from modules.base.chain import IChain from modules.settings.user_settings import UserSettings from typing import Dict , Any, Callable import os class RouterChain(IChain): """ RouterChain Class Design: The RouterChain class extends the IChain interface and provides an implementation for the run method. It also introduces a new method, add_chain, for adding destination chains. The class adheres to the Open/Closed Principle (OCP) as it can be extended without modifying its behavior. Intended Implementation: The RouterChain class serves as a router that selects the appropriate DestinationChain based on the input. The selection logic should be implemented in the run method. The add_chain method allows new DestinationChain instances to be added to the RouterChain. """ template : str destination_chains: Dict[int, IChain] display: Callable = print question: str usage: str llm: Any api_key: str def add_chain(self, domain: str, chain: IChain) -> None: self.destination_chains[domain] = chain def run(self, input: str) -> str: # Implement the logic to select the appropriate DestinationChain pass