import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import child_process from "child-process-promise"; import {MIDI} from "@k-l-lambda/music-widgets"; import {Writable} from "stream"; import asyncCall from "../inc/asyncCall"; import {SingleLock} from "../inc/mutex"; import {preprocessXml} from "./xmlTools"; import * as lilyAddon from "./lilyAddon"; let MUSICXML2LY_PATH; let MIDI2LY_PATH; let LILYPOND_PATH; let env; // setEnvironment must be called before use commands const setEnvironment = e => { env = e; MUSICXML2LY_PATH = filePathResolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, "musicxml2ly"); MIDI2LY_PATH = filePathResolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, "midi2ly"); LILYPOND_PATH = filePathResolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, "lilypond"); emptyCache(); if (env.LILYPOND_ADDON) { if (env.LILYPOND_ADDON_ASSETS_DIR) { process.env.LILYPOND_PATH = path.join(env.LILYPOND_ADDON_ASSETS_DIR, "bin/lilypond"); process.env.GUILE_LOAD_PATH = path.join(env.LILYPOND_ADDON_ASSETS_DIR, "share/guile/1.8"); process.env.FONTCONFIG_PATH = path.join(env.LILYPOND_ADDON_ASSETS_DIR, "share/fonts"); } lilyAddon.loadAddon(env.LILYPOND_ADDON); } }; const _WINDOWS = process.platform === "win32"; const genHashString = (len = 8) => Buffer.from(Math.random().toString()).toString("base64").substr(3, 3 + len); const filePathResolve = ( string[]): string => { const result = path.join(; return _WINDOWS ? `"${result}"` : result; }; const emptyCache = async () => { // empty temporary directory try { if (env.TEMP_DIR) { if (_WINDOWS) await child_process.exec(`del /q "${env.TEMP_DIR}*"`); else await child_process.exec(`rm ${env.TEMP_DIR}*`); console.log("Temporary directory clear."); } } catch (err) { if (_WINDOWS) console.log("emptyCache error:", err); } }; export interface LilyProcessOptions { // xml language?: string; removeMeasureImplicit?: boolean; replaceEncoding?: boolean; removeNullDynamics?: boolean; fixHeadMarkup?: boolean; fixBackSlashes?: boolean; roundTempo?: boolean; escapedWordsDoubleQuotation?: boolean; removeTrivialRests?: boolean; removeBadMetronome?: boolean; removeInvalidHarmonies?: boolean; removeAllHarmonies?: boolean; fixChordVoice?: boolean; fixBarlines?: boolean; removeInvalidClef?: boolean; // lilypond pointClick?: boolean; midi?: boolean; removeBreak?: boolean; removePageBreak?: boolean; removeInstrumentName?: boolean; removeTempo?: boolean; tupletReplace?: boolean; }; const postProcessLy = (ly: string, { pointClick = true, midi = true, removeBreak = false, removePageBreak = false, removeInstrumentName = false, removeTempo = false, tupletReplace = false, } = {}): string => { let result = ly; if (pointClick) result = result.replace(/\\pointAndClickOff\n/g, ""); if (midi) result = result.replace(/% \\midi/g, "\\midi"); if (removeBreak) result = result.replace(/\s\\break\s/g, " "); if (removePageBreak) result = result.replace(/\s\\pageBreak\s/g, " "); if (removeInstrumentName) result = result.replace(/\\set Staff\.instrumentName/g, "% \\set Staff.instrumentName"); if (removeTempo) result = result.replace(/\\tempo /g, "% \\tempo "); if (tupletReplace) { result = result .replace(/4\*128\/384/g, "8*2/3") .replace(/4\*64\/384/g, "16*2/3"); } return result; }; const xml2ly = async (xml: string, {language = "english", ...options}: LilyProcessOptions): Promise => { xml = preprocessXml(xml, options); //console.log("xml:", options, xml.substr(0, 100)); const hash = genHashString(); const xmlFileName = `${env.TEMP_DIR}xml2ly-${hash}.xml`; await asyncCall(fs.writeFile, xmlFileName, xml); const lyFileName = `${env.TEMP_DIR}xml2ly-${hash}.ly`; if (env.MUSICXML2LY_BY_PYTHON) { await child_process.spawn(path.resolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, "python"), [ path.resolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, ""), xmlFileName, "-o", lyFileName, ...