""" Handy utility functions. """ from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import copy import inspect import json import json.decoder import os import pkgutil import random import re import sys import threading import time import typing import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from distutils.version import StrictVersion from enum import Enum from io import BytesIO from numbers import Number from pathlib import Path from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, NewType, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) import aiohttp import fsspec.asyn import httpx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import requests from huggingface_hub.utils import send_telemetry from markdown_it import MarkdownIt from mdit_py_plugins.dollarmath.index import dollarmath_plugin from mdit_py_plugins.footnote.index import footnote_plugin from pydantic import BaseModel, Json, parse_obj_as import gradio from gradio.context import Context from gradio.strings import en if TYPE_CHECKING: # Only import for type checking (is False at runtime). from gradio.blocks import BlockContext from gradio.components import Component analytics_url = "https://api.gradio.app/" PKG_VERSION_URL = "https://api.gradio.app/pkg-version" JSON_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gradio.__file__), "launches.json") GRADIO_VERSION = ( (pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "version.txt") or b"").decode("ascii").strip() ) T = TypeVar("T") def version_check(): try: version_data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "version.txt") if not version_data: raise FileNotFoundError current_pkg_version = version_data.decode("ascii").strip() latest_pkg_version = requests.get(url=PKG_VERSION_URL, timeout=3).json()[ "version" ] if StrictVersion(latest_pkg_version) > StrictVersion(current_pkg_version): print( "IMPORTANT: You are using gradio version {}, " "however version {} " "is available, please upgrade.".format( current_pkg_version, latest_pkg_version ) ) print("--------") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: warnings.warn("unable to parse version details from package URL.") except KeyError: warnings.warn("package URL does not contain version info.") except: pass def get_local_ip_address() -> str: """Gets the public IP address or returns the string "No internet connection" if unable to obtain it. Does not make a new request if the IP address has already been obtained.""" if Context.ip_address is None: try: ip_address = requests.get( "https://checkip.amazonaws.com/", timeout=3 ).text.strip() except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): ip_address = "No internet connection" Context.ip_address = ip_address else: ip_address = Context.ip_address return ip_address def initiated_analytics(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: data.update({"ip_address": get_local_ip_address()}) def initiated_analytics_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: requests.post( analytics_url + "gradio-initiated-analytics/", data=data, timeout=3 ) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def initiated_telemetry_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: send_telemetry( topic="gradio/initiated", library_name="gradio", library_version=GRADIO_VERSION, user_agent=data, ) except Exception: pass threading.Thread(target=initiated_analytics_thread, args=(data,)).start() threading.Thread(target=initiated_telemetry_thread, args=(data,)).start() def launch_analytics(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: data.update({"ip_address": get_local_ip_address()}) def launch_analytics_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: requests.post( analytics_url + "gradio-launched-analytics/", data=data, timeout=3 ) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network threading.Thread(target=launch_analytics_thread, args=(data,)).start() def launched_telemetry(blocks: gradio.Blocks, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: blocks_telemetry, inputs_telemetry, outputs_telemetry, targets_telemetry = ( [], [], [], [], ) from gradio.blocks import BlockContext for x in list(blocks.blocks.values()): blocks_telemetry.append(x.get_block_name()) if isinstance( x, BlockContext ) else blocks_telemetry.append(str(x)) for x in blocks.dependencies: targets_telemetry = targets_telemetry + [ str(blocks.blocks[y]) for y in x["targets"] ] inputs_telemetry = inputs_telemetry + [ str(blocks.blocks[y]) for y in x["inputs"] ] outputs_telemetry = outputs_telemetry + [ str(blocks.blocks[y]) for y in x["outputs"] ] additional_data = { "is_kaggle": blocks.is_kaggle, "is_sagemaker": blocks.is_sagemaker, "using_auth": blocks.auth is not None, "dev_mode": blocks.dev_mode, "show_api": blocks.show_api, "show_error": blocks.show_error, "theme": blocks.theme, "title": blocks.title, "inputs": blocks.input_components