""" 该文件中主要包含三个函数 不具备多线程能力的函数: 1. predict: 正常对话时使用,具备完备的交互功能,不可多线程 具备多线程调用能力的函数 2. predict_no_ui_long_connection:支持多线程 """ import json import time import logging import requests import base64 import os import glob from toolbox import get_conf, update_ui, is_any_api_key, select_api_key, what_keys, clip_history, trimmed_format_exc, is_the_upload_folder, update_ui_lastest_msg, get_max_token proxies, TIMEOUT_SECONDS, MAX_RETRY, API_ORG, AZURE_CFG_ARRAY = \ get_conf('proxies', 'TIMEOUT_SECONDS', 'MAX_RETRY', 'API_ORG', 'AZURE_CFG_ARRAY') timeout_bot_msg = '[Local Message] Request timeout. Network error. Please check proxy settings in config.py.' + \ '网络错误,检查代理服务器是否可用,以及代理设置的格式是否正确,格式须是[协议]://[地址]:[端口],缺一不可。' def have_any_recent_upload_image_files(chatbot): _5min = 5 * 60 if chatbot is None: return False, None # chatbot is None most_recent_uploaded = chatbot._cookies.get("most_recent_uploaded", None) if not most_recent_uploaded: return False, None # most_recent_uploaded is None if time.time() - most_recent_uploaded["time"] < _5min: most_recent_uploaded = chatbot._cookies.get("most_recent_uploaded", None) path = most_recent_uploaded['path'] file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob(f'{path}/**/*.jpg', recursive=True)] file_manifest += [f for f in glob.glob(f'{path}/**/*.jpeg', recursive=True)] file_manifest += [f for f in glob.glob(f'{path}/**/*.png', recursive=True)] if len(file_manifest) == 0: return False, None return True, file_manifest # most_recent_uploaded is new else: return False, None # most_recent_uploaded is too old def report_invalid_key(key): if get_conf("BLOCK_INVALID_APIKEY"): # 实验性功能,自动检测并屏蔽失效的KEY,请勿使用 from request_llms.key_manager import ApiKeyManager api_key = ApiKeyManager().add_key_to_blacklist(key) def get_full_error(chunk, stream_response): """ 获取完整的从Openai返回的报错 """ while True: try: chunk += next(stream_response) except: break return chunk def decode_chunk(chunk): # 提前读取一些信息 (用于判断异常) chunk_decoded = chunk.decode() chunkjson = None has_choices = False choice_valid = False has_content = False has_role = False try: chunkjson = json.loads(chunk_decoded[6:]) has_choices = 'choices' in chunkjson if has_choices: choice_valid = (len(chunkjson['choices']) > 0) if has_choices and choice_valid: has_content = "content" in chunkjson['choices'][0]["delta"] if has_choices and choice_valid: has_role = "role" in chunkjson['choices'][0]["delta"] except: pass return chunk_decoded, chunkjson, has_choices, choice_valid, has_content, has_role from functools import lru_cache @lru_cache(maxsize=32) def verify_endpoint(endpoint): """ 检查endpoint是否可用 """ return endpoint def predict_no_ui_long_connection(inputs, llm_kwargs, history=[], sys_prompt="", observe_window=None, console_slience=False): raise NotImplementedError def predict(inputs, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history=[], system_prompt='', stream = True, additional_fn=None): have_recent_file, image_paths = have_any_recent_upload_image_files(chatbot) if is_any_api_key(inputs): chatbot._cookies['api_key'] = inputs chatbot.append(("输入已识别为openai的api_key", what_keys(inputs))) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="api_key已导入") # 刷新界面 return elif not is_any_api_key(chatbot._cookies['api_key']): chatbot.append((inputs, "缺少api_key。\n\n请直接在输入区输入 令牌 / Key ,然后发送。")) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="缺少api_key") # 刷新界面 return if not have_recent_file: chatbot.append((inputs, "没有检测到任何近期上传的图像文件,请上传jpg格式的图片,此外,请注意拓展名需要小写")) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="等待图片") # 刷新界面 return if os.path.exists(inputs): chatbot.append((inputs, "已经接收到您上传的文件,您不需要再重复强调该文件的路径了,请直接输入您的问题。")) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="等待指令") # 刷新界面 return user_input = inputs if additional_fn is not None: from core_functional import handle_core_functionality inputs, history = handle_core_functionality(additional_fn, inputs, history, chatbot) raw_input = inputs logging.info(f'[raw_input] {raw_input}') def make_media_input(inputs, image_paths): for image_path in image_paths: inputs = inputs + f'

