# This is an overlay that spins up stable-diffusion-webui for integration testing # This is not designed to be used in production services: stable-diffusion-webui: # Not built for ARM64 platform: linux/amd64 image: ghcr.io/neggles/sd-webui-docker:latest restart: unless-stopped environment: CLI_ARGS: "--api --use-cpu all --precision full --no-half --skip-torch-cuda-test --ckpt /empty.pt --do-not-download-clip --disable-nan-check --disable-opt-split-attention" PYTHONUNBUFFERED: "1" TERM: "vt100" SD_WEBUI_VARIANT: "default" # Hack to get container working on Apple Silicon # Rosetta creates a conflict ${HOME}/.cache folder entrypoint: /bin/bash command: - -c - | export HOME=/root-home rm -rf $${HOME}/.cache /docker/entrypoint.sh python -u webui.py --listen --port $${WEBUI_PORT} --skip-version-check $${CLI_ARGS} volumes: - ./test/test_files/image_gen/sd-empty.pt:/empty.pt open-webui: environment: ENABLE_IMAGE_GENERATION: "true" AUTOMATIC1111_BASE_URL: http://stable-diffusion-webui:7860 IMAGE_SIZE: "64x64" IMAGE_STEPS: "3"