if blocks.mode == "interface" else inputs_telemetry, "outputs": blocks.output_components if blocks.mode == "interface" else outputs_telemetry, "targets": targets_telemetry, "blocks": blocks_telemetry, "events": [str(x["trigger"]) for x in blocks.dependencies], } data.update(additional_data) def launched_telemtry_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: send_telemetry( topic="gradio/launched", library_name="gradio", library_version=GRADIO_VERSION, user_agent=data, ) except Exception as e: print("Error while sending telemetry: {}".format(e)) threading.Thread(target=launched_telemtry_thread, args=(data,)).start() def integration_analytics(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: data.update({"ip_address": get_local_ip_address()}) def integration_analytics_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: requests.post( analytics_url + "gradio-integration-analytics/", data=data, timeout=3 ) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def integration_telemetry_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: send_telemetry( topic="gradio/integration", library_name="gradio", library_version=GRADIO_VERSION, user_agent=data, ) except Exception as e: print("Error while sending telemetry: {}".format(e)) threading.Thread(target=integration_analytics_thread, args=(data,)).start() threading.Thread(target=integration_telemetry_thread, args=(data,)).start() def error_analytics(message: str) -> None: """ Send error analytics if there is network :param ip_address: IP address where error occurred :param message: Details about error """ data = {"ip_address": get_local_ip_address(), "error": message} def error_analytics_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: requests.post( analytics_url + "gradio-error-analytics/", data=data, timeout=3 ) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def error_telemetry_thread(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: try: send_telemetry( topic="gradio/error", library_name="gradio", library_version=GRADIO_VERSION, user_agent=message, ) except Exception as e: print("Error while sending telemetry: {}".format(e)) threading.Thread(target=error_analytics_thread, args=(data,)).start() threading.Thread(target=error_telemetry_thread, args=(data,)).start() async def log_feature_analytics(feature: str) -> None: data = {"ip_address": get_local_ip_address(), "feature": feature} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.post( analytics_url + "gradio-feature-analytics/", data=data ): pass except (aiohttp.ClientError): pass # do not push analytics if no network def colab_check() -> bool: """ Check if interface is launching from Google Colab :return is_colab (bool): True or False """ is_colab = False try: # Check if running interactively using ipython. from IPython import get_ipython from_ipynb = get_ipython() if "google.colab" in str(from_ipynb): is_colab = True except (ImportError, NameError): pass return is_colab def kaggle_check() -> bool: return bool( os.environ.get("KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE") or os.environ.get("GFOOTBALL_DATA_DIR") ) def sagemaker_check() -> bool: try: import boto3 # type: ignore client = boto3.client("sts") response = client.get_caller_identity() return "sagemaker" in response["Arn"].lower() except: return False def ipython_check() -> bool: """ Check if interface is launching from iPython (not colab) :return is_ipython (bool): True or False """ is_ipython = False try: # Check if running interactively using ipython. from IPython import get_ipython if get_ipython() is not None: is_ipython = True except (ImportError, NameError): pass return is_ipython def readme_to_html(article: str) -> str: try: response = requests.get(article, timeout=3) if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok: # pylint: disable=no-member article = response.text except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass return article def show_tip(interface: gradio.Blocks) -> None: if interface.show_tips and random.random() < 1.5: tip: str = random.choice(en["TIPS"]) print(f"Tip: {tip}") def launch_counter() -> None: try: if not os.path.exists(JSON_PATH): launches = {"launches": 1} with open(JSON_PATH, "w+") as j: json.dump(launches, j) else: with open(JSON_PATH) as j: launches = json.load(j) launches["launches"] += 1 if launches["launches"] in [25, 50, 150, 500, 1000]: print(en["BETA_INVITE"]) with open(JSON_PATH, "w") as j: j.write(json.dumps(launches)) except: pass def get_default_args(func: Callable) -> List[Any]: signature = inspect.signature(func) return [ v.default if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty else None for v in signature.parameters.values() ] def assert_configs_are_equivalent_besides_ids( config1: Dict, config2: Dict, root_keys: Tuple = ("mode",) ): """Allows you to test if two different Blocks configs produce the same demo. Parameters: config1 (dict): nested dict with config from the first Blocks instance config2 (dict): nested dict with config from the second Blocks instance root_keys (Tuple): an interable consisting of which keys to test for equivalence at the root level of the config. By default, only "mode" is tested, so keys like "version" are ignored. """ config1 = copy.deepcopy(config1) config2 = copy.deepcopy(config2) for key in root_keys: assert config1[key] == config2[key], f"Configs have different: {key}" assert len(config1["components"]) == len( config2["components"] ), "# of components are different" def assert_same_components(config1_id, config2_id): c1 = list(filter(lambda c: c["id"] == config1_id, config1["components"]))[0] c2 = list(filter(lambda c: c["id"] == config2_id, config2["components"]))[0] c1 = copy.deepcopy(c1) c1.pop("id") c2 = copy.deepcopy(c2) c2.pop("id") assert c1 == c2, f"{c1} does not match {c2}" def same_children_recursive(children1, chidren2): for child1, child2 in zip(children1, chidren2): assert_same_components(child1["id"], child2["id"]) if "children" in child1 or "children" in child2: same_children_recursive(child1["children"], child2["children"]) children1 = config1["layout"]["children"] children2 = config2["layout"]["children"] same_children_recursive(children1, children2) for d1, d2 in zip(config1["dependencies"], config2["dependencies"]): for t1, t2 in zip(d1.pop("targets"), d2.pop("targets")): assert_same_components(t1, t2) for i1, i2 in zip(d1.pop("inputs"), d2.pop("inputs")): assert_same_components(i1, i2) for o1, o2 in zip(d1.pop("outputs"), d2.pop("outputs")): assert_same_components(o1, o2) assert d1 == d2, f"{d1} does not match {d2}" return True def format_ner_list(input_string: str, ner_groups: List[Dict[str, str | int]]): if len(ner_groups) == 0: return [(input_string, None)] output = [] end = 0 prev_end = 0 for group in ner_groups: entity, start, end = group["entity_group"], group["start"], group["end"] output.append((input_string[prev_end:start], None)) output.append((input_string[start:end], entity)) prev_end = end output.append((input_string[end:], None)) return output def delete_none(_dict: Dict, skip_value: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Delete keys whose values are None from a dictionary """ for key, value in list(_dict.items()): if skip_value and key == "value": continue elif value is None: del _dict[key] return _dict def resolve_singleton(_list: List[Any] | Any) -> Any: if len(_list) == 1: return _list[0] else: return _list def component_or_layout_class(cls_name: str) -> Type[Component] | Type[BlockContext]: """ Returns the component, template, or layout class with the given class name, or raises a ValueError if not found. Parameters: cls_name (str): lower-case string class name of a component Returns: cls: the component class """ import gradio.blocks import gradio.components import gradio.layouts import gradio.templates components = [ (name, cls) for name, cls in gradio.components.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type) ] templates = [ (name, cls) for name, cls in gradio.templates.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type) ] layouts = [ (name, cls) for name, cls in gradio.layouts.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type) ] for name, cls in components + templates + layouts: if name.lower() == cls_name.replace("_", "") and ( issubclass(cls, gradio.components.Component) or issubclass(cls, gradio.blocks.BlockContext) ): return cls raise ValueError(f"No such component or layout: {cls_name}") def synchronize_async(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Runs async functions in sync scopes. Can be used in any scope. See run_coro_in_background for more details. Example: if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(block_fn.fn): predictions = utils.synchronize_async(block_fn.fn, *processed_input) Args: func: *args: **kwargs: """ return fsspec.asyn.sync(fsspec.asyn.get_loop(), func, *args, **kwargs) def run_coro_in_background(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs coroutines in background. Warning, be careful to not use this function in other than FastAPI scope, because the event_loop has not started yet. You can use it in any scope reached by FastAPI app. correct scope examples: endpoints in routes, Blocks.process_api incorrect scope examples: Blocks.launch Use startup_events in routes.py if you need to run a coro in background in Blocks.launch(). Example: utils.run_coro_in_background(fn, *args, **kwargs) Args: func: *args: **kwargs: Returns: """ event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return event_loop.create_task(func(*args, **kwargs)) def async_iteration(iterator): try: return next(iterator) except