@echo off setlocal REM Check if tensorboard_venv exists in the root directory if not exist "%~dp0\tensorboard_venv\" ( REM Print the step to the terminal echo Installing virtualenv... REM Install virtualenv %~dp0\runtime\python -m pip install virtualenv REM Print the step to the terminal echo Creating a virtual environment named tensorboard_venv... REM Create a virtual environment named tensorboard_venv in the root directory %~dp0\runtime\python -m virtualenv %~dp0\tensorboard_venv REM Print the step to the terminal echo Activating the virtual environment... REM Activate the virtual environment call %~dp0\tensorboard_venv\Scripts\activate REM Print the step to the terminal echo Installing TensorBoard into the virtual environment... REM Install TensorBoard into the virtual environment pip install tensorboard REM Downgrade problematic packages echo Downgrading packages for troubleshooting... pip install markdown==3.0 pip install tensorboard==2.1.0 pip install protobuf==3.11.0 pip install numpy==1.19.5 ) else ( REM Print the step to the terminal echo tensorboard_venv already exists, skipping creation and activation... REM Activate the existing virtual environment call %~dp0\tensorboard_venv\Scripts\activate ) REM Print the step to the terminal echo Launching TensorBoard... REM Launch TensorBoard tensorboard --logdir="%~dp0\logs" REM Print the step to the terminal echo Keeping the command prompt open... pause endlocal