import os os.system("python3 -m pip install -e .") import gradio as gr import note_seq from inferencemodel import InferenceModel from utils import upload_audio SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 SF2_PATH = "SGM-v2.01-Sal-Guit-Bass-V1.3.sf2" # Start inference model inference_model = InferenceModel("/home/user/app/checkpoints/mt3/", "mt3") current_model = "mt3" def change_model(model): global current_model if model == current_model: return global inference_model inference_model = InferenceModel("/home/user/app/checkpoints/mt3/", model) current_model = model def inference(audio): with open(audio, "rb") as fd: contents = audio = upload_audio(contents,sample_rate=16000) est_ns = inference_model(audio) note_seq.sequence_proto_to_midi_file(est_ns, "./transcribed.mid") return "./transcribed.mid" title = "Transcribe music from YouTube videos using Transformers." description = """" Gradio demo for Music Transcription with Transformers Read more in the links below. """ article = "

MT3: Multi-Task Multitrack Music Transcription | Github Repo

" # Create a block object demo = gr.Blocks() # Use your Block object as a context with demo: gr.Markdown("

" + title + "

") gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("

Select your model

") gr.Markdown(""" The ismir2021 model transcribes piano only, with note velocities. The mt3 model transcribes multiple simultaneous instruments, but without velocities." """) model = gr.Radio( ["mt3", "ismir2021"], label="What kind of model you want to use?" ) model.change(fn=change_model, inputs=model, outputs=[]) demo.launch() """ gr.Interface( inference, gr.inputs.Audio(type="filepath", label="Input"), [gr.outputs.File(label="Output")], title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=examples, ).launch().queue() """