import sha1 from "sha1"; import {GLYPH_BASE_SCALE, POS_PRECISION, roundNumber} from "./utils"; import pathSymbols from "./path-symbols.json"; import glyphHash from "./glyph-hash.json"; type Element = {[key: string]: any}; interface SymbolizeResult { symbol?: string; glyph?: string; [key: string]: any; }; type SymbolizeRule = (elem: Element) => SymbolizeResult; type PostSymbolizeRule = (elem: Element, result: SymbolizeResult) => void; const identityHash = obj => { const identityArray = Object.entries(obj).sort(([k1], [k2]) => k1 > k2 ? 1 : -1); return sha1(JSON.stringify(identityArray)); }; const identitySymbol = (symbol, obj) => { const hash = identityHash(obj); return elem => { if (elem.hash === hash) return {symbol}; }; }; const simplifyPath = (d: string): string => d.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\d/g, ""); const skeletonizePath = (d: string): string => d.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/-?[.\d]+/g, "."); const pointsSize = (points: string): number => points.split(" ").length; const pathFrameSymbol = (symbol: string, frame: string): SymbolizeRule => elem => { if (elem.identity.type === "path" && simplifyPath(elem.identity.d) === frame) return {symbol}; }; const pathFramesSymbol = (symbol: string, frames: string[]): SymbolizeRule => elem => { if (elem.identity.type === "path" && frames.includes(simplifyPath(elem.identity.d))) return {symbol}; }; const pathSkeletonsSymbol = (symbol: string, skeletons: string[]): SymbolizeRule => elem => { if (elem.identity.type === "path" && skeletons.includes(skeletonizePath(elem.identity.d))) return {symbol}; }; const elemScale = (elem: Element, scale: number): boolean => elem.identity.scale && (Math.abs(elem.identity.scale.x) === scale) && (Math.abs(elem.identity.scale.y) === scale); const conditionSymbol = (symbol: string, condition: (elem: Element) => boolean, fields: (x: any) => object = () => ({})) => elem => { if (condition(elem)) return {symbol, ...fields(elem)}; }; const glyphSymbol = (symbol: string, glyph: string) => elem => { if (elem.glyph === glyph) return {symbol}; }; const symbolRules: SymbolizeRule[] = [ pathFramesSymbol("NOTE NOTEHEAD CROSS", [ "M163 31l125 101c2 2 5 3 8 3s6 -1 8 -3l18 -14c3 -2 4 -6 4 -10s-1 -8 -4 -10l-121 -98l121 -98c3 -2 4 -6 4 -10s-1 -8 -4 -10l-18 -14c-2 -2 -5 -3 -8 -3s-6 1 -8 3l-125 101l-125 -101c-2 -2 -5 -3 -8 -3s-6 1 -8 3l-17 14c-3 2 -5 6 -5 10s2 8 5 10l120 98l-120 98 c-3 2 -5 6 -5 10s2 8 5 10l17 14c2 2 5 3 8 3s6 -1 8 -3z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("NOTE NOTEHEAD DIAMOND WHOLE", [ "M206 75c-29 0 -27 -45 -27 -74c0 -47 25 -56 61 -67c13 -4 28 -9 40 -9c29 0 26 45 26 74c0 47 -25 56 -61 67c-13 4 -27 9 -39 9zM485 0c0 -57 -78 -42 -122 -67c-41 -23 -72 -68 -120 -68s-80 45 -121 68c-44 25 -122 10 -122 67s78 42 122 67c41 23 73 68 121 68 s79 -45 120 -68c44 -25 122 -10 122 -67z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("NOTE NOTEHEAD DIAMOND HALF", [ "M290 55c0 17 -15 27 -30 27c-4 0 -8 -1 -12 -2c-25 -8 -60 -30 -89 -49s-65 -42 -82 -62c-6 -7 -10 -16 -10 -24c0 -17 14 -27 29 -27c4 0 9 1 13 2c25 8 60 30 89 49s65 42 82 62c6 