' return inputs chatbot.append((make_media_input(inputs, image_paths), "")) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="等待响应") # 刷新界面 # check mis-behavior if is_the_upload_folder(user_input): chatbot[-1] = (inputs, f"[Local Message] 检测到操作错误!当您上传文档之后,需点击“**函数插件区**”按钮进行处理,请勿点击“提交”按钮或者“基础功能区”按钮。") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="正常") # 刷新界面 time.sleep(2) try: headers, payload, api_key = generate_payload(inputs, llm_kwargs, history, system_prompt, image_paths) except RuntimeError as e: chatbot[-1] = (inputs, f"您提供的api-key不满足要求,不包含任何可用于{llm_kwargs['llm_model']}的api-key。您可能选择了错误的模型或请求源。") yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="api-key不满足要求") # 刷新界面 return # 检查endpoint是否合法 try: from .bridge_all import model_info endpoint = verify_endpoint(model_info[llm_kwargs['llm_model']]['endpoint']) except: tb_str = '```\n' + trimmed_format_exc() + '```' chatbot[-1] = (inputs, tb_str) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="Endpoint不满足要求") # 刷新界面 return history.append(make_media_input(inputs, image_paths)) history.append("") retry = 0 while True: try: # make a POST request to the API endpoint, stream=True response = requests.post(endpoint, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, json=payload, stream=True, timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS);break except: retry += 1 chatbot[-1] = ((chatbot[-1][0], timeout_bot_msg)) retry_msg = f",正在重试 ({retry}/{MAX_RETRY}) ……" if MAX_RETRY > 0 else "" yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="请求超时"+retry_msg) # 刷新界面 if retry > MAX_RETRY: raise TimeoutError gpt_replying_buffer = "" is_head_of_the_stream = True if stream: stream_response = response.iter_lines() while True: try: chunk = next(stream_response) except StopIteration: # 非OpenAI官方接口的出现这样的报错,OpenAI和API2D不会走这里 chunk_decoded = chunk.decode() error_msg = chunk_decoded # 首先排除一个one-api没有done数据包的第三方Bug情形 if len(gpt_replying_buffer.strip()) > 0 and len(error_msg) == 0: yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="检测到有缺陷的非OpenAI官方接口,建议选择更稳定的接口。") break # 其他情况,直接返回报错 chatbot, history = handle_error(inputs, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history, chunk_decoded, error_msg, api_key) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="非OpenAI官方接口返回了错误:" + chunk.decode()) # 刷新界面 return # 提前读取一些信息 (用于判断异常) chunk_decoded, chunkjson, has_choices, choice_valid, has_content, has_role = decode_chunk(chunk) if is_head_of_the_stream and (r'"object":"error"' not in chunk_decoded) and (r"content" not in chunk_decoded): # 数据流的第一帧不携带content is_head_of_the_stream = False; continue if chunk: try: if has_choices and not choice_valid: # 一些垃圾第三方接口的出现这样的错误 continue # 前者是API2D的结束条件,后者是OPENAI的结束条件 if ('data: [DONE]' in chunk_decoded) or (len(chunkjson['choices'][0]["delta"]) == 0): # 判定为数据流的结束,gpt_replying_buffer也写完了 lastmsg = chatbot[-1][-1] + f"\n\n\n\n「{llm_kwargs['llm_model']}调用结束,该模型不具备上下文对话能力,如需追问,请及时切换模型。」" yield from update_ui_lastest_msg(lastmsg, chatbot, history, delay=1) logging.info(f'[response] {gpt_replying_buffer}') break # 处理数据流的主体 status_text = f"finish_reason: {chunkjson['choices'][0].get('finish_reason', 'null')}" # 如果这里抛出异常,一般是文本过长,详情见get_full_error的输出 if has_content: # 正常情况 gpt_replying_buffer = gpt_replying_buffer + chunkjson['choices'][0]["delta"]["content"] elif has_role: # 一些第三方接口的出现这样的错误,兼容一下吧 continue else: # 一些垃圾第三方接口的出现这样的错误 gpt_replying_buffer = gpt_replying_buffer + chunkjson['choices'][0]["delta"]["content"] history[-1] = gpt_replying_buffer chatbot[-1] = (history[-2], history[-1]) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg=status_text) # 刷新界面 except Exception as e: yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="Json解析不合常规") # 刷新界面 chunk = get_full_error(chunk, stream_response) chunk_decoded = chunk.decode() error_msg = chunk_decoded chatbot, history = handle_error(inputs, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history, chunk_decoded, error_msg, api_key) yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history, msg="Json异常" + error_msg) # 刷新界面 print(error_msg) return def handle_error(inputs, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history, chunk_decoded, error_msg, api_key=""): from .bridge_all import model_info openai_website = ' 请登录OpenAI查看详情 https://platform.openai.com/signup' if "reduce the length" in error_msg: if len(history) >= 2: history[-1] = ""; history[-2] = "" # 清除当前溢出的输入:history[-2] 是本次输入, history[-1] 是本次输出 history = clip_history(inputs=inputs, history=history, tokenizer=model_info[llm_kwargs['llm_model']]['tokenizer'], max_token_limit=(model_info[llm_kwargs['llm_model']]['max_token'])) # history至少释放二分之一 chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] Reduce the length. 