import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import xgboost as xgb import pickle import os import pandas as pd # EDA def check_dates(df, end_date): """ Checks that the dataframe is in correct order """ months_31 = {"01", "03", "05", "07", "08", "10", "12"} months_30 = {"04", "06", "09", "11"} months_28 = {"02"} for idx, row in df.iterrows(): if(row["month_str"] == end_date): continue if(row["month_str"][5:7] in months_31): if (row["interval"] != np.timedelta64(31, "D")): return False if(row["month_str"][5:7] in months_30): if (row["interval"] != np.timedelta64(30, "D")): return False if(row["month_str"][5:7] in months_28): if (row["interval"] != np.timedelta64(28, "D") and int(row["month_str"][:4]) % 4 != 0): return False # Leap Year if (row["interval"] != np.timedelta64(29, "D") and int(row["month_str"][:4]) % 4 == 0): return False return True # EDA def plot_cohort(df, cohort_first_month, product): """ Plots the specified cohort given product and the date of the cohort """ df_ = get_sequence(df, cohort_first_month, product) x = np.array([x for x in range(df_.shape[0])]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() plt.plot(x, df_["percentage"]) plt.grid() ax.set_xlim([0, df_.shape[0]]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.set_xlabel("Months") ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ttle = f"{cohort_first_month} | {product}" ax.set_title(ttle) ########################################################################################## # train def plot_feature_importance(model, feature_names): """ Plots the importance of the features of a XGB model """ importances = model.feature_importances_ indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] names = [feature_names[i] for i in indices] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.title("Feature Importance"), importances[indices]) plt.xticks(range(len(importances)), names, rotation=90) ########################################################################################## # evaluate def get_sequence(df, cohort_first_month, product): """ Gets the dataframe of a sequence given the product and the date of the cohort """ df_ = df[df["cohort_first_month"] == cohort_first_month] df_ = df_[df_["cohort_first_product"] == product] return df_ # evaluate def plot_true_and_predicted(y_true, y_pred, cohort, product): """ Plots the true and predicted time-series given a cohort and a product Every step is of the predicted is given the true t-1 datapoint. Its does not create an entire sequence from predictions. """ x = np.array([x for x in range(y_true.shape[0])]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() plt.plot(x, y_true, label="Y True") plt.plot(x, y_pred, label="Y Pred") plt.grid() ax.set_xlim([0, y_true.shape[0]]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.set_xlabel("Months") ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ttle = f"{cohort} | {product}" ax.set_title(ttle) ax.legend() # evaluate def get_product_one_hot_encode(product): """ Gets a one hot encoded dataframe of the possible products for a row """ products = {"1m":0,"3m":0,"4m":0} columns = ["product_1m", "product_3m", "product_4m"] products[product] = 1 df = pd.DataFrame([products]) df = df.rename(columns = {"1m": columns[0], "3m": columns[1], "4m": columns[2]}) # print(df) return df # evaluate def get_month_one_hot_encode(month): """ Gets a one hot encoded dataframe of the months """ months = [0 for x in range(12)] columns = [f"month_{x}" for x in range(1,13)] months[month-1] = 1 df = pd.DataFrame([months], columns=columns) # print(df) return df # evaluate def generate_new_data(df, date, cohort, product, model, columns_to_drop, n_points): """ This function generates data for a cohort of a product, from a specified date. It will use the predicion model, to generate the n consequent time steps of a cohort. The datapoints will be generated given the previously generated datapoints, in an iterative fashion """ df_ = df[df["cohort_first_month"] == cohort] df_ = df_[df_["cohort_first_product"] == product] df_ = df_[df_["month"] == date] current_month = int(date[5:7]) current_msa = df_["months_since_acquisition"].values[0] df_ = df_.drop(columns=columns_to_drop) columns = df_.columns product_ohe = get_product_one_hot_encode(product) datapoint = df_.copy() counter = 0 while(counter < n_points): prediction = model.predict(datapoint) # print(prediction) current_month = (current_month%12)+1 month_ohe = get_month_one_hot_encode(current_month) current_msa += 1 new_row = pd.DataFrame([current_msa], columns=[columns[0]]) new_row[columns[1]] = prediction[0] new_row = new_row.join(product_ohe) new_row = new_row.join(month_ohe) df_ = pd.concat([df_,new_row], ignore_index=True) datapoint = new_row.copy() counter +=1 return df_ # evaluate def plot_example_from_case(historical, predicted, x_lim, product): """ With the generated data, it plots the historical true data, and in a dotted line the data that was predicted by the model for the subsequent datapoints. """ x_historical = np.array([x for x in range(historical.shape[0])]) x_predicted= np.array([x + historical.shape[0]-1 for x in range(predicted.shape[0])]) y_historical = historical["percentage"] y_predicted = predicted["percentage"] cohort_date = historical.iloc[0]["cohort_first_month"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() plt.plot(x_historical, y_historical, label="historical", color="blue", linestyle="-") plt.plot(x_predicted, y_predicted, label="predicted", color="blue", linestyle="--") plt.grid() ax.set_xlim([0, x_lim]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.set_xlabel("Months") ax.set_ylabel("Percentage") ttle = f" Cohort {cohort_date} | Product {product}" ax.set_title(ttle) ax.legend() return fig