7 10 16 10 24zM316 135c18 0 41 -17 41 -40c0 -28 -33 -54 -42 -84 c-11 -36 3 -84 -30 -106c-15 -10 -33 -13 -51 -13c-25 0 -50 6 -76 6c-43 0 -83 -33 -118 -33c-18 0 -40 17 -40 40c0 28 33 54 42 84c11 36 -3 84 30 106c15 10 32 13 50 13c25 0 51 -6 77 -6c43 0 82 33 117 33z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("NOTE NOTEHEAD DIAMOND SOLID", [ "M325 135c19 0 36 -18 36 -38c0 -36 -61 -62 -84 -100c-25 -41 -32 -95 -72 -123c-9 -6 -18 -8 -28 -8c-23 0 -48 12 -72 12c-23 0 -47 -13 -68 -13c-19 0 -37 18 -37 38c0 36 61 62 84 100c25 41 33 95 73 123c9 6 17 8 27 8c23 0 48 -12 72 -12c23 0 48 13 69 13z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("NOTE REST", [ "M510 -22h-645c-12 0 -21 10 -21 22s9 22 21 22h135v126c0 4 4 8 8 8h359c4 0 8 -4 8 -8v-126h135c12 0 21 -10 21 -22s-9 -22 -21 -22z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("TR", [ "M-300 227c0 -23 18 -32 41 -32c40 0 72 14 104 28l5 28c-23 17 -50 29 -82 29c-33 0 -68 -17 -68 -53zM-26 103c0 -61 -47 -113 -98 -113c-39 0 -56 43 -56 90c0 14 1 28 4 41l16 78c-32 -13 -63 -25 -103 -25c-34 0 -59 17 -59 49c0 50 47 78 94 78c31 0 59 -10 83 -25 l47 234c6 -3 13 -5 20 -5c22 0 48 16 68 35l-54 -268l66 36c26 14 51 21 74 21c29 0 53 -11 64 -30c17 21 44 32 70 32c35 0 67 -20 67 -66c0 -44 -27 -89 -64 -89c-25 0 -37 22 -37 48c0 41 28 63 59 63h4c-8 14 -23 21 -38 21c-25 0 -51 -16 -57 -45l-53 -269 c-11 7 -25 10 -39 10s-29 -3 -43 -10l54 269v6c0 16 -13 27 -30 27c-7 0 -15 -2 -23 -6l-79 -44l-7 -35c27 -31 50 -66 50 -108zM-84 39c23 0 36 33 36 61c0 31 -15 57 -34 81l-6 -30c-4 -18 -12 -54 -12 -81c0 -18 4 -31 16 -31z", "M-299 227c0 -22 18 -31 41 -31c40 0 71 14 103 28l5 26c-23 17 -51 29 -82 29c-32 0 -67 -16 -67 -52zM-26 104c0 -61 -47 -114 -98 -114c-39 0 -56 43 -56 90c0 14 1 28 4 41l16 77c-31 -13 -63 -25 -103 -25c-35 0 -59 17 -59 50c0 51 48 79 95 79c31 0 58 -10 82 -25 l47 233c6 -3 13 -5 20 -5c22 0 48 16 68 35l-54 -267l66 36c26 14 51 21 74 21c29 0 52 -11 63 -30c18 20 45 31 70 31c35 0 68 -21 68 -67c0 -45 -28 -89 -65 -89c-25 0 -37 21 -37 47c0 41 29 64 60 64h3c-8 14 -22 21 -37 21c-24 0 -51 -17 -57 -45l-53 -269 c-11 7 -25 11 -39 11s-29 -4 -43 -11l53 269c0 2 1 5 1 7c0 16 -13 27 -30 27c-7 0 -15 -3 -23 -7l-79 -44l-7 -33c27 -31 50 -66 50 -108zM-85 39c23 0 35 33 35 61c0 30 -14 56 -32 79l-6 -28c-4 -18 -12 -55 -12 -82c0 -17 4 -30 15 -30z", "M-295 228c0 -21 17 -30 38 -30c39 0 71 14 102 28l5 22c-23 17 -50 29 -81 29s-64 -15 -64 -49zM-26 104c0 -62 -47 -114 -98 -114c-39 0 -56 43 -56 90c0 14 1 28 4 41l15 75c-31 -13 -62 -24 -101 -24c-35 0 -60 17 -60 50c0 52 49 82 97 82c30 0 57 -9 81 -24l46 230 c6 -3 13 -5 20 -5c22 0 48 16 68 35l-53 -265l64 35c26 14 51 21 74 21c28 0 52 -10 63 -28c18 19 43 29 68 29c36 0 70 -22 70 -70c0 -46 -27 -91 -65 -91c-25 0 -39 22 -39 48c0 42 30 64 61 64h3c-8 14 -23 21 -38 21c-23 0 -49 -16 -54 -42l-54 -270 c-11 7 -24 11 -38 11s-30 -4 -44 -11l54 270c0 2 1 5 1 7c0 15 -13 25 -29 25c-7 0 -15 -3 -23 -7l-81 -44l-5 -29c27 -31 49 -68 49 -110zM-87 39c22 0 34 34 34 61c0 29 -13 54 -30 76l-5 -25c-4 -19 -14 -57 -14 -84c0 -16 4 -28 15 -28z", ].map(simplifyPath)), conditionSymbol("MEASURE_SEPARATOR", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && elem.sw === 0.19 && elem.identity.rh >= 4 && elem.identity.rh <= 4.35), conditionSymbol("MEASURE_SEPARATOR BOLD", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && elem.sw === 0.6 && elem.identity.rh >= 4 && elem.identity.rh <= 4.35), pathFramesSymbol("BRACE", [ "M- -c - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c- - - c c - - c- - - s c c - - c c - -c- - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c - - -z", "M- -c - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c- - - c c - - vvc c - - c c - - c- - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c - - -z", "M- -c - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c- - - c c - - c - - s c c - - c c - -c- - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c - - -z", "M- -c - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c- - - c c - - c- - - s c c - - c c - -c- - - - - -c - - -c - - - - -c - - -z", ]), pathSkeletonsSymbol("BRACE", [ "M-15 -495c0 -261 -102 -516 -102 -762c0 -135 30 -258 129 -357c3 -3 3 -9 3 -12c0 -9 -6 -15 -15 -15c-3 0 -9 0 -12 3c-132 132 -177 312 -177 498c0 267 108 525 108 777c0 135 -33 258 -129 357c-3 3 -3 3 -3 6s0 3 3 6c96 99 129 222 129 357 c0 252 -108 510 -108 777c0 186 45 366 177 498c3 3 9 3 12 3c9 0 15 -6 15 -15c0 -3 0 -9 -3 -12c-99 -99 -129 -222 -129 -357c0 -246 102 -501 102 -762c0 -186 -48 -363 -174 -495c126 -132 174 -309 174 -495z", "M-15 -537c0 -285 -111 -561 -111 -831c0 -147 36 -282 138 -390c3 -3 6 -9 6 -12c0 -9 -9 -18 -18 -18c-3 0 -9 3 -12 6c-138 147 -186 339 -186 540c0 291 114 570 114 846c0 144 -33 279 -135 387c-3 3 -3 6 -3 9s0 6 3 9c102 108 135 243 135 387 c0 276 -114 555 -114 846c0 201 48 393 186 540c3 3 9 6 12 6c9 0 18 -9 18 -18c0 -3 -3 -9 -6 -12c-102 -108 -138 -243 -138 -390c0 -270 111 -546 111 -831c0 -198 -45 -390 -180 -537c135 -147 180 -339 180 -537z", "M-18 -471c0 -246 -96 -489 -96 -723c0 -129 33 -246 126 -339c3 -3 3 -9 3 -12c0 -9 -6 -15 -15 -15c-3 0 -9 0 -12 3c-126 126 -171 294 -171 474c0 252 102 501 102 738c0 129 -30 246 -123 339c-3 3 -3 3 -3 6s0 3 3 6c93 93 123 210 123 339c0 237 -102 486 -102 738 c0 180 45 348 171 474c3 3 9 3 12 3c9 0 15 -6 15 -15c0 -3 0 -9 -3 -12c-93 -93 -126 -210 -126 -339c0 -234 96 -477 96 -723c0 -177 -42 -345 -165 -471c123 -126 165 -294 165 -471z", "M-12 -636c0 -340 -128 -672 -128 -996c0 -172 36 -336 152 -468c4 -4 8 -8 8 -12c0 -8 -12 -20 -20 -20c-4 0 -8 4 -12 8c-156 176 -212 400 -212 636c0 348 136 684 136 1016c0 172 -36 332 -152 464c0 4 -4 4 -4 8s4 4 4 8c116 132 152 292 152 464 c0 332 -136 668 -136 1016c0 236 56 460 212 636c4 4 8 8 12 8c8 0 20 -12 20 -20c0 -4 -4 -8 -8 -12c-116 -132 -152 -296 -152 -468c0 -324 128 -656 128 -996c0 -232 -52 -460 -204 -636c152 -176 204 -404 204 -636z", "M-12 -656c0 -352 -132 -696 -132 -1032c0 -180 36 -344 156 -484c4 -4 8 -8 8 -12c0 -8 -12 -16 -20 -16c-4 0 -8 0 -12 4c-160 184 -216 416 -216 656c0 360 140 712 140 1052c0 176 -40 344 -160 480v8v8c120 136 160 304 160 480c0 340 -140 692 -140 1052 c0 240 56 472 216 656c4 4 8 4 12 4c8 0 20 -8 20 -16c0 -4 -4 -8 -8 -12c-120 -140 -156 -304 -156 -484c0 -336 132 -680 132 -1032c0 -240 -52 -472 -208 -656c156 -184 208 -416 208 -656z", "M-208 -1352c0 316 124 624 124 924c0 156 -36 300 -144 420c0 4 -4 4 -4 8s4 4 4 8c108 120 144 264 144 420c0 300 -124 608 -124 924c0 216 52 420 196 580c16 16 40 -8 24 -24c-108 -120 -144 -268 -144 -424c0 -292 116 -596 116 -904c0 -216 -48 -420 -188 -580 c140 -160 188 -364 188 -580c0 -308 -116 -612 -116 -904c0 -156 36 -304 144 -424c16 -16 -8 -40 -24 -24c-144 160 -196 364 -196 580z", "M-255 -1860c0 435 160 855 160 1270c0 210 -45 410 -180 580c0 0 -5 5 -5 10s5 10 5 10c135 170 180 370 180 580c0 415 -160 835 -160 1270c0 285 60 560 240 785c15 20 45 -5 30 -25c-135 -170 -180 -370 -180 -585c0 -410 155 -820 155 -1250 c0 -285 -65 -560 -240 -785c175 -225 240 -500 240 -785c0 -430 -155 -840 -155 -1250c0 -215 45 -415 180 -585c15 -20 -15 -45 -30 -25c-180 225 -240 500 -240 785z", "M-240 -1668c0 392 148 768 148 1140c0 192 -40 368 -168 520v8v8c128 152 168 328 168 520c0 372 -148 748 -148 1140c0 260 56 508 224 708c16 20 48 -4 32 -24c-128 -152 -168 -332 -168 -524c0 -364 140 -736 140 -1120c0 -260 -56 -508 -220 -708 c164 -200 220 -448 220 -708c0 -384 -140 -756 -140 -1120c0 -192 40 -372 168 -524c16 -20 -16 -44 -32 -24c-168 200 -224 448 -224 708z", ].map(skeletonizePath)), pathFramesSymbol("SLUR DOWN", [ "M1.5028 -0.8074C2.4307 0.0391 5.9413 0.0391 6.8692 -0.8074L6.8692 -0.8074C5.9413 -0.0896 2.4307 -0.0896 1.5028 -0.8074z", "M1.5806 -0.0000C2.6617 0.9012 7.7937 0.9012 8.8748 -0.0000L8.8748 -0.0000C7.7937 0.7724 2.6617 0.7724 1.5806 -0.0000z", "M0.1358 4.1918C3.1384 5.5006 23.9261 1.8052 26.2937 -0.4582L26.2937 -0.4582C23.9068 1.6964 3.1190 5.3918 0.1358 4.1918z", "M5.4000 -1.4582C7.2084 0.4248 16.2728 1.8025 18.5590 0.5418L18.5590 0.5418C16.2894 1.6932 7.2250 0.3156 5.4000 -1.4582z", "M0.6840 -0.9582C3.3097 0.6061 19.0586 -0.5325 21.4320 -2.4582L21.4320 -2.4582C19.0506 -0.6428 3.3018 0.4958 0.6840 -0.9582z", "M0.7359 -0.8082C2.1046 0.0164 4.9041 -0.5297 5.8626 -1.8082L5.8626 -1.8082C4.8830 -0.6382 2.0835 -0.0921 0.7359 -0.8082z", "M-0.0038 2.7489C1.0356 4.0058 3.9703 4.4396 5.3289 3.5372L5.3289 3.5372C3.9865 4.3303 1.0518 3.8964 -0.0038 2.7489z", "M0.4158 -0.8186C0.9635 -0.1463 2.0441 0.0143 2.7712 -0.4686L2.7712 -0.4686C2.0598 -0.0914 0.9792 -0.2520 0.4158 -0.8186z", "M0.4367 -5.4611C-1.1373 3.6241 33.0534 23.1887 40.0887 17.2285L40.0887 17.2285C33.1065 23.0960 -1.0842 3.5314 0.4367 -5.4611z", "M0.2462 -1.1121C0.2563 -0.2493 0.9868 0.5033 1.8489 0.5389L1.8489 0.5389C1.0635 0.4288 0.3329 -0.3237 0.2462 -1.1121z", "M0.6586 -1.4611C3.4185 0.3179 24.8011 0.0392 27.5138 -1.8111L27.5138 -1.8111C24.7997 -0.0676 3.4171 0.2111 0.6586 -1.4611z", "M0.5814 4.0389C2.0266 5.6914 7.6905 6.6341 9.5930 5.5389L9.5930 5.5389C7.7037 6.5547 2.0398 5.6119 0.5814 4.0389z", "M0.4463 -1.8051C1.2147 -0.5286 3.6343 0.1911 4.9850 -0.4551L4.9850 -0.4551C3.6728 0.0617 1.2532 -0.6580 0.4463 -1.8051z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("SLUR UP", [ "M1.6331 0.7750C2.7048 -0.1232 7.7198 -0.1232 8.7915 0.7750L8.7915 0.7750C7.7198 0.0055 2.7048 0.0055 1.6331 0.7750z", "M1.2172 -3.2497C3.8915 -5.3756 29.8558 -8.0703 32.9096 -6.5389L32.9096 -6.5389C29.8641 -7.9902 3.8998 -5.2954 1.2172 -3.2497z", "M0.8860 0.2500C1.9483 -0.6211 6.8471 -0.6211 7.9093 0.2500L7.9093 0.2500C6.8471 -0.5405 1.9483 -0.5405 0.8860 0.2500z", "M8.8571 -2.1918C12.2053 -7.7623 37.6503 -5.5978 40.0096 0.4582L40.0096 0.4582C37.6407 -5.4854 12.1958 -7.6498 8.8571 -2.1918z", "M5.4000 0.8082C8.8706 -1.2527 91.8062 -3.0964 95.3650 -1.1918L95.3650 -1.1918C91.8086 -2.9859 8.8731 -1.1422 5.4000 0.8082z", "M0.3581 2.9514C0.5936 0.9531 3.9709 -2.1395 5.9821 -2.1986L5.9821 -2.1986C4.0579 -2.0445 0.6806 1.0481 0.3581 2.9514z", "M0.5939 1.7682C2.2579 -0.0946 9.4770 -1.0830 11.5491 0.2682L11.5491 0.2682C9.4914 -0.9772 2.2724 0.0113 0.5939 1.7682z", ].map(simplifyPath)), pathFramesSymbol("SLUR",[ "M. -.C. -. . -. . -.C. -. . -. . -.z", "M. .C. . . . . .C. . . . . .z", ]), /*pathFramesSymbol("ATTACHED FERMATA", [ "M-69 -48c0 38 31 68 69 68s69 -30 69 -68s-31 -69 -69 -69s-69 31 -69 69zM0 -364c-157 0 -333 176 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262 -207 344 -348c2 -4 3 -8 3 -12z", "M0 -56v83c0 16 13 29 29 29h59c154 0 257 136 342 267c13 20 44 0 31 -20c-93 -143 -204 -359 -373 -359h-88z", "M452 333c8 0 14 -7 14 -14c0 -3 0 -6 -2 -9c-101 -145 -219 -366 -394 -366h-70v89c0 13 10 23 23 23h47c162 0 276 136 370 271c3 4 7 6 12 6z", ].map(simplifyPath)),*/ conditionSymbol("VERTICAL_LINE", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && (elem.sw === 0.19 || elem.sw === 0.6) && elem.identity.height >= 1), conditionSymbol("NOTE_STEM", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && elem.sw === 0.13 && elem.identity.height >= 1), conditionSymbol("TEMPO_NOTE_STEM", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && elem.sw === 0.12 && elem.identity.height >= 1), conditionSymbol("NOTETAIL JOINT BEAM", elem => elem.identity.type === "polygon" && pointsSize(elem.identity.points) === 8), conditionSymbol("STAFF_LINE", elem => elem.identity.type === "line" && elem.identity.height === 0 && elem.identity.width > 2 && elem.sw === 0.1 && !elem.identity["stroke-dasharray"]), 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"stroke-width": 0.0924, "stroke-dasharray": "0.362351432995067,0.537648567004933", }), conditionSymbol("OCTAVE CLOSE LINE", elem => elem.identity.type === "line" && Math.abs(elem.identity.height) === 0.8 && elem.identity.width === 0 /*&& elem.identity["stroke-dasharray"] === "1.0,0.0"*/ && elem.identity["stroke-width"] < 0.2), pathFrameSymbol("DOT", "M c s - -s- - - -s- - z"), conditionSymbol("LINE", elem => elem.identity.type === "line"), conditionSymbol("NULL LARGE_RECT", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && elem.identity.height > 1 && elem.identity.width >= 2 && elem.rx <= 0 && elem.ry <= 0), conditionSymbol("NULL GENERAL_RECT", elem => elem.identity.type === "rect" && (elem.identity.height * elem.identity.width >= 0.3)), conditionSymbol("NULL ENGRAVER_SIG", elem => elem.identity.type === "text" && /www\.lilypond\.org/.test(elem.identity.text)), conditionSymbol("TEXT", elem => elem.identity.type === "text"), glyphSymbol("ALTER FLAT", "accidentals.flat"), glyphSymbol("ALTER FLATFLAT", "accidentals.flatflat"), glyphSymbol("ALTER SHARP", ""), glyphSymbol("ALTER