# Copyright 2023 by Jan Philip Wahle, https://jpwahle.com/ # All rights reserved. import asyncio import datetime import os from collections import Counter from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from typing import List, Tuple import aiohttp import requests from aclanthology import ( async_match_acl_id_to_s2_paper, extract_author_info, extract_paper_info, extract_venue_info, ) from metrics import calculate_gini, calculate_gini_simpson from pdf import parse_pdf_to_artcile_dict def get_or_create_eventloop(): """ Get the current event loop or create a new one if there is no current event loop in the thread. Returns: The current event loop. """ try: return asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError as ex: if "There is no current event loop in thread" in str(ex): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) return asyncio.get_event_loop() def send_s2_request(request_url): """ Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the S2 API key in the headers. Args: request_url (str): The URL to send the request to. Returns: requests.Response: The response object returned by the request. """ return requests.get( request_url, headers={"x-api-key": os.environ["s2apikey"]}, timeout=10, ) def check_s2_id_type(semantic_scholar_id): """ Check whether a given Semantic Scholar ID is valid for a paper or an author. Args: semantic_scholar_id (str): The Semantic Scholar ID to check. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the type of the ID ("paper" or "author") and the name of the author (if the ID is valid for an author), or "invalid" if the ID is not valid for either a paper or an author. """ # First, check if it's a paper ID paper_response = requests.get( f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/paper/{semantic_scholar_id}", timeout=5, ) # If the response status code is 200, it means the ID is valid for a paper if paper_response.status_code == 200: return "paper", None # Next, check if it's an author ID author_response = requests.get( f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/v1/author/{semantic_scholar_id}", timeout=5, ) # If the response status code is 200, it means the ID is valid for an author return ( "author", author_response.json()["name"] if author_response.status_code == 200 else "invalid", ) def get_papers_from_author(ssid_author_id): """Retrieves all papers for a given author Args: ssid_author_id (str): semantic scholar id Returns: list: a list of all papers for the given author """ # Create request URL for an author request_url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/graph/v1/author/{ssid_author_id}?fields=papers" r = send_s2_request(request_url) if r.status_code == 200: papers = r.json().get("papers", []) return [paper["paperId"] for paper in papers] return [] def compute_stats_for_references(s2_ref_paper_keys, year): """ Computes various statistics for a list of reference paper keys. Args: s2_ref_paper_keys (list): A list of Semantic Scholar paper keys for the references. year (int): The year of the paper. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following statistics: - num_references (int): The number of references. - fields_of_study_counts (dict): A dictionary containing the count of each field of study. - year_to_title_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping the year of each reference to its title. - cfdi (float): The CFDI (Cumulative Field Diversity Index) of the references. - cadi (float): The CADI (Cumulative Age Diversity Index) of the references. - output_maoc (float): The MAOC (Mean Age of Citation) of the references. If there are no valid references, returns a tuple of None values. """ # Go over the references of the paper reference_year_list = [] reference_title_list = [] reference_fos_list = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: request_url_refs = [ f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/graph/v1/paper/{ref_paper_key}?fields=title,year,s2FieldsOfStudy" for ref_paper_key in s2_ref_paper_keys ] futures = [ executor.submit(send_s2_request, request_url_ref) for request_url_ref in request_url_refs ] for future in as_completed(futures): r_ref = future.result() if r_ref.status_code == 200: result_ref = r_ref.json() (title_ref, year_ref, fields_ref) = ( result_ref["title"], result_ref["year"], result_ref["s2FieldsOfStudy"], ) reference_year_list.append(year_ref) reference_title_list.append(title_ref) reference_fos_list.extend( field["category"] for field in fields_ref if field["source"] == "s2-fos-model" ) else: