import gradio as gr from SysPrompt import sysPrompt from index_query import get_docs from ChatResponse import get_completion_from_messages, template from SendWA import sendWA from List_Sharepoint import upload_list_sharepoint import uuid import json conversation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) print(conversation_id) def res(prompt, historial): # Preparar historial #historial=json.loads(historial) if historial==[]: historial=sysPrompt historial.append({'role':'user', 'content':prompt}) # Respuesta context=get_docs(prompt) historial.append({'role':'system', 'content':template(context)}) try: respuesta = get_completion_from_messages(historial) historial.pop() # delete the context prompt historial.append({'role':'assistant', 'content': respuesta}) except Exception as e: respuesta=str(e) return respuesta, historial def respond(message, chat_history, history): response = res(message, history) bot_message = response[0] chat_history.append((message, bot_message)) upload_list_sharepoint(conversation_id, "Anonymous", message, bot_message) # Check if the conversation is over if "Hasta la vista" in message: # replace with your actual condition # Get the assistant's last message last_message = response[1][-1]['content'] # assuming the last message is from the assistant # Pass the JSON output to the extract_info function info = extract_info(last_message) # Use the extracted info WA(info) return "", chat_history, response[1] def WA(history): sendWA("491771675218",history) return "✅ Validado" def extract_info(json_response): # Initialize the information to None info = { 'nombre_del_usuario': None, 'numero_de_telefono_del_usuario': None, 'direccion_del_usuario': None, 'forma_de_pago': None, 'pedido': None } # Parse the JSON response data = json.loads(json_response) # Process each message in the conversation for message in conversation: # Extract the information from the message info_type, info_value = message.split(': ') if info_type in info: info[info_type] = info_value # Check if all the information has been extracted if all(value is not None for value in info.values()): WA(info) return info else: return None css = """.gradio-container-3-47-1 button {font-size: 75%;} .message.svelte-1pjfiar.svelte-1pjfiar.svelte-1pjfiar {padding: 5px;} """ botImg='' with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Default(text_size="sm"),css=css) as demo: chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=150,avatar_images=(None,botImg), bubble_full_width=False) #just to fit the notebook with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): msg = gr.Textbox(show_label=False) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("➤") btn.size="sm" clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot], value="🔄") clear.size="sm" with gr.Row(): upload=gr.UploadButton("Cargar comprobante 📁", file_types=["image"]) upload.size="sm" pedido=gr.Button("Validar pedido") pedido.size="sm" with gr.Row(): humano = gr.Button("Asesor humano 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️",link='') humano.size="sm" history=gr.JSON(value="[]",visible=False) #history_button = gr.Button("Show history"), inputs=[msg, chatbot,history], outputs=[msg, chatbot,history]) msg.submit(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot,history], outputs=[msg, chatbot,history]) #Press enter to submit, inputs=history,outputs=pedido) None, None, chatbot, queue=False) #history_box = gr.Textbox(), inputs=chatbot, outputs=history_box) gr.close_all() demo.launch()