import os import torch from IPython.display import Image from torchvision.utils import save_image import torchvision from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, Normalize, Compose from torchvision.datasets import MNIST from import DataLoader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch.nn as nn import cv2 import os from IPython.display import FileLink %matplotlib inline mnist = MNIST(root='data', train=True, download=True, transform=Compose([ToTensor(), Normalize(mean=(0.5,), std=(0.5,))])) img, label = mnist[0] print('Label: ', label) print(img[:,10:15,10:15]) torch.min(img), torch.max(img) def denorm(x): out = (x + 1) / 2 return out.clamp(0, 1) img_norm = denorm(img) plt.imshow(img_norm[0], cmap='gray') print('Label:', label) batch_size = 100 data_loader = DataLoader(mnist, batch_size, shuffle=True) for img_batch, label_batch in data_loader: print('first batch') print(img_batch.shape) plt.imshow(img_batch[0][0], cmap='gray') print(label_batch) break # Device configuration device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') image_size = 784 hidden_size = 256 D = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(image_size, hidden_size), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1), nn.Sigmoid()); latent_size = 64 G = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(latent_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden_size, image_size), nn.Tanh()) y = G(torch.randn(2, latent_size)) gen_imgs = denorm(y.reshape((-1, 28,28)).detach()) plt.imshow(gen_imgs[0], cmap='gray'); plt.imshow(gen_imgs[1], cmap='gray');; criterion = nn.BCELoss() d_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(D.parameters(), lr=0.0002) def reset_grad(): d_optimizer.zero_grad() g_optimizer.zero_grad() def train_discriminator(images): # Create the labels which are later used as input for the BCE loss real_labels = torch.ones(batch_size, 1).to(device) fake_labels = torch.zeros(batch_size, 1).to(device) # Loss for real images outputs = D(images) d_loss_real = criterion(outputs, real_labels) real_score = outputs # Loss for fake images z = torch.randn(batch_size, latent_size).to(device) fake_images = G(z) outputs = D(fake_images) d_loss_fake = criterion(outputs, fake_labels) fake_score = outputs # Combine losses d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake # Reset gradients reset_grad() # Compute gradients d_loss.backward() # Adjust the parameters using backprop d_optimizer.step() return d_loss, real_score, fake_score g_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(G.parameters(), lr=0.0002) def train_generator(): # Generate fake images and calculate loss z = torch.randn(batch_size, latent_size).to(device) fake_images = G(z) labels = torch.ones(batch_size, 1).to(device) g_loss = criterion(D(fake_images), labels) # Backprop and optimize reset_grad() g_loss.backward() g_optimizer.step() return g_loss, fake_images sample_dir = 'samples' if not os.path.exists(sample_dir): os.makedirs(sample_dir) # Save some real images for images, _ in data_loader: images = images.reshape(images.size(0), 1, 28, 28) save_image(denorm(images), os.path.join(sample_dir, 'real_images.png'), nrow=10) break Image(os.path.join(sample_dir, 'real_images.png')) sample_vectors = torch.randn(batch_size, latent_size).to(device) def save_fake_images(index): fake_images = G(sample_vectors) fake_images = fake_images.reshape(fake_images.size(0), 1, 28, 28) fake_fname = 'fake_images-{0:0=4d}.png'.format(index) print('Saving', fake_fname) save_image(denorm(fake_images), os.path.join(sample_dir, fake_fname), nrow=10) # Before training save_fake_images(0) Image(os.path.join(sample_dir, 'fake_images-0000.png')) %%time num_epochs = 300 total_step = len(data_loader) d_losses, g_losses, real_scores, fake_scores = [], [], [], [] for epoch in range(num_epochs): for i, (images, _) in enumerate(data_loader): # Load a batch & transform to vectors images = images.reshape(batch_size, -1).to(device) # Train the discriminator and generator d_loss, real_score, fake_score = train_discriminator(images) g_loss, fake_images = train_generator() # Inspect the losses if (i+1) % 200 == 0: d_losses.append(d_loss.item()) g_losses.append(g_loss.item()) real_scores.append(real_score.mean().item()) fake_scores.append(fake_score.mean().item()) print('Epoch [{}/{}], Step [{}/{}], d_loss: {:.4f}, g_loss: {:.4f}, D(x): {:.2f}, D(G(z)): {:.2f}' .format(epoch, num_epochs, i+1, total_step, d_loss.item(), g_loss.item(), real_score.mean().item(), fake_score.mean().item())) # Sample and save images save_fake_images(epoch+1) # Save the model checkpoints, 'G.ckpt'), 'D.ckpt') Image('./samples/fake_images-0010.png') Image('./samples/fake_images-0050.png') Image('./samples/fake_images-0100.png') Image('./samples/fake_images-0300.png') vid_fname = 'gans_training.avi' files = [os.path.join(sample_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(sample_dir) if 'fake_images' in f] files.sort() out = cv2.VideoWriter(vid_fname,cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V'), 8, (302,302)) [out.write(cv2.imread(fname)) for fname in files] out.release() FileLink('gans_training.avi') plt.plot(d_losses, '-') plt.plot(g_losses, '-') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.legend(['Discriminator', 'Generator']) plt.title('Losses'); plt.plot(real_scores, '-') plt.plot(fake_scores, '-') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('score') plt.legend(['Real Score', 'Fake score']) plt.title('Scores');