from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import copy import sys import time from asyncio import TimeoutError as AsyncTimeOutError from collections import deque from typing import Any, Deque, Dict, List, Tuple import fastapi import httpx from gradio.data_classes import Estimation, PredictBody, Progress, ProgressUnit from gradio.helpers import TrackedIterable from gradio.utils import AsyncRequest, run_coro_in_background, set_task_name class Event: def __init__( self, websocket: fastapi.WebSocket, session_hash: str, fn_index: int, ): self.websocket = websocket self.session_hash: str = session_hash self.fn_index: int = fn_index self._id = f"{self.session_hash}_{self.fn_index}" PredictBody | None = None self.lost_connection_time: float | None = None self.token: str | None = None self.progress: Progress | None = None self.progress_pending: bool = False async def disconnect(self, code: int = 1000): await self.websocket.close(code=code) class Queue: def __init__( self, live_updates: bool, concurrency_count: int, update_intervals: float, max_size: int | None, blocks_dependencies: List, ): self.event_queue: Deque[Event] = deque() self.events_pending_reconnection = [] self.stopped = False self.max_thread_count = concurrency_count self.update_intervals = update_intervals self.active_jobs: List[None | List[Event]] = [None] * concurrency_count self.delete_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.server_path = None self.duration_history_total = 0 self.duration_history_count = 0 self.avg_process_time = 0 self.avg_concurrent_process_time = None self.queue_duration = 1 self.live_updates = live_updates self.sleep_when_free = 0.05 self.progress_update_sleep_when_free = 0.1 self.max_size = max_size self.blocks_dependencies = blocks_dependencies self.access_token = "" self.queue_client = None async def start(self, progress_tracking=False): # So that the client is attached to the running event loop self.queue_client = httpx.AsyncClient() run_coro_in_background(self.start_processing) if progress_tracking: run_coro_in_background(self.start_progress_tracking) if not self.live_updates: run_coro_in_background(self.notify_clients) def close(self): self.stopped = True def resume(self): self.stopped = False def set_url(self, url: str): self.server_path = url def set_access_token(self, token: str): self.access_token = token def get_active_worker_count(self) -> int: count = 0 for worker in self.active_jobs: if worker is not None: count += 1 return count def get_events_in_batch(self) -> Tuple[List[Event] | None, bool]: if not (self.event_queue): return None, False first_event = self.event_queue.popleft() events = [first_event] event_fn_index = first_event.fn_index batch = self.blocks_dependencies[event_fn_index]["batch"] if batch: batch_size = self.blocks_dependencies[event_fn_index]["max_batch_size"] rest_of_batch = [ event for event in self.event_queue if event.fn_index == event_fn_index ][: batch_size - 1] events.extend(rest_of_batch) [self.event_queue.remove(event) for event in rest_of_batch] return events, batch async def start_processing(self) -> None: while not self.stopped: if not self.event_queue: await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_when_free) continue if not (None in self.active_jobs): await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_when_free) continue # Using mutex to avoid editing a list in use async with self.delete_lock: events, batch = self.get_events_in_batch() if events: self.active_jobs[self.active_jobs.index(None)] = events task = run_coro_in_background(self.process_events, events, batch) run_coro_in_background(self.broadcast_live_estimations) set_task_name(task, events[0].session_hash, events[0].fn_index, batch) async def start_progress_tracking(self) -> None: while not self.stopped: if not any(self.active_jobs): await asyncio.sleep(self.progress_update_sleep_when_free) continue for job in self.active_jobs: if job is None: continue for event in job: if event.progress_pending and event.progress: event.progress_pending = False client_awake = await self.send_message( event, event.progress.dict() ) if not client_awake: await self.clean_event(event) await asyncio.sleep(self.progress_update_sleep_when_free) def set_progress( self, event_id: str, iterables: List[TrackedIterable] | None, ): if iterables is None: return for job in self.active_jobs: if job is None: continue for evt in job: if evt._id == event_id: progress_data: List[ProgressUnit] = [] for iterable in iterables: progress_unit = ProgressUnit( index=iterable.index, length=iterable.length, unit=iterable.unit, progress=iterable.progress, desc=iterable.desc, ) progress_data.append(progress_unit) evt.progress = Progress(progress_data=progress_data) evt.progress_pending = True def push(self, event: Event) -> int | None: """ Add event to queue, or return None if Queue is full Parameters: event: Event to add to Queue Returns: rank of submitted Event """ queue_len = len(self.event_queue) if self.max_size is not None and queue_len >= self.max_size: return None self.event_queue.append(event) return queue_len async def clean_event(self, event: Event) -> None: if event in self.event_queue: async with self.delete_lock: self.event_queue.remove(event) async def broadcast_live_estimations(self) -> None: """ Runs 2 functions sequentially instead of concurrently. Otherwise dced clients are tried to get deleted twice. """ if self.live_updates: await self.broadcast_estimations() async def gather_event_data(self, event: Event, receive_timeout=60) -> bool: """ Gather data for the event Parameters: event: """ if not client_awake = await self.send_message(event, {"msg": "send_data"}) if not client_awake: return False data, client_awake = await self.get_message(event, timeout=receive_timeout) if not client_awake: # In the event, we timeout due to large data size # Let the client know, otherwise will hang await self.send_message( event, { "msg": "process_completed", "output": {"error": "Time out uploading data to server"}, "success": False, }, ) return False = data return True async def notify_clients(self) -> None: """ Notify