StopIteration: # raise a ValueError here because co-routines can't raise StopIteration themselves raise StopAsyncIteration() class AsyncRequest: """ The AsyncRequest class is a low-level API that allow you to create asynchronous HTTP requests without a context manager. Compared to making calls by using httpx directly, AsyncRequest offers several advantages: (1) Includes response validation functionality both using validation models and functions. (2) Exceptions are handled silently during the request call, which provides the ability to inspect each one request call individually in the case where there are multiple asynchronous request calls and some of them fail. (3) Provides HTTP request types with AsyncRequest.Method Enum class for ease of usage AsyncRequest also offers some util functions such as has_exception, is_valid and status to inspect get detailed information about executed request call. The basic usage of AsyncRequest is as follows: create a AsyncRequest object with inputs(method, url etc.). Then use it with the "await" statement, and then you can use util functions to do some post request checks depending on your use-case. Finally, call the get_validated_data function to get the response data. You can see example usages in test_utils.py. """ ResponseJson = NewType("ResponseJson", Json) client = httpx.AsyncClient() class Method(str, Enum): """ Method is an enumeration class that contains possible types of HTTP request methods. """ ANY = "*" CONNECT = "CONNECT" HEAD = "HEAD" GET = "GET" DELETE = "DELETE" OPTIONS = "OPTIONS" PATCH = "PATCH" POST = "POST" PUT = "PUT" TRACE = "TRACE" def __init__( self, method: Method, url: str, *, validation_model: Type[BaseModel] | None = None, validation_function: Union[Callable, None] = None, exception_type: Type[Exception] = Exception, raise_for_status: bool = False, client: httpx.AsyncClient | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the Request instance. Args: method(Request.Method) : method of the request url(str): url of the request * validation_model(Type[BaseModel]): a pydantic validation class type to use in validation of the response validation_function(Callable): a callable instance to use in validation of the response exception_class(Type[Exception]): a exception type to throw with its type raise_for_status(bool): a flag that determines to raise httpx.Request.raise_for_status() exceptions. """ self._exception: Union[Exception, None] = None self._status = None self._raise_for_status = raise_for_status self._validation_model = validation_model self._validation_function = validation_function self._exception_type = exception_type self._validated_data = None # Create request self._request = self._create_request(method, url, **kwargs) self.client_ = client or self.client def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, Any, "AsyncRequest"]: """ Wrap Request's __await__ magic function to create request calls which are executed in one line. """ return self.__run().__await__() async def __run(self) -> AsyncRequest: """ Manage the request call lifecycle. Execute the request by sending it through the client, then check its status. Then parse the request into Json format. And then validate it using the provided validation methods. If a problem occurs in this sequential process, an exception will be raised within the corresponding method, and allowed to be examined. Manage the request call lifecycle. Returns: Request """ try: # Send the request and get the response. self._response: httpx.Response = await self.client_.send(self._request) # Raise for _status self._status = self._response.status_code if self._raise_for_status: self._response.raise_for_status() # Parse client response data to JSON self._json_response_data = self._response.json() # Validate response data self._validated_data = self._validate_response_data( self._json_response_data ) except Exception as exception: # If there is an exception, store it to do further inspections. self._exception = self._exception_type(exception) return self @staticmethod def _create_request(method: Method, url: str, **kwargs) -> httpx.Request: """ Create a request. This is a httpx request wrapper function. Args: method(Request.Method): request method type url(str): target url of the request **kwargs Returns: Request """ request = httpx.Request(method, url, **kwargs) return request def _validate_response_data( self, response: ResponseJson ) -> Union[BaseModel, ResponseJson | None]: """ Validate response using given validation methods. If there is a validation method and response is not valid, validation functions will raise an exception for them. Args: response(ResponseJson): response object Returns: ResponseJson: Validated Json object. """ # We use raw response as a default value if there is no validation method or response is not