import gradio as gr #Get models #ASR model for input speech speech2text = gr.Interface.load("huggingface/facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h", inputs=gr.inputs.Audio(label="Record Audio File", type="file", source = "microphone")) #translates english to spanish text translator = gr.Interface.load("huggingface/Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-es", outputs=gr.outputs.Textbox(label="English to Spanish Translated Text")) #TTS model for output speech text2speech = gr.Interface.load("huggingface/facebook/tts_transformer-es-css10", outputs=gr.outputs.Audio(label="English to Spanish Translated Audio"), allow_flagging="never") translate = gr.Series(speech2text, translator) #outputs Spanish text translation en2es = gr.Series(translate, text2speech) #outputs Spanish audio ui = gr.Parallel(translate, en2es) #allows transcription of Spanish audio #gradio interface ui.title = "English to Spanish Speech Translator" ui.description = """
A useful tool in translating English to Spanish audio. All pre-trained models are found in huggingface.
""" ui.examples = [['ljspeech.wav'],['ljspeech2.wav',]] ui.theme = "peach" ui.article = article=""

Pre-trained model Information

Automatic Speech Recognition

The model used for the ASR part of this space is from which is pretrained and fine-tuned on 960 hours of Librispeech on 16kHz sampled speech audio. This model has a word error rate (WER) of 8.6 percent on noisy speech and 5.2 percent on clean speech on the standard LibriSpeech benchmark. More information can be found on its website at and original model is under .

Text Translator

The English to Spanish text translator pre-trained model is from which is part of the The Tatoeba Translation Challenge (v2021-08-07) as seen from its github repo at . This project aims to develop machine translation in real-world cases for many languages.

Text to Speech

The TTS model used is from . This model uses the Fairseq(-py) sequence modeling toolkit for speech synthesis, in this case, specifically TTS for Spanish. More information can be seen on their git at .

"" ui.launch(inbrowser=True)