import streamlit as st import urllib import re import pandas as pd import random # Set the page config st.set_page_config( layout="centered", # or "centered" initial_sidebar_state="auto", # or "expanded" or "collapsed" page_title="WordGPT", # or any other title page_icon="📝" # or any other emoji or image ) # Give a large title to the page st.title("WordGPT") # read the csv file df = pd.read_csv("ielts.csv") # create two columns col1, col2 = st.columns(2) # get all the values from the first column of the dataframe as a list values = df.iloc[:,0].tolist() # join the values with newline characters as a string text = "\n".join(values) placeholder = col1.empty() # display the value in the textarea of the first column words = placeholder.text_area("Value from ielts.csv", text, height=200) # Create a button in col1 named "Shuffle the words" shuffle_button = col1.button("Shuffle the words") # Shuffle the words in the text area and display them in col2 if shuffle_button: words = words.split("\n") random.shuffle(words) words = "\n".join(words) placeholder.empty() words = placeholder.text_area("Shuffle the words", words, height=200) # Check if the user has entered any words if words: # Split the words by any common symbol or line break and strip any whitespace words = [word.strip() for word in re.split("[,.;:!?]|\\n", words)] # Select only the first 12 words of the list words = " ".join(re.findall(r"\w+", " ".join(words))[:12]) # Create a Bing query in the desired format query = f"write a short story with these words involved: {words}" query_origin = query # Replace all spaces with "+" symbols # query = query.replace(" ", "+") # Encode the query for the URL query = urllib.parse.quote(query) # Create a Bing URL with the query url = f"{query}" # Put the rest of the elements in the right column col2.write(f"**Your Bing query is:** {query_origin}") col2.markdown(f'', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Create a form in the right column with the clear_on_submit parameter set to True with col2.form("story_form", clear_on_submit=True): # Put a textarea in the form story = st.text_area("Enter your own story or edit the Bing AI story", value="", height=200) # Put a submit button in the form submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") # Check if the user has submitted the form if submitted: # Open the file in append mode with open("my_story.txt", "a") as f: # Write the story to the file f.write(story + "\n")