {type(cached_response)}" ) return cached_response except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NoSuchKey": print_verbose( f"S3 Cache: The specified key '{key}' does not exist in the S3 bucket." ) return None except Exception as e: # NON blocking - notify users S3 is throwing an exception traceback.print_exc() print_verbose(f"S3 Caching: get_cache() - Got exception from S3: {e}") def flush_cache(self): pass class DualCache(BaseCache): """ This updates both Redis and an in-memory cache simultaneously. When data is updated or inserted, it is written to both the in-memory cache + Redis. This ensures that even if Redis hasn't been updated yet, the in-memory cache reflects the most recent data. """ def __init__( self, in_memory_cache: Optional[InMemoryCache] = None, redis_cache: Optional[RedisCache] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() # If in_memory_cache is not provided, use the default InMemoryCache self.in_memory_cache = in_memory_cache or InMemoryCache() # If redis_cache is not provided, use the default RedisCache self.redis_cache = redis_cache def set_cache(self, key, value, local_only: bool = False, **kwargs): # Update both Redis and in-memory cache try: print_verbose(f"set cache: key: {key}; value: {value}") if self.in_memory_cache is not None: self.in_memory_cache.set_cache(key, value, **kwargs) if self.redis_cache is not None and local_only == False: self.redis_cache.set_cache(key, value, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print_verbose(e) def get_cache(self, key, local_only: bool = False, **kwargs): # Try to fetch from in-memory cache first try: print_verbose(f"get cache: cache key: {key}; local_only: {local_only}") result = None if self.in_memory_cache is not None: in_memory_result = self.in_memory_cache.get_cache(key, **kwargs) print_verbose(f"in_memory_result: {in_memory_result}") if in_memory_result is not None: result = in_memory_result if result is None and self.redis_cache is not None and local_only == False: # If not found in in-memory cache, try fetching from Redis redis_result = self.redis_cache.get_cache(key, **kwargs) if redis_result is not None: # Update in-memory cache with the value from Redis self.in_memory_cache.set_cache(key, redis_result, **kwargs) result = redis_result print_verbose(f"get cache: cache result: {result}") return result except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() def flush_cache(self): if self.in_memory_cache is not None: self.in_memory_cache.flush_cache() if self.redis_cache is not None: self.redis_cache.flush_cache() #### LiteLLM.Completion / Embedding Cache #### class Cache: def __init__( self, type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis", "s3"]] = "local", host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, supported_call_types: Optional[ List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]] ] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"], # s3 Bucket, boto3 configuration s3_bucket_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_region_name: Optional[str] = None, s3_api_version: Optional[str] = None, s3_use_ssl: Optional[bool] = True, s3_verify: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, s3_endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None, s3_aws_access_key_id: Optional[str] = None, s3_aws_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = None, s3_aws_session_token: Optional[str] = None, s3_config: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initializes the cache based on the given type. Args: type (str, optional): The type of cache to initialize. Can be "local" or "redis". Defaults to "local". host (str, optional): The host address for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis". port (int, optional): The port number for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis". password (str, optional): The password for the Redis cache. Required if type is "redis". supported_call_types (list, optional): List of call types to cache for. Defaults to cache == on for all call types. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for redis.Redis() cache Raises: ValueError: If an invalid cache type is provided. Returns: None. Cache is set as a litellm param """ if type == "redis": self.cache: BaseCache = RedisCache(host, port, password, **kwargs) if type == "local": self.cache = InMemoryCache() if type == "s3": self.cache = S3Cache( s3_bucket_name=s3_bucket_name, s3_region_name=s3_region_name, s3_api_version=s3_api_version, s3_use_ssl=s3_use_ssl, s3_verify=s3_verify, s3_endpoint_url=s3_endpoint_url, s3_aws_access_key_id=s3_aws_access_key_id, s3_aws_secret_access_key=s3_aws_secret_access_key, s3_aws_session_token=s3_aws_session_token, s3_config=s3_config, **kwargs, ) if "cache" not in litellm.input_callback: litellm.input_callback.append("cache") if "cache" not in litellm.success_callback: litellm.success_callback.append("cache") if "cache" not in litellm._async_success_callback: litellm._async_success_callback.append("cache") self.supported_call_types = supported_call_types # default to ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"] self.type = type def get_cache_key(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Get the cache key for the given arguments. Args: *args: args to litellm.completion() or embedding() **kwargs: kwargs to litellm.completion() or embedding() Returns: str: The cache key generated from the arguments, or None if no cache key could be generated. """ cache_key = "" print_verbose(f"\nGetting Cache key. Kwargs: {kwargs}") # for streaming, we use preset_cache_key. It's created in wrapper(), we do this because optional params like max_tokens, get transformed for bedrock -> max_new_tokens if kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}).get("preset_cache_key", None) is not None: print_verbose(f"\nReturning preset cache key: {cache_key}") return kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}).get("preset_cache_key", None) # sort kwargs by keys, since model: [gpt-4, temperature: 0.2, max_tokens: 200] == [temperature: 0.2, max_tokens: 200, model: gpt-4] completion_kwargs = [ "model", "messages", "temperature", "top_p", "n", "stop", "max_tokens", "presence_penalty", "frequency_penalty", "logit_bias", "user", "response_format", "seed", "tools", "tool_choice", ] embedding_only_kwargs = [ "input", "encoding_format", ] # embedding kwargs = model, input, user, encoding_format. Model, user are checked in completion_kwargs # combined_kwargs - NEEDS to be ordered across get_cache_key(). Do not use a set() combined_kwargs = completion_kwargs + embedding_only_kwargs for param in combined_kwargs: # ignore litellm params here if param in kwargs: # check if param == model and model_group is passed in, then override model with model_group if param == "model": model_group = None caching_group = None metadata = kwargs.get("metadata", None) litellm_params = kwargs.get("litellm_params", {}) if metadata is not None: model_group = metadata.get("model_group") model_group = metadata.get("model_group", None) caching_groups = metadata.get("caching_groups", None) if caching_groups: for group in caching_groups: if model_group in group: caching_group = group break if litellm_params is not None: metadata = litellm_params.get("metadata", None) if metadata is not None: model_group = metadata.get("model_group", None) caching_groups = metadata.get("caching_groups", None) if caching_groups: for group in caching_groups: if model_group in group: caching_group = group break param_value = ( caching_group or model_group or kwargs[param] ) # use caching_group, if set then model_group if it exists, else use kwargs["model"] else: if kwargs[param] is None: continue # ignore None params param_value = kwargs[param] cache_key += f"{str(param)}: {str(param_value)}" print_verbose(f"\nCreated cache key: {cache_key}") # Use hashlib to create a sha256 hash of the cache key hash_object = hashlib.sha256(cache_key.encode()) # Hexadecimal representation of the hash hash_hex = hash_object.hexdigest() print_verbose(f"Hashed cache key (SHA-256): {hash_hex}") return hash_hex def generate_streaming_content(self, content): chunk_size = 5 # Adjust the chunk size as needed for i in range(0, len(content), chunk_size): yield { "choices": [ { "delta": { "role": "assistant", "content": content[i : i + chunk_size], } } ] } time.sleep(0.02) def get_cache(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Retrieves the cached result for the given arguments. Args: *args: args to litellm.completion() or embedding() **kwargs: kwargs to litellm.completion() or embedding() Returns: The cached result if it exists, otherwise None. """ try: # never block execution if "cache_key" in kwargs: cache_key = kwargs["cache_key"] else: cache_key = self.get_cache_key(*args, **kwargs) if cache_key is not None: cache_control_args = kwargs.get("cache", {}) max_age = cache_control_args.get( "s-max-age", cache_control_args.get("s-maxage", float("inf")) ) cached_result = self.cache.get_cache(cache_key) # Check if a timestamp was stored with the cached response if ( cached_result is not None and isinstance(cached_result, dict) and "timestamp" in cached_result and max_age is not None ): timestamp = cached_result["timestamp"] current_time = time.time() # Calculate age of the cached response response_age = current_time - timestamp # Check if the cached response is older than the max-age if response_age > max_age: print_verbose( f"Cached response for key {cache_key} is too old. Max-age: {max_age}s, Age: {response_age}s" ) return None # Cached response is too old # If the response is fresh, or there's no max-age requirement, return the