valid. validated_response = response try: # If a validation model is provided, validate response using the validation model. if self._validation_model: validated_response = self._validate_response_by_model(response) # Then, If a validation function is provided, validate response using the validation function. if self._validation_function: validated_response = self._validate_response_by_validation_function( response ) except Exception as exception: # If one of the validation methods does not confirm, raised exception will be silently handled. # We assign this exception to classes instance to do further inspections via is_valid function. self._exception = exception return validated_response def _validate_response_by_model(self, response: ResponseJson) -> BaseModel: """ Validate response json using the validation model. Args: response(ResponseJson): response object Returns: ResponseJson: Validated Json object. """ validated_data = BaseModel() if self._validation_model: validated_data = parse_obj_as(self._validation_model, response) return validated_data def _validate_response_by_validation_function( self, response: ResponseJson ) -> ResponseJson | None: """ Validate response json using the validation function. Args: response(ResponseJson): response object Returns: ResponseJson: Validated Json object. """ validated_data = None if self._validation_function: validated_data = self._validation_function(response) return validated_data def is_valid(self, raise_exceptions: bool = False) -> bool: """ Check response object's validity+. Raise exceptions if raise_exceptions flag is True. Args: raise_exceptions(bool) : a flag to raise exceptions in this check Returns: bool: validity of the data """ if self.has_exception and self._exception: if raise_exceptions: raise self._exception return False else: # If there is no exception, that means there is no validation error. return True def get_validated_data(self): return self._validated_data @property def json(self): return self._json_response_data @property def exception(self): return self._exception @property def has_exception(self): return self.exception is not None @property def raise_exceptions(self): if self.has_exception and self._exception: raise self._exception @property def status(self): return self._status @contextmanager def set_directory(path: Path | str): """Context manager that sets the working directory to the given path.""" origin = Path().absolute() try: os.chdir(path) yield finally: os.chdir(origin) def strip_invalid_filename_characters(filename: str, max_bytes: int = 200) -> str: """Strips invalid characters from a filename and ensures that the file_length is less than `max_bytes` bytes.""" filename = "".join([char for char in filename if char.isalnum() or char in "._- "]) filename_len = len(filename.encode()) if filename_len > max_bytes: while filename_len > max_bytes: if len(filename) == 0: break filename = filename[:-1] filename_len = len(filename.encode()) return filename def sanitize_value_for_csv(value: str | Number) -> str | Number: """ Sanitizes a value that is being written to a CSV file to prevent CSV injection attacks. Reference: https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/CSV_Injection """ if isinstance(value, Number): return value unsafe_prefixes = ["=", "+", "-", "@", "\t", "\n"] unsafe_sequences = [",=", ",+", ",-", ",@", ",\t", ",\n"] if any(value.startswith(prefix) for prefix in unsafe_prefixes) or any( sequence in value for sequence in unsafe_sequences ): value = "'" + value return value def sanitize_list_for_csv(values: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: """ Sanitizes a list of values (or a list of list of values) that is being written to a CSV file to prevent CSV injection attacks. """ sanitized_values = [] for value in values: if isinstance(value, list): sanitized_value = [sanitize_value_for_csv(v) for v in value] sanitized_values.append(sanitized_value) else: sanitized_value = sanitize_value_for_csv(value) sanitized_values.append(sanitized_value) return sanitized_values def append_unique_suffix(name: str, list_of_names: List[str]): """Appends a numerical suffix to `name` so that it does not appear in `list_of_names`.""" set_of_names: set[str] = set(list_of_names) # for O(1) lookup if name not in set_of_names: return name else: suffix_counter = 1 new_name = name + f"_{suffix_counter}" while new_name in set_of_names: suffix_counter += 1 new_name = name + f"_{suffix_counter}" return new_name def validate_url(possible_url: str) -> bool: headers = {"User-Agent": "gradio (https://gradio.app/; team@gradio.app)"} try: head_request = requests.head(possible_url, headers=headers) if head_request.status_code == 405: return requests.get(possible_url, headers=headers).ok return head_request.ok except Exception: return False def is_update(val): return isinstance(val, dict) and "update" in val.get("__type__", "") def get_continuous_fn(fn: Callable, every: float) -> Callable: def continuous_fn(*args): while True: output = fn(*args) yield output time.sleep(every) return continuous_fn async def cancel_tasks(task_ids: set[str]): if sys.version_info < (3, 8): return None matching_tasks = [ task for task in asyncio.all_tasks() if task.get_name() in task_ids ] for task in matching_tasks: task.cancel() await asyncio.gather(*matching_tasks, return_exceptions=True) def set_task_name(task, session_hash: str, fn_index: int, batch: bool): if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and not ( batch ): # You shouldn't be able to cancel a task if it's part of a batch task.set_name(f"{session_hash}_{fn_index}") def get_cancel_function( dependencies: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Tuple[Callable, List[int]]: fn_to_comp = {} for dep in dependencies: if Context.root_block: fn_index = next( i for i, d in enumerate(Context.root_block.dependencies) if d == dep ) fn_to_comp[fn_index] = [ Context.root_block.blocks[o] for o in dep["outputs"] ] async def cancel(session_hash: str) -> None: task_ids = set([f"{session_hash}_{fn}" for fn in fn_to_comp]) await cancel_tasks(task_ids) return ( cancel, list(fn_to_comp.keys()), ) def check_function_inputs_match(fn: Callable, inputs: List, inputs_as_dict: bool): """ Checks if the input component set matches the function Returns: None if valid, a string error message if mismatch """ def is_special_typed_parameter(name): from gradio.helpers import EventData from gradio.routes import Request """Checks if parameter has a type hint designating it as a gr.Request or gr.EventData""" is_request = parameter_types.get(name, "") == Request # use int in the fall-back as that will always be false is_event_data = issubclass(parameter_types.get(name, int), EventData) return is_request or is_event_data signature = inspect.signature(fn) parameter_types = typing.get_type_hints(fn) if inspect.isfunction(fn) else {} min_args = 0 max_args = 0 infinity = -1 for name, param in signature.parameters.items(): has_default = param.default != param.empty if param.kind in [param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]: if not is_special_typed_parameter(name): if not has_default: min_args += 1 max_args += 1 elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: max_args = infinity elif param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY: if not has_default: return f"Keyword-only args must have default values for function {fn}" arg_count = 1 if inputs_as_dict else len(inputs) if min_args == max_args and max_args != arg_count: warnings.warn( f"Expected {max_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}." ) if arg_count < min_args: warnings.warn( f"Expected at least {min_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}." ) if max_args != infinity and arg_count > max_args: warnings.warn( f"Expected maximum {max_args} arguments for function {fn}, received {arg_count}." ) class TupleNoPrint(tuple): # To remove printing function return in notebook def __repr__(self): return "" def __str__(self): return "" def tex2svg(formula, *args): FONTSIZE = 20 DPI = 300 plt.rc("mathtext", fontset="cm") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(0.01, 0.01)) fig.text(0, 0, r"${}$".format(formula), fontsize=FONTSIZE) output = BytesIO() fig.savefig( output, dpi=DPI, transparent=True, format="svg", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.0, ) plt.close(fig) output.seek(0) xml_code = output.read().decode("utf-8") svg_start = xml_code.index(".*<\/metadata>", "", svg_code, flags=re.DOTALL) svg_code = re.sub(r' width="[^"]+"', "", svg_code) height_match = re.search(r'height="([\d.]+)pt"', svg_code) if height_match: height = float(height_match.group(1)) new_height = height / FONTSIZE # conversion from pt to em svg_code = re.sub(r'height="[\d.]+pt"', f'height="{new_height}em"', svg_code) copy_code = f"{formula}" return f"{copy_code}{svg_code}" def abspath(path: str | Path) -> Path: """Returns absolute path of a str or Path path, but does not resolve symlinks.""" if Path(path).is_symlink(): return Path.cwd() / path else: return Path(path).resolve() def get_markdown_parser() -> MarkdownIt: md = ( MarkdownIt( "js-default", { "linkify": True, "typographer": True, "html": True, "breaks": True, }, ) .use(dollarmath_plugin, renderer=tex2svg, allow_digits=False) .use(footnote_plugin) .enable("table") ) # Add target="_blank" to all links. Taken from MarkdownIt docs: https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py/blob/master/docs/architecture.md def render_blank_link(self, tokens, idx, options, env): tokens[idx].attrSet("target", "_blank") return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env) md.add_render_rule("link_open", render_blank_link) return md