clients about events statuses in the queue periodically. """ while not self.stopped: await asyncio.sleep(self.update_intervals) if self.event_queue: await self.broadcast_estimations() async def broadcast_estimations(self) -> None: estimation = self.get_estimation() # Send all messages concurrently await asyncio.gather( *[ self.send_estimation(event, estimation, rank) for rank, event in enumerate(self.event_queue) ] ) async def send_estimation( self, event: Event, estimation: Estimation, rank: int ) -> Estimation: """ Send estimation about ETA to the client. Parameters: event: estimation: rank: """ estimation.rank = rank if self.avg_concurrent_process_time is not None: estimation.rank_eta = ( estimation.rank * self.avg_concurrent_process_time + self.avg_process_time ) if None not in self.active_jobs: # Add estimated amount of time for a thread to get empty estimation.rank_eta += self.avg_concurrent_process_time client_awake = await self.send_message(event, estimation.dict()) if not client_awake: await self.clean_event(event) return estimation def update_estimation(self, duration: float) -> None: """ Update estimation by last x element's average duration. Parameters: duration: """ self.duration_history_total += duration self.duration_history_count += 1 self.avg_process_time = ( self.duration_history_total / self.duration_history_count ) self.avg_concurrent_process_time = self.avg_process_time / min( self.max_thread_count, self.duration_history_count ) self.queue_duration = self.avg_concurrent_process_time * len(self.event_queue) def get_estimation(self) -> Estimation: return Estimation( queue_size=len(self.event_queue), avg_event_process_time=self.avg_process_time, avg_event_concurrent_process_time=self.avg_concurrent_process_time, queue_eta=self.queue_duration, ) def get_request_params(self, websocket: fastapi.WebSocket) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "url": str(websocket.url), "headers": dict(websocket.headers), "query_params": dict(websocket.query_params), "path_params": dict(websocket.path_params), "client": dict(, port=websocket.client.port), # type: ignore } async def call_prediction(self, events: List[Event], batch: bool): data = events[0].data assert data is not None, "No event data" token = events[0].token data.event_id = events[0]._id if not batch else None try: data.request = self.get_request_params(events[0].websocket) except ValueError: pass if batch: = list(zip(*[ for event in events if])) data.request = [ self.get_request_params(event.websocket) for event in events if ] data.batched = True response = await AsyncRequest( method=AsyncRequest.Method.POST, url=f"{self.server_path}api/predict", json=dict(data), headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.access_token}"}, cookies={"access-token": token} if token is not None else None, client=self.queue_client, ) return response async def process_events(self, events: List[Event], batch: bool) -> None: awake_events: List[Event] = [] try: for event in events: client_awake = await self.gather_event_data(event) if client_awake: client_awake = await self.send_message( event, {"msg": "process_starts"} ) if client_awake: awake_events.append(event) if not awake_events: return begin_time = time.time() response = await self.call_prediction(awake_events, batch) if response.has_exception: for event in awake_events: await self.send_message( event, { "msg": "process_completed", "output": {"error": str(response.exception)}, "success": False, }, ) elif response.json.get("is_generating", False): old_response = response while response.json.get("is_generating", False): # Python 3.7 doesn't have named tasks. # In order to determine if a task was cancelled, we # ping the websocket to see if it was closed mid-iteration. if sys.version_info < (3, 8): is_alive = await self.send_message(event, {"msg": "alive?"}) if not is_alive: return old_response = response open_ws = [] for event in awake_events: open = await self.send_message( event, { "msg": "process_generating", "output": old_response.json, "success": old_response.status == 200, }, ) open_ws.append(open) awake_events = [ e for e, is_open in zip(awake_events, open_ws) if is_open ] if not awake_events: return response = await self.call_prediction(awake_events, batch) for event in awake_events: if response.status != 200: relevant_response = response else: relevant_response = old_response await self.send_message( event, { "msg": "process_completed", "output": relevant_response.json, "success": relevant_response.status == 200, }, ) else: output = copy.deepcopy(response.json) for e, event in enumerate(awake_events): if batch and "data" in output: output["data"] = list(zip(*response.json.get("data")))[e] await self.send_message( event, { "msg": "process_completed", "output": output, "success": response.status == 200, }, ) end_time = time.time() if response.status == 200: self.update_estimation(end_time - begin_time) finally: for event in awake_events: try: await event.disconnect() except Exception: pass self.active_jobs[self.active_jobs.index(events)] = None for event in awake_events: await self.clean_event(event) # Always reset the state of the iterator # If the job finished successfully, this has no effect # If the job is cancelled, this will enable future runs # to start "from scratch" await self.reset_iterators(event.session_hash, event.fn_index) async def send_message(self, event, data: Dict, timeout: float | int = 1) -> bool: try: await asyncio.wait_for( event.websocket.send_json(data=data), timeout=timeout ) return True except: await self.clean_event(event) return False async def get_message(self, event, timeout=5) -> Tuple[PredictBody | None, bool]: try: data = await asyncio.wait_for( event.websocket.receive_json(), timeout=timeout ) return PredictBody(**data), True except AsyncTimeOutError: await self.clean_event(event) return None, False async def reset_iterators(self, session_hash: str, fn_index: int): await AsyncRequest( method=AsyncRequest.Method.POST, url=f"{self.server_path}reset", json={ "session_hash": session_hash, "fn_index": fn_index, }, client=self.queue_client, )