print( f"Error retrieving reference {r_ref.status_code} for" f" paper {s2_ref_paper_keys}" ) # Remove all None from reference_year_list and reference_title_list reference_year_list = [ year_ref for year_ref in reference_year_list if year_ref is not None ] reference_title_list = [ title_ref for title_ref in reference_title_list if title_ref is not None ] # Count references num_references = len(reference_year_list) # Flatten list and count occurrences fields_of_study_counts = dict( Counter( [ field for field in reference_fos_list if "Computer Science" not in field ] ) ) # Citation age list aoc_list = [ year - year_ref for year_ref in reference_year_list if year_ref and year ] if not aoc_list: return None, None, None, None, None, None # Compute citation age output_maoc = sum(aoc_list) / len(aoc_list) cadi = calculate_gini(aoc_list) # Create a dictionary of year to title year_to_title_dict = dict(zip(reference_year_list, reference_title_list)) # Compute CFDI cfdi = calculate_gini_simpson(fields_of_study_counts) # Return the results return ( num_references, fields_of_study_counts, year_to_title_dict, cfdi, cadi, output_maoc, ) def compute_stats_for_s2_paper(ssid_paper_id): """ Computes statistics for a given paper ID using the Semantic Scholar API. Args: ssid_paper_id (str): The Semantic Scholar ID of the paper to compute statistics for. Returns: Tuple containing the following statistics: - title_authors (str): The title and authors of the paper. - num_references (int): The number of references in the paper. - fields_of_study_counts (dict): A dictionary containing the count of each field of study in the paper's references. - year_to_title_dict (dict): A dictionary mapping the year of each reference to its title. - cfdi (float): The CFDI (Cumulative Field Diversity Index) of the paper's references. - cadi (float): The CADI (Citation Age Diversity Index) of the paper's references. - output_maoc (float): The MAOC (Mean Age of Citation) of the paper's references. """ # Get the paper and its references request_url = f"https://api.semanticscholar.org/graph/v1/paper/{ssid_paper_id}?fields=references,title,year,authors" r = send_s2_request(request_url) if r.status_code == 200: # if successful request result = r.json() if not result.get("references") or result.get("references") == []: return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None s2_ref_paper_keys = [ reference_paper_tuple["paperId"] for reference_paper_tuple in r.json()["references"] ] filtered_s2_ref_paper_keys = [ s2_ref_paper_key for s2_ref_paper_key in s2_ref_paper_keys if s2_ref_paper_key is not None ] title, year, authors = ( result["title"], result["year"], result["authors"], ) title_authors = ( title + "\n" + ", ".join([author["name"] for author in authors]) ) ( num_references, fields_of_study_counts, year_to_title_dict, cfdi, cadi, output_maoc, ) = compute_stats_for_references(filtered_s2_ref_paper_keys, year) # Return the results return ( title_authors, num_references, fields_of_study_counts, year_to_title_dict, cfdi, cadi, output_maoc, ) def compute_stats_for_s2_author(ssid_author_id, author_name): """ Computes statistics for an author based on their papers in the Semantic Scholar database. Args: ssid_author_id (str): The Semantic Scholar author ID. author_name (str): The name of the author. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing statistics for the author, or None if no papers were found. """ if papers := get_papers_from_author(ssid_author_id): return compute_stats_for_multiple_s2_papers(papers, author_name) return None def compute_stats_for_acl_paper(url): """ Computes statistics for a paper based on its ACL Anthology URL. Args: url (str): The URL of the paper on the ACL Anthology website. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing statistics for the paper, or None if the paper was not found. """ if paper_info := extract_paper_info(url): loop = get_or_create_eventloop() # Match paper ID to Semantic Scholar ID s2_paper = loop.run_until_complete( async_match_acl_id_to_s2_paper(paper_info["acl_id"]) ) return compute_stats_for_s2_paper(s2_paper["paperId"]) return None def compute_stats_for_acl_author(url): """ Computes statistics for an author's papers in the ACL anthology. Args: url (str): The URL of the author's page on the ACL anthology website. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing statistics for the author's papers, including the number of papers, the number of citations, and the h-index. Returns None if the author's page cannot be accessed or no papers are found. """ if paper_info := extract_author_info(url): loop = get_or_create_eventloop() tasks = [ async_match_acl_id_to_s2_paper(paper["url"].split("/")[-2]) for paper in paper_info["papers"] ] papers = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) return compute_stats_for_multiple_s2_papers( [paper["paperId"] for paper in papers if "paperId" in paper], paper_info["author"], ) return None def compute_stats_for_acl_venue(url): """ Computes statistics for papers in a given ACL venue. Args: url (str): The URL of the ACL venue. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing statistics for the papers in the venue. """ if paper_info := extract_venue_info(url): loop = get_or_create_eventloop() tasks = [ async_match_acl_id_to_s2_paper(paper["url"].split("/")[-2]) for paper in paper_info["papers"] ] papers = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) return compute_stats_for_multiple_s2_papers( [paper["paperId"] for paper in papers if "paperId" in paper], paper_info["venue"], ) return None def compute_stats_for_multiple_s2_papers( papers: List[dict], title: str ) -> Tuple[str, int, dict, dict, float, float, float]: """ Computes statistics for multiple S2 papers. Args: papers (List[dict]): A list of S2 papers. title (str): The title of the papers. Returns: A tuple containing the following statistics: - title (str): The title of the papers. - num_references (int): The total number of references in all papers. - top_fields (dict): A dictionary containing the top fields and their counts. - oldest_paper_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the oldest paper for each year. - cfdi (float): The average CFDI score for all papers. - cadi (float): The average CADI score for all papers. - output_maoc (float): The average output MAOC score for all papers. """ num_references = 0 top_fields = {} oldest_paper_dict = {} cfdi = 0 cadi = 0 output_maoc = 0 def process_paper(paper): return compute_stats_for_s2_paper(paper) with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: results_list = list(executor.map(process_paper, papers)) for results in results_list: if not results or results[0] is None: continue num_references += results[1] for field, count in results[2].items(): top_fields[field] = top_fields.get(field, 0) + count for year, ref_title in results[3].items(): oldest_paper_dict[year] = ref_title cfdi += results[4] cadi += results[5] output_maoc += results[6] return ( title, num_references, top_fields, oldest_paper_dict, cfdi / len(papers), cadi / len(papers), output_maoc / len(papers), ) async def send_s2_async_request(url): """ Sends an asynchronous request to the specified URL and returns the response as a JSON object. Args: url (str): The URL to send the request to. Returns: dict: The response from the URL as a JSON object. """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: return await response.json() async def match_title_to_s2_paper(title, authors=None): """ Matches a given paper title (and authors) to Semantic Scholar to retrieve its S2 paper ID. Args: title (str): The title of the paper. authors (List[str], optional): List of authors of the paper. Defaults to None. Returns: str or None: Returns the S2 paper ID if found, otherwise None. """ # Send a request to the Semantic Scholar API to search for the paper by its title search_url = ( f"http://api.semanticscholar.org/graph/v1/paper/search?query={title}" ) # Send request response = await send_s2_async_request(search_url) results = response.get("data", []) if len(results) > 0: result = results[0] # Ranked by relevance return result.get("paperId") async def compute_stats_for_pdf(pdf_file): """ Computes statistics for a given PDF file. Args: pdf_file (file): The PDF file to compute statistics for. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the title of the article and the computed statistics. """ s2_paper_ids = [] article_dict = parse_pdf_to_artcile_dict(pdf_file.name) references = article_dict["references"] # Get S2 paper IDs asynchronously tasks = [ match_title_to_s2_paper(reference["title"], reference["authors"]) for reference in references if reference["title"] ] s2_paper_ids = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Remove all None values from s2paperids s2_paper_ids = [s2_id for s2_id in s2_paper_ids if s2_id is not None] # Compute the current year today = datetime.date.today() year = int(today.strftime("%Y")) results = compute_stats_for_references(s2_paper_ids, year) results = (article_dict["title"],) + results return results