cached response # cached_response is in `b{} convert it to ModelResponse cached_response = cached_result.get("response") try: if isinstance(cached_response, dict): pass else: cached_response = json.loads( cached_response ) # Convert string to dictionary except: cached_response = ast.literal_eval(cached_response) return cached_response return cached_result except Exception as e: print_verbose(f"An exception occurred: {traceback.format_exc()}") return None def add_cache(self, result, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a result to the cache. Args: *args: args to litellm.completion() or embedding() **kwargs: kwargs to litellm.completion() or embedding() Returns: None """ try: if "cache_key" in kwargs: cache_key = kwargs["cache_key"] else: cache_key = self.get_cache_key(*args, **kwargs) if cache_key is not None: if isinstance(result, OpenAIObject): result = result.model_dump_json() ## Get Cache-Controls ## if kwargs.get("cache", None) is not None and isinstance( kwargs.get("cache"), dict ): for k, v in kwargs.get("cache").items(): if k == "ttl": kwargs["ttl"] = v cached_data = {"timestamp": time.time(), "response": result} self.cache.set_cache(cache_key, cached_data, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print_verbose(f"LiteLLM Cache: Excepton add_cache: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() pass async def _async_add_cache(self, result, *args, **kwargs): self.add_cache(result, *args, **kwargs) def enable_cache( type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis", "s3"]] = "local", host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, supported_call_types: Optional[ List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]] ] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"], **kwargs, ): """ Enable cache with the specified configuration. Args: type (Optional[Literal["local", "redis"]]): The type of cache to enable. Defaults to "local". host (Optional[str]): The host address of the cache server. Defaults to None. port (Optional[str]): The port number of the cache server. Defaults to None. password (Optional[str]): The password for the cache server. Defaults to None. supported_call_types (Optional[List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]]]): The supported call types for the cache. Defaults to ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: None Raises: None """ print_verbose("LiteLLM: Enabling Cache") if "cache" not in litellm.input_callback: litellm.input_callback.append("cache") if "cache" not in litellm.success_callback: litellm.success_callback.append("cache") if "cache" not in litellm._async_success_callback: litellm._async_success_callback.append("cache") if litellm.cache == None: litellm.cache = Cache( type=type, host=host, port=port, password=password, supported_call_types=supported_call_types, **kwargs, ) print_verbose(f"LiteLLM: Cache enabled, litellm.cache={litellm.cache}") print_verbose(f"LiteLLM Cache: {vars(litellm.cache)}") def update_cache( type: Optional[Literal["local", "redis"]] = "local", host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, supported_call_types: Optional[ List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]] ] = ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"], **kwargs, ): """ Update the cache for LiteLLM. Args: type (Optional[Literal["local", "redis"]]): The type of cache. Defaults to "local". host (Optional[str]): The host of the cache. Defaults to None. port (Optional[str]): The port of the cache. Defaults to None. password (Optional[str]): The password for the cache. Defaults to None. supported_call_types (Optional[List[Literal["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]]]): The supported call types for the cache. Defaults to ["completion", "acompletion", "embedding", "aembedding"]. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the cache. Returns: None """ print_verbose("LiteLLM: Updating Cache") litellm.cache = Cache( type=type, host=host, port=port, password=password, supported_call_types=supported_call_types, **kwargs, ) print_verbose(f"LiteLLM: Cache Updated, litellm.cache={litellm.cache}") print_verbose(f"LiteLLM Cache: {vars(litellm.cache)}") def disable_cache(): """ Disable the cache used by LiteLLM. This function disables the cache used by the LiteLLM module. It removes the cache-related callbacks from the input_callback, success_callback, and _async_success_callback lists. It also sets the litellm.cache attribute to None. Parameters: None Returns: None """ from contextlib import suppress print_verbose("LiteLLM: Disabling Cache") with suppress(ValueError): litellm.input_callback.remove("cache") litellm.success_callback.remove("cache") litellm._async_success_callback.remove("cache") litellm.cache = None print_verbose(f"LiteLLM: Cache disabled, litellm.cache={litellm.cache}")