本次输入过长, 或历史数据过长. 历史缓存数据已部分释放, 您可以请再次尝试. (若再次失败则更可能是因为输入过长.)") elif "does not exist" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], f"[Local Message] Model {llm_kwargs['llm_model']} does not exist. 模型不存在, 或者您没有获得体验资格.") elif "Incorrect API key" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] Incorrect API key. OpenAI以提供了不正确的API_KEY为由, 拒绝服务. " + openai_website); report_invalid_key(api_key) elif "exceeded your current quota" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] You exceeded your current quota. OpenAI以账户额度不足为由, 拒绝服务." + openai_website); report_invalid_key(api_key) elif "account is not active" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] Your account is not active. OpenAI以账户失效为由, 拒绝服务." + openai_website); report_invalid_key(api_key) elif "associated with a deactivated account" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] You are associated with a deactivated account. OpenAI以账户失效为由, 拒绝服务." + openai_website); report_invalid_key(api_key) elif "API key has been deactivated" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] API key has been deactivated. OpenAI以账户失效为由, 拒绝服务." + openai_website); report_invalid_key(api_key) elif "bad forward key" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] Bad forward key. API2D账户额度不足.") elif "Not enough point" in error_msg: chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], "[Local Message] Not enough point. API2D账户点数不足.") else: from toolbox import regular_txt_to_markdown tb_str = '```\n' + trimmed_format_exc() + '```' chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], f"[Local Message] 异常 \n\n{tb_str} \n\n{regular_txt_to_markdown(chunk_decoded)}") return chatbot, history # Function to encode the image def encode_image(image_path): with open(image_path, "rb") as image_file: return base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode('utf-8') def generate_payload(inputs, llm_kwargs, history, system_prompt, image_paths): """ 整合所有信息,选择LLM模型,生成http请求,为发送请求做准备 """ if not is_any_api_key(llm_kwargs['api_key']): raise AssertionError("你提供了错误的API_KEY。\n\n请直接在输入区输入 令牌 / Key ,然后发送。") api_key = select_api_key(llm_kwargs['api_key'], llm_kwargs['llm_model']) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}" } if API_ORG.startswith('org-'): headers.update({"OpenAI-Organization": API_ORG}) if llm_kwargs['llm_model'].startswith('azure-'): headers.update({"api-key": api_key}) if llm_kwargs['llm_model'] in AZURE_CFG_ARRAY.keys(): azure_api_key_unshared = AZURE_CFG_ARRAY[llm_kwargs['llm_model']]["AZURE_API_KEY"] headers.update({"api-key": azure_api_key_unshared}) base64_images = [] for image_path in image_paths: base64_images.append(encode_image(image_path)) messages = [] what_i_ask_now = {} what_i_ask_now["role"] = "user" what_i_ask_now["content"] = [] what_i_ask_now["content"].append({ "type": "text", "text": inputs }) for image_path, base64_image in zip(image_paths, base64_images): what_i_ask_now["content"].append({ "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}" } }) messages.append(what_i_ask_now) model = llm_kwargs['llm_model'] if llm_kwargs['llm_model'].startswith('api2d-'): model = llm_kwargs['llm_model'][len('api2d-'):] payload = { "model": model, "messages": messages, "temperature": llm_kwargs['temperature'], # 1.0, "top_p": llm_kwargs['top_p'], # 1.0, "n": 1, "stream": True, "max_tokens": get_max_token(llm_kwargs), "presence_penalty": 0, "frequency_penalty": 0, } try: print(f" {llm_kwargs['llm_model']} : {inputs[:100]} ..........") except: print('输入中可能存在乱码。') return headers, payload, api_key