--- title: codebleu tags: - evaluate - metric - code - codebleu description: "Unofficial `CodeBLEU` implementation with Linux and MacOS supports available with PyPI and HF HUB." sdk: gradio sdk_version: 3.19.1 app_file: app.py pinned: false --- # Metric Card for codebleu ***Module Card Instructions:*** *Fill out the following subsections. Feel free to take a look at existing metric cards if you'd like examples.* ## Metric Description Unofficial `CodeBLEU` implementation with Linux and MacOS supports available with PyPI and HF HUB. > An ideal evaluation metric should consider the grammatical correctness and the logic correctness. > We propose weighted n-gram match and syntactic AST match to measure grammatical correctness, and introduce semantic data-flow match to calculate logic correctness. > ![CodeBLEU](CodeBLEU.jpg) (from [CodeXGLUE](https://github.com/microsoft/CodeXGLUE/tree/main/Code-Code/code-to-code-trans/evaluator/CodeBLEU) repo) In a nutshell, `CodeBLEU` is a weighted combination of `n-gram match (BLEU)`, `weighted n-gram match (BLEU-weighted)`, `AST match` and `data-flow match` scores. The metric has shown higher correlation with human evaluation than `BLEU` and `accuracy` metrics. ## How to Use *Give general statement of how to use the metric* *Provide simplest possible example for using the metric* ### Inputs - `refarences` (`list[str]` or `list[list[str]]`): reference code - `predictions` (`list[str]`) predicted code - `lang` (`str`): code language, see `codebleu.AVAILABLE_LANGS` for available languages (python, c_sharp c, cpp, javascript, java, php at the moment) - `weights` (`tuple[float,float,float,float]`): weights of the `ngram_match`, `weighted_ngram_match`, `syntax_match`, and `dataflow_match` respectively, defaults to `(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)` - `tokenizer` (`callable`): to split code string to tokens, defaults to `s.split()` ### Output Values [//]: # (*Explain what this metric outputs and provide an example of what the metric output looks like. Modules should return a dictionary with one or multiple key-value pairs, e.g. {"bleu" : 6.02}*) [//]: # (*State the range of possible values that the metric's output can take, as well as what in that range is considered good. For example: "This metric can take on any value between 0 and 100, inclusive. Higher scores are better."*) The metric outputs the `dict[str, float]` with following fields: - `codebleu`: the final `CodeBLEU` score - `ngram_match_score`: `ngram_match` score (BLEU) - `weighted_ngram_match_score`: `weighted_ngram_match` score (BLEU-weighted) - `syntax_match_score`: `syntax_match` score (AST match) - `dataflow_match_score`: `dataflow_match` score Each of the scores is in range `[0, 1]`, where `1` is the best score. ### Examples [//]: # (*Give code examples of the metric being used. Try to include examples that clear up any potential ambiguity left from the metric description above. If possible, provide a range of examples that show both typical and atypical results, as well as examples where a variety of input parameters are passed.*) Using pip package (`pip install codebleu`): ```python from codebleu import calc_codebleu prediction = "def add ( a , b ) :\n return a + b" reference = "def sum ( first , second ) :\n return second + first" result = calc_codebleu([reference], [prediction], lang="python", weights=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25), tokenizer=None) print(result) # { # 'codebleu': 0.5537, # 'ngram_match_score': 0.1041, # 'weighted_ngram_match_score': 0.1109, # 'syntax_match_score': 1.0, # 'dataflow_match_score': 1.0 # } ``` Or using `evaluate` library (package required): ```python import evaluate metric = evaluate.load("k4black/codebleu") prediction = "def add ( a , b ) :\n return a + b" reference = "def sum ( first , second ) :\n return second + first" result = metric.compute([reference], [prediction], lang="python", weights=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25), tokenizer=None) ``` Note: `language` is required; ## Limitations and Bias [//]: # (*Note any known limitations or biases that the metric has, with links and references if possible.*) As this library require `so` file compilation it is platform dependent. Currently available for Linux (manylinux) and MacOS on Python 3.8+. ## Citation ```bibtex @misc{ren2020codebleu, title={CodeBLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Code Synthesis}, author={Shuo Ren and Daya Guo and Shuai Lu and Long Zhou and Shujie Liu and Duyu Tang and Neel Sundaresan and Ming Zhou and Ambrosio Blanco and Shuai Ma}, year={2020}, eprint={2009.10297}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.SE} } ``` ## Further References This implementation is Based on original [CodeXGLUE/CodeBLEU](https://github.com/microsoft/CodeXGLUE/tree/main/Code-Code/code-to-code-trans/evaluator/CodeBLEU) code -- refactored, build for macos, tested and fixed multiple crutches to make it more usable. The source code is available at GitHub [k4black/codebleu](https://github.com/k4black/codebleu) repository.