# Decoder-only model (Base) with 134307072 parameters. from __gin__ import dynamic_registration import seqio from t5x import adafactor from t5x import decoding from t5x import models from t5x.examples.decoder_only import network # ------------------- Loss HParam ---------------------------------------------- Z_LOSS = 0.0001 LABEL_SMOOTHING = 0.0 # NOTE: When fine-tuning the public T5 checkpoints (trained in T5 MeshTF) # the loss normalizing factor should be set to pretraining batch_size * # target_token_length. LOSS_NORMALIZING_FACTOR = None # Dropout should be specified in the "run" files DROPOUT_RATE = %gin.REQUIRED # Vocabulary (shared by encoder and decoder) VOCABULARY = @seqio.SentencePieceVocabulary() seqio.SentencePieceVocabulary.sentencepiece_model_file = "gs://t5-data/vocabs/cc_all.32000.100extra/sentencepiece.model" # ------------------- Optimizer ------------------------------------------------ # `learning_rate` is set by `Trainer.learning_rate_fn`. OPTIMIZER = @adafactor.Adafactor() adafactor.Adafactor: decay_rate = 0.8 step_offset = 0 logical_factor_rules = @adafactor.standard_logical_factor_rules() # ------------------- Model ---------------------------------------------------- MODEL = @models.DecoderOnlyModel() models.DecoderOnlyModel: module = @network.DecoderWrapper() vocabulary = %VOCABULARY optimizer_def = %OPTIMIZER decode_fn = @decoding.temperature_sample z_loss = %Z_LOSS label_smoothing = %LABEL_SMOOTHING loss_normalizing_factor = %LOSS_NORMALIZING_FACTOR decoding.temperature_sample: temperature = 1.0 topk = 40 # ------------------- Network specification ------------------------------------ network.DecoderWrapper.config = @network.TransformerConfig() network.TransformerConfig: vocab_size = 32128 # vocab size rounded to a multiple of 128 for TPU efficiency dtype = 'bfloat16' emb_dim = 768 num_heads = 12 num_layers = 12 head_dim = 64 mlp_dim = 2048 mlp_activations = ('gelu', 'linear') dropout_rate = %DROPOUT_RATE logits_via_embedding = True