import tempfile import collections import librosa import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from PIL import Image class AudioIOReadError(BaseException): # pylint:disable=g-bad-exception-name pass def upload_audio(audio, sample_rate): return wav_data_to_samples_librosa(audio, sample_rate=sample_rate) def wav_data_to_samples_librosa(audio_file, sample_rate): """Loads an in-memory audio file with librosa. Use this instead of wav_data_to_samples if the wav is 24-bit, as that's incompatible with wav_data_to_samples internal scipy call. Will copy to a local temp file before loading so that librosa can read a file path. Librosa does not currently read in-memory files. It will be treated as a .wav file. Args: audio_file: Wav file to load. sample_rate: The number of samples per second at which the audio will be returned. Resampling will be performed if necessary. Returns: A numpy array of audio samples, single-channel (mono) and sampled at the specified rate, in float32 format. Raises: AudioIOReadException: If librosa is unable to load the audio data. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav') as wav_input_file: wav_input_file.write(audio_file) # Before copying the file, flush any contents wav_input_file.flush() # And back the file position to top (not need for Copy but for certainty) return load_audio(, sample_rate) def load_audio(audio_filename, sample_rate, duration=10): """Loads an audio file. Args: audio_filename: File path to load. sample_rate: The number of samples per second at which the audio will be returned. Resampling will be performed if necessary. Returns: A numpy array of audio samples, single-channel (mono) and sampled at the specified rate, in float32 format. Raises: AudioIOReadError: If librosa is unable to load the audio data. """ try: y, unused_sr = librosa.load(audio_filename, sr=sample_rate, mono=True, duration=duration) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise AudioIOReadError(e) return y # Generate piano_roll def sequence_to_pandas_dataframe(sequence): pd_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for note in sequence.notes: pd_dict["start_time"].append(note.start_time) pd_dict["end_time"].append(note.end_time) pd_dict["duration"].append(note.end_time - note.start_time) pd_dict["pitch"].append(note.pitch) return pd.DataFrame(pd_dict) def dataframe_to_pianoroll_img(df): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(df.start_time, df.pitch, c="white") for _, row in df.iterrows(): ax.add_patch(Rectangle((row["start_time"], row["pitch"]-0.4), row["duration"], 0.4, color="black")) plt.xlabel('time (sec.)', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('pitch (MIDI)', fontsize=16) return fig def fig2img(fig): """Convert a Matplotlib figure to a PIL Image and return it""" import io buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format="png") img = return img def create_image_from_note_sequence(sequence): df_sequence = sequence_to_pandas_dataframe(sequence) fig = dataframe_to_pianoroll_img(df_sequence) img = fig2img(fig) return img