from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr get_completion = pipeline("ner", model="dslim/bert-base-NER") def ner(input): output = get_completion(input) return {"text": input, "entities": output} def merge_tokens(tokens): ''' WHAT: Faz um loop entre os tokens para concatenar os tokens com entidades I-* (intermediate token) aos B-* (begining token). ''' merged_tokens = [] for token in tokens: if merged_tokens and token['entity'].startswith('I-') and merged_tokens[-1]['entity'].endswith(token['entity'][2:]): # Se a lista merged_tokens não estiver vazia. # o token atual for um token intermediário (começa com 'I-'). # a entidade do último token processado terminar com a mesma entidade do token atual, excluindo o prefixo 'I-'. last_token = merged_tokens[-1] last_token['word'] += token['word'].replace('##', '') last_token['end'] = token['end'] last_token['score'] = (last_token['score'] + token['score']) / 2 else: merged_tokens.append(token) return merged_tokens def ner(input): """ WHAT: Aplica a task de NER com o hugginface pipeline e concatena os tokens com a mesma entidade. RETURN: retorna um dicionário com o token e suas entidades. """ output = get_completion(input) merged_tokens = merge_tokens(output) return {"text": input, "entities": merged_tokens} gr.close_all() demo = gr.Interface(fn=ner, inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Text to find entities", lines=2)], outputs=[gr.HighlightedText(label="Text with entities")], title="NER with dslim/bert-base-NER", description="Find entities using the `dslim/bert-base-NER` model under the hood!", allow_flagging="never", examples=["My name is Andrew, I'm building DeeplearningAI and I live in California", "My name is Poli, I live in Vienna and work at HuggingFace"]) demo.launch()