from pydantic import BaseModel from loguru import logger class KnowledgeDomain(BaseModel): """ KnowledgeDomain Class Design: This class acts as a base for knowledge domain classes. It's not intended to be instantiated directly, but should be extended by other classes that provide a specific implementation for the generate_response method. This adheres to the Open/Closed Principle (OCP) and Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) by providing a base class that can be extended without modification. Intended Implementation: Classes that extend KnowledgeDomain should provide an implementation for the generate_response method. The generate_response method should take a question string as input and return a response string. The specifics of how the response is generated will depend on the requirements of the subclass. """ def generate_response(self, question: str) -> str:"Generating response for question: {}", question) pass