import {DOMParser, XMLSerializer} from "xmldom"; import {MusicNotation} from "@k-l-lambda/music-widgets"; import {MIDI} from "@k-l-lambda/music-widgets"; import {Readable} from "stream"; import CRC32 from "crc-32"; import npmPackage from "../package.json"; import {xml2ly, engraveSvg, LilyProcessOptions} from "./lilyCommands"; import {LilyDocument, LilyTerms, docLocationSet} from "../inc/lilyParser"; import * as staffSvg from "../inc/staffSvg"; import {SingleLock} from "../inc/mutex"; import * as LilyNotation from "../inc/lilyNotation"; import {svgToPng} from "./canvas"; import LogRecorder from "../inc/logRecorder"; import ScoreJSON from "../inc/scoreJSON"; import {LilyDocumentAttributeReadOnly} from "../inc/lilyParser/lilyDocument"; import {Block} from "../inc/lilyParser/lilyTerms"; interface GrammarParser { parse (source: string): any; }; const markupLily = (source: string, markup: string, lilyParser: GrammarParser): string => { const docMarkup = new LilyDocument(lilyParser.parse(markup)); const docSource = new LilyDocument(lilyParser.parse(source)); /*// copy attributes const attrS = docSource.globalAttributes() as LilyDocumentAttribute; const attrM = docMarkup.globalAttributes({readonly: true}) as LilyDocumentAttributeReadOnly; [ "staffSize", "paperWidth", "paperHeight", "topMargin", "bottomMargin", "leftMargin", "rightMargin", "systemSpacing", "topMarkupSpacing", "raggedLast", "raggedBottom", "raggedLastBottom", "printPageNumber", ].forEach(field => { if (attrM[field] !== undefined) { if (typeof attrS[field].value === "object" && attrS[field].value && (attrS[field].value as any).set) (attrS[field].value as any).set(attrM[field]); else attrS[field].value = attrM[field]; } }); // execute commands list const commands = docMarkup.root.getField("LotusCommands"); const cmdList = commands && commands.value && commands.value.args && commands.value.args[0].body; if (cmdList && Array.isArray(cmdList)) { for (const command of cmdList) { if (command.exp && docSource[command.exp]) docSource[command.exp](); else console.warn("unexpected markup command:", command); } } // copy LotusOption assignments const assignments = docMarkup.root.entries.filter(term => term instanceof LilyTerms.Assignment && /^LotusOption\..+/.test(term.key.toString())); assignments.forEach(assignment => docSource.root.sections.push(assignment.clone()));*/ docSource.markup(docMarkup); return docSource.toString(); }; const xmlBufferToLy = async (xml: Buffer, options: LilyProcessOptions = {}): Promise => { const bom = (xml[0] << 8 | xml[1]); const utf16 = bom === 0xfffe; const content = xml.toString(utf16 ? "utf16le" : "utf8"); return await xml2ly(content, {replaceEncoding: utf16, ...options}); }; const unescapeStringExp = exp => exp && exp.toString(); interface SheetNotationResult extends Partial { midi: MIDI.MidiData; midiNotation: MusicNotation.NotationData; //sheetNotation: staffSvg.StaffNotation.SheetNotation; lilyDocument: LilyDocument; bakingImages?: Readable[]; }; const makeSheetNotation = async (source: string, lilyParser: GrammarParser, {withNotation = false, logger, lilyDocument, includeFolders, baking}: { withNotation?: boolean, logger?: LogRecorder, lilyDocument?: LilyDocument, includeFolders?: string[], baking?: boolean, } = {}): Promise => { let midi = null; let midiNotation = null; const pages = []; const hashTable = {}; const bakingImages = []; const t0 =; type ParserArguments = { attributes: LilyDocumentAttributeReadOnly, tieLocations: Set, briefChordLocations: Set, lyricLocations: Set, }; const argsGen = new SingleLock(true); const engraving = await engraveSvg(source, { includeFolders, // do some work during lilypond process running to save time onProcStart: () => { //console.log("tp.0:", - t0); if (!lilyDocument) { lilyDocument = new LilyDocument(lilyParser.parse(source)); lilyDocument.interpret(); } const attributes = lilyDocument.globalAttributes({readonly: true}) as LilyDocumentAttributeReadOnly; const tieLocations = docLocationSet(lilyDocument.getTiedNoteLocations2()); const briefChordLocations = docLocationSet(lilyDocument.getBriefChordLocations()); const lyricLocations = docLocationSet(lilyDocument.getLyricLocations()); argsGen.release({attributes, tieLocations, briefChordLocations, lyricLocations}); //console.log("tp.1:", - t0); }, onMidiRead: midi_ => { //console.log("tm.0:", - t0); midi = midi_; if (withNotation) midiNotation = midi && MusicNotation.Notation.parseMidi(midi); //console.log("tm.1:", - t0); }, onSvgRead: async (index, svg) => { //console.log("ts.0:", - t0); const args = await argsGen.wait(); const page = staffSvg.parseSvgPage(svg, source, {DOMParser, logger, ...args}); pages[index] = page.structure; Object.assign(hashTable, page.hashTable); //console.log("ts.1:", - t0); }, }); logger.append("scoreMaker.profile.engraving", {cost: - t0}); logger.append("lilypond.log", engraving.logs); const doc = new staffSvg.SheetDocument({pages}); staffSvg.postProcessSheetDocument(doc, lilyDocument); if (baking) { await Promise.all( (svg, index) => { const svgText = staffSvg.turnRawSvgWithSheetDocument(svg, pages[index], {DOMParser, XMLSerializer}); bakingImages[index] = await svgToPng(Buffer.from(svgText)); })); } const midiMusic = lilyDocument.interpret().midiMusic; const {attributes} = await argsGen.wait(); const meta = { title: unescapeStringExp(attributes.title), composer: unescapeStringExp(attributes.composer), pageSize: doc.pageSize, pageCount: doc.pages.length, staffSize: attributes.staffSize as number, trackInfos: midiMusic && midiMusic.trackContextDicts, }; /*const t00 =; const sheetNotation = staffSvg.StaffNotation.parseNotationFromSheetDocument(doc, {logger}); // correct notation time by location-tick table from lily document const tickTable = lilyDocument.getLocationTickTable(); staffSvg.StaffNotation.assignTickByLocationTable(sheetNotation, tickTable); console.log("parseNotationFromSheetDocument cost:", - t00);*/ return { midi, bakingImages: baking ? bakingImages : null, midiNotation, //sheetNotation, meta, doc, hashTable, lilyDocument, }; }; interface MakerOptions { midi: MIDI.MidiData; logger: LogRecorder; includeFolders: string[]; baking: boolean; ignoreNotation: boolean; }; interface MakerResult { bakingImages?: Readable[], score: Partial, }; // non-negative crc-32 const hashString = (str: string): number => { const value = CRC32.str(str); return value < 0 ? 0x100000000 + value : value; }; const makeScore = async ( source: string, lilyParser: GrammarParser, {midi, logger, baking = false, includeFolders, ignoreNotation = false}: Partial = {}, ): Promise => { const t0 =; const hash = hashString(source); const foldData = await makeSheetNotation(source, lilyParser, {logger, includeFolders, baking}); const {meta, doc, hashTable, bakingImages, lilyDocument} = foldData; midi = midi || foldData.midi; const lilyNotation = !ignoreNotation && lilyDocument.interpret().getNotation(); if (ignoreNotation || !midi || !lilyNotation) { if (!ignoreNotation) { if (!midi) console.warn("Neither lilypond or external arguments did not offer MIDI data, score maker finished incompletely."); if (!lilyNotation) console.warn("lilyNotation parsing failed, score maker finished incompletely."); } return { score: { version: npmPackage.version, hash, meta, doc, hashTable, }, }; } const t5 =; const matcher = await LilyNotation.matchWithExactMIDI(lilyNotation, midi); logger.append("scoreMaker.profile.matching", {cost: - t5}); if (logger && logger.enabled) { const cis = new Set(Array(matcher.criterion.notes.length).keys()); matcher.path.forEach(ci => cis.delete(ci)); const omitC = cis.size; const omitS = matcher.path.filter(ci => ci < 0).length; const coverage = ((matcher.criterion.notes.length - omitC) / matcher.criterion.notes.length) * ((matcher.sample.notes.length - omitS) / matcher.sample.notes.length); logger.append("makeScore.match", {coverage, omitC, omitS, path: matcher.path}); } doc.updateMatchedTokens(lilyNotation.idSet); // idTrackMap is useless in bundled score delete lilyNotation.idTrackMap; if (baking) doc.pruneForBakingMode(); logger.append("scoreMaker.profile.full", {cost: - t0}); return { bakingImages, score: { version: npmPackage.version, hash, meta, doc, hashTable: !baking ? hashTable : null, lilyNotation, }, }; }; const makeMIDI = async (source: string, lilyParser: GrammarParser, {unfoldRepeats = false, fixNestedRepeat = false, includeFolders = undefined} = {}): Promise => { const lilyDocument = new LilyDocument(lilyParser.parse(source)); if (fixNestedRepeat) lilyDocument.fixNestedRepeat(); if (unfoldRepeats) lilyDocument.unfoldRepeats(); const score = lilyDocument.root.getBlock("score"); if (score) { // remove layout block to save time score.body = score.body.filter(term => !(term instanceof LilyTerms.Block && term.head === "\\layout")); // remove invalid tempo const midi: any = score.body.find(term => term instanceof LilyTerms.Block && term.head === "\\midi"); if (midi) midi.body = midi.body.filter(term => !(term instanceof LilyTerms.Tempo && term.beatsPerMinute > 200)); } const markupSource = lilyDocument.toString(); //console.log("markupSource:", markupSource); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => engraveSvg(markupSource, { includeFolders, onMidiRead: resolve, }).catch(reject)); }; const makeArticulatedMIDI = async (source: string, lilyParser: GrammarParser, {ignoreRepeats = true, includeFolders = undefined} = {}): Promise => { const lilyDocument = new LilyDocument(lilyParser.parse(source)); if (ignoreRepeats) lilyDocument.removeRepeats(); lilyDocument.articulateMIDIOutput(); // remove layout block to save time lilyDocument.root.sections = lilyDocument.root.sections.filter(section => !(section instanceof Block) || !(section.head === "\\score") || section.isMIDIDedicated); const markupSource = lilyDocument.toString(); //console.log("markupSource:", markupSource); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => engraveSvg(markupSource, { includeFolders, onMidiRead: resolve, }).catch(reject)); }; export { markupLily, xmlBufferToLy, makeScore, makeMIDI, makeArticulatedMIDI, };