(language ? ["-l", language] : []), ]); } else await child_process.exec(`${MUSICXML2LY_PATH} ${xmlFileName} -o ${lyFileName} ${language ? "-l " + language : ""}`, {maxBuffer: 0x80000}); //console.log("musicxml2ly:", result.stdout, result.stderr); const ly = await asyncCall(fs.readFile, lyFileName); return postProcessLy(ly.toString(), options); }; const midi2ly = async (midi, options: LilyProcessOptions): Promise => { const hash = genHashString(); //const midiFileName = `${env.TEMP_DIR}midi2ly-${hash}.midi`; //await asyncCall(fs.writeFile, midiFileName, midi); const lyFileName = `${env.TEMP_DIR}midi2ly-${hash}`; let result; if (env.MUSICXML2LY_BY_PYTHON) { result = await child_process.spawn(path.resolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, "python"), [path.resolve(env.LILYPOND_DIR, ""), midi.path, "-o", lyFileName]); } else result = await child_process.exec(`${MIDI2LY_PATH} ${midi.path} -o ${lyFileName}`); console.log("midi2ly:", result.stdout, result.stderr); const ly = await asyncCall(fs.readFile, lyFileName); return postProcessLy(ly.toString(), options); }; const postProcessSvg = (svg: string): string => { return svg.replace(/textedit:[^"]+:(\d+:\d+:\d+)/g, "textedit:$1"); }; //const nameNumber = name => Number(name.match(/-(\d+)\./)[1]); // lilypond command line output file pattern const FILE_BORN_OUPUT_PATTERN = /output\sto\s`(.+)'/; export interface EngraverOptions { onProcStart?: () => void|Promise; onMidiRead?: (content: MIDI.MidiData, options?: {filePath: string}) => void|Promise; onSvgRead?: (index: number, content: string, options?: {filePath: string}) => void|Promise; includeFolders?: string[]; // include folder path should be relative to TEMP_DIR }; export interface EngraverResult { logs: string; svgs: string[]; midi: MIDI.MidiData; errorLevel: number; }; const engraveSvgCli = async (source: string, {onProcStart, onMidiRead, onSvgRead, includeFolders = []}: EngraverOptions = {}, ): Promise> => { const hash = genHashString(); const sourceFilename = `${env.TEMP_DIR}engrave-${hash}.ly`; await asyncCall(fs.writeFile, sourceFilename, source); //console.log("ly source written:", sourceFilename); let midi = null; const svgs = []; const fileReady = new SingleLock(); const loadFile = async filename => { //console.log("loadFile:", filename); // wait for file writing finished //await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); const captures = filename.match(/\.(\w+)$/); if (!captures) { console.warn("invalid filename:", filename); return; } const [_, ext] = captures; const filePath = path.resolve(env.TEMP_DIR, filename); //console.log("file output:", filePath, ext); switch (ext) { case env.MIDI_FILE_EXTEND: { // wait extra time for MIDI file //await fileReady.lock(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); const buffer = await asyncCall(fs.readFile, filePath); if (!buffer.length) console.warn("empty MIDI buffer:", filename); midi = MIDI.parseMidiData(buffer); await onMidiRead && onMidiRead(midi, {filePath}); } break; case "svg": { // eslint-disable-next-line const captures = filename.match(/(\d+)\.svg$/); const index = captures ? Number(captures[1]) - 1 : 0; const buffer = await asyncCall(fs.readFile, filePath); if (!buffer.length) console.warn("empty SVG buffer:", filename); const svg = postProcessSvg(buffer.toString()); svgs[index] = svg; //console.log("svg load:", filePath); await onSvgRead && onSvgRead(index, svg, {filePath}); } break; } }; const loadProcs: Promise[] = []; const checkFile = async (line: string) => { fileReady.release(line); // skip error messages in command line output if (FILE_BORN_OUPUT_PATTERN.test(line)) { let newLine = await fileReady.lock(); while (/error|warning/.test(newLine)) newLine = await fileReady.lock(); let captures; const exp = new RegExp(FILE_BORN_OUPUT_PATTERN.source, "g"); while (captures = exp.exec(line)) loadProcs.push(loadFile(captures[1])); } }; const includeParameters = => `--include=${folder}`).join(" "); const proc: any = child_process.exec(`${LILYPOND_PATH} -dbackend=svg -o ${env.TEMP_DIR} ${includeParameters} ${sourceFilename}`, {maxBuffer: 0x100000}); //const proc = child_process.spawn(LILYPOND_PATH, ["-dbackend=svg", `-o ${env.TEMP_DIR}`, sourceFilename]); proc.childProcess.stdout.on("data", checkFile); proc.childProcess.stderr.on("data", checkFile); const startPromise = onProcStart && onProcStart(); if (startPromise) loadProcs.push(startPromise); const result = await proc; fileReady.release(); await Promise.all(loadProcs); //console.log("svgs:", svgs.length); const validCount = svgs.filter(svg => svg).length; if (validCount < svgs.length) console.warn("svg loading incompleted: ", validCount, svgs.length); return { logs: result.stderr, svgs, midi, }; }; const engraveSvgWithStreamCli = async (source: string, output: Writable, {includeFolders = []}: {includeFolders?: string[]} = {}) => { const hash = genHashString(); const sourceFilename = `${env.TEMP_DIR}engrave-${hash}.ly`; await asyncCall(fs.writeFile, sourceFilename, source); const writing = new SingleLock(); const fileReady = new SingleLock(); const loadFile = async line => { const [_, filename] = line.match(FILE_BORN_OUPUT_PATTERN); const [__, ext] = filename.match(/\.(\w+)$/); switch (ext) { case "svg": { await fileReady.lock(); await writing.wait(); writing.lock(); const filePath = path.resolve(env.TEMP_DIR, filename); const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); fileStream.pipe(output, {end: false}); fileStream.on("close", () => output.write("\n\n\n\n")); writing.release(); } break; } }; const checkFile = line => { fileReady.release(); if (FILE_BORN_OUPUT_PATTERN.test(line)) loadFile(line); }; const includeParameters = => `--include=${folder}`).join(" "); const proc: any = child_process.exec(`${LILYPOND_PATH} -dbackend=svg -o ${env.TEMP_DIR} ${includeParameters} ${sourceFilename}`); proc.childProcess.stdout.on("data", checkFile); proc.childProcess.stderr.on("data", checkFile); proc.then(() => fileReady.release()); return proc; }; const engraveScm = async (source: string, {onProcStart, includeFolders = []}: { onProcStart?: () => void|Promise, includeFolders?: string[], // include folder path should be relative to TEMP_DIR } = {}): Promise<{ logs: string, scm: string, }> => { const hash = genHashString(); const sourceFilename = `${env.TEMP_DIR}engrave-${hash}.ly`; const targetFilename = `${env.TEMP_DIR}engrave-${hash}.scm`; await fs.promises.writeFile(sourceFilename, source); //console.log("ly source written:", sourceFilename); const includeParameters = => `--include=${folder}`).join(" "); const proc = child_process.exec(`${LILYPOND_PATH} -dbackend=scm -o ${env.TEMP_DIR} ${includeParameters} ${sourceFilename}`, {maxBuffer: 0x100000}); await onProcStart && onProcStart(); const result = await proc; const scmBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile(targetFilename); return { logs: result.stderr, scm: scmBuffer.toString(), }; }; const engraveSvg = async (source: string, options: EngraverOptions = {}): Promise> => (env.LILYPOND_ADDON ? lilyAddon.engraveSvg : engraveSvgCli)(source, options); const engraveSvgWithStream = async (source: string, output: Writable, options: {includeFolders?: string[]} = {}) => (env.LILYPOND_ADDON ? lilyAddon.engraveSvgWithStream : engraveSvgWithStreamCli)(source, output, options); export { xml2ly, midi2ly, engraveSvg, engraveSvgCli, engraveSvgWithStream, engraveSvgWithStreamCli, engraveScm, setEnvironment, emptyCache, postProcessSvg, };