def transform_dict(list_dic): '''Takes a list of dictionaries and converts the values inside the 'label' key into a new key and assigns the values of the 'score' key into the new values of the new dictionary. returns: dictionary''' new_dicts = {} for original_dict in list_dic: key = original_dict['label'] value = original_dict['score'] new_dicts[key] = value return new_dicts def calculate_average(list_of_dicts): '''Calculates the average value across all keys from a list of dictionaries''' sum_dict = {} count_dict = {} # Step 1 and 2 for dictionary in list_of_dicts: for key, value in dictionary.items(): if key in sum_dict: sum_dict[key] += value count_dict[key] += 1 else: sum_dict[key] = value count_dict[key] = 1 average_dict = {} # Step 5 for key in sum_dict: average_dict[key] = sum_dict[key] / count_dict[key] return average_dict