SHARPSHARP", "accidentals.doublesharp"), glyphSymbol("CLEF TREBLE", "clefs.G"), glyphSymbol("CLEF TREBLE", "clefs.G_change"), glyphSymbol("CLEF BASS", "clefs.F"), glyphSymbol("CLEF BASS", "clefs.F_change"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP EIGHTH", "flags.u3"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP SIXTEENTH", "flags.u4"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP THIRTYSECOND", "flags.u5"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP SIXTYFOURTH", "flags.u6"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP HUNDREDTWENTYEIGHTH", "flags.u7"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG UP TWOHUNDREDSFIFTYSIXTH", "flags.u8"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN EIGHTH", "flags.d3"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN SIXTEENTH", "flags.d4"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN THIRTYSECOND", "flags.d5"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN SIXTYFOURTH", "flags.d6"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN HUNDREDTWENTYEIGHTH", "flags.d7"), glyphSymbol("NOTETAIL FLAG DOWN TWOHUNDREDSFIFTYSIXTH", "flags.d8"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.0"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.1"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.2"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.3"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.4"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.5"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.6"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.7"), glyphSymbol("NOTE REST", "rests.8"), glyphSymbol("TIME_SIG C_BAR", "timesig.C22"), glyphSymbol("SUSTAIN ON", "pedal.Ped"), glyphSymbol("SUSTAIN OFF", "pedal.*"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED PORTATO UP", "scripts.dportato"), // 'portato' glyph direction seems inversed in emmentaler v2017 glyphSymbol("ATTACHED PORTATO DOWN", "scripts.uportato"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED DMARCATO DOWN", "scripts.dmarcato"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED DMARCATO UP", "scripts.umarcato"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED TENUTO", "scripts.tenuto"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED PRALL", "scripts.prall"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED MORDENT", "scripts.mordent"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED FERMATA UP", "scripts.ufermata"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED FERMATA DOWN", "scripts.dfermata"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED SHORTFERMATA UP", "scripts.ushortfermata"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED SHORTFERMATA DOWN", "scripts.dshortfermata"), glyphSymbol("ATTACHED SFORZATO", "scripts.sforzato"), glyphSymbol("BRACE BRACE_WING", "brackettips.up"), glyphSymbol("BRACE BRACE_WING", "brackettips.down"), ]; pathSymbols.forEach(({symbol, ds}) => symbolRules.push(pathFramesSymbol(symbol, ds))); const postSymbolProcess = (symbol: string, process: PostSymbolizeRule): PostSymbolizeRule => (elem, result) => { const symbols = result.symbol && result.symbol.split(" "); if (symbols && symbols.includes(symbol)) process(elem, result); }; const postConditionSymbol = (symbol: string, condition: (elem: Element) => boolean, addSymbol: string): PostSymbolizeRule => (elem, result) => { const symbols = result.symbol && result.symbol.split(" "); if (symbols && symbols.includes(symbol) && condition(elem)) result.symbol = [...symbols, addSymbol].join(" "); }; const postSymbolRules: PostSymbolizeRule[] = [ postConditionSymbol("NUMBER", elem => elemScale(elem, 0.004), "TIME_SIG"), postConditionSymbol("NUMBER", elem => elemScale(elem, 0.0025), "ALTERNATIVE"), postConditionSymbol("CLOSE", elem => elem.identity.height > 0, "UP"), postConditionSymbol("CLOSE", elem => elem.identity.height < 0, "DOWN"), postSymbolProcess("BEAM", (elem, result) => { const floats = elem.identity.points.split(" ").map(Number); const x1 = floats[4]; const x2 = floats[0]; const y1 = (floats[5] + floats[7]) / 2; const y2 = (floats[1] + floats[3]) / 2; result.start = {x: x1, y: y1}; = {x: x2, y: y2}; }), postSymbolProcess("SLUR", (elem, result) => { const captures = elem.identity.d.match(/M[\d.-]+ ([\d.-]+).*L([\d.-]+) ([\d.-]+)/); if (captures) { const [_, sy, ex, ey] = captures; result.start = {x: 0, y: Number(sy)}; = {x: Number(ex), y: Number(ey)}; //console.log("slur:", result); } }), postSymbolProcess("LINE", (elem, result) => { result.start = {x: 0, y: 0}; = {x: elem.identity.width, y: elem.identity.height}; }), /*postSymbolProcess("NOTEHEAD", (elem, result) => { result.scale = elem.identity.scale.x / GLYPH_BASE_SCALE; }),*/ postSymbolProcess("TEXT", (elem, result) => { result.text = elem.identity.text; }), postSymbolProcess("NOTE_STEM", (elem, result) => { result.width = elem.identity.width; result.height = elem.identity.height; }), postSymbolProcess("ADDITIONAL_LINE", (elem, result) => { result.width = elem.identity.width; result.height = elem.identity.height; // correct ry by stroke width const cy = (elem.y + elem.identity.height / 2); result.ry = roundNumber(cy, POS_PRECISION); }), ]; const glyphToSymbols: {[key: string]: string} = { zero: "NUMBER 0", one: "NUMBER 1", two: "NUMBER 2", three: "NUMBER 3", four: "NUMBER 4", five: "NUMBER 5", six: "NUMBER 6", seven: "NUMBER 7", eight: "NUMBER 8", nine: "NUMBER 9", }; const postSymbolize = (elem: Element, result: SymbolizeResult): SymbolizeResult => { result.glyph = result.glyph || elem.glyph; if (result.glyph && elem.identity.scale) { const scale = elem.identity.scale.x / GLYPH_BASE_SCALE; if (scale !== 1) result.scale = scale; } if (result.glyph) { const glyphSymbols = glyphToSymbols[result.glyph]; if (glyphSymbols) result.symbol = [result.symbol, glyphSymbols].filter(Boolean).join(" "); } for (const rule of postSymbolRules) rule(elem, result); return result; }; const symbolize = (elem: Element): SymbolizeResult => { elem.glyph = glyphHash[elem.hash]; let result = {}; for (const rule of symbolRules) { const r = rule(elem); if (r) { result = r; break; } } return postSymbolize(elem, result); }; export { simplifyPath, identityHash, symbolize, };