# This code is based on the following example: # https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#a-minimal-bot import os import discord from discord import app_commands from discord.ext import commands from threading import Thread import json from horde import HordeAPI import inspect from async_eval import eval # 创建一个字典,将规则类型映射到相应的条件检查函数 check_functions = { "equals": lambda content, message: message.content == content, "contains": lambda content, message: content in message.content, "startswith": lambda content, message: message.content.startswith(content), "endswith": lambda content, message: message.content.endswith(content) } # 定义bot和tree intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='>', intents=intents) tree = bot.tree # 读取json with open("discord.json", "r") as f: json_data = json.load(f) COMMAND_NAME_PREFIX="discord_bot_call_" # 生成discord command的callback的调用参数 def generate_discord_command_callback_param_str(parameters: list = []) -> str: result=f''' interaction: discord.Interaction{''.join([f", {param['name']}: {param['type']}" for param in parameters])} ''' return result # 生成调用用户自定义的函数的参数 def generate_user_function_param_str(parameters: list = []) -> str: result=f'''{', '.join([f"{param['name']}={param['name']}" for param in parameters])}''' return result # 生成tree add_command def generate_tree_add_command(command: dict = {}) -> str: result=f''' tree.add_command(app_commands.Command( name="{command['name']}", description="{command['description']}", callback={COMMAND_NAME_PREFIX}{command['name']} )) ''' return result # 生成discord command的callback的调用函数 def generate_discord_command_callback_function_str(command: dict = {}) -> str: result=f''' async def {COMMAND_NAME_PREFIX}{command['name']}({generate_discord_command_callback_param_str(command['parameters'])}): await interaction.response.defer() result = await {command['function']}({generate_user_function_param_str(command['parameters'])}) if result is not None: await interaction.followup.send(result) ''' return result for command in json_data["command"]: exec(generate_discord_command_callback_function_str(command)) exec(generate_tree_add_command(command)) async def greet(name: str): return f"Hello, {name}!" async def get_kudos(): async with HordeAPI.getUserDetails() as details: if "kudos" not in details: return f'Error: {details["code"]} {details["reason"]}' return f'The amount of Kudos this user has is {details["kudos"]}' async def generate_status(id: str): async with HordeAPI.generateCheck(id) as details: if "kudos" not in details: return f'Check Error: {details["code"]} {details["reason"]}' if bool(details["is_possible"]) is False: return "This generation is impossible." if bool(details["faulted"]) is True: return "This generation is faulted." if bool(details["done"]) is True: async with HordeAPI.generateStatus(id) as generation_detail: if "generations" not in generation_detail: return f'Status Error: {generation_detail["code"]} {generation_detail["reason"]}' for i in range(len(generation_detail["generations"])): return generation_detail["generations"][i]["img"] if int(details["processing"]) > 0: total = int(details["finished"]) + int(details["processing"]) + int(details["queue_position"]) + int(details["restarted"]) + int(details["waiting"]) return f'Processing image: {details["processing"]}/{total}' return f'Position in queue: {details["queue_position"]}, wait time: {details["wait_time"]}s' @bot.command() async def ping(ctx): await ctx.send('pong') @bot.event async def on_ready(): await tree.sync() await bot.tree.sync() print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(bot)) @bot.event async def on_message(message): if message.author == bot.user: return for rule in json_data["message"]: rule_type = rule["type"] content = rule["content"] # 根据规则类型动态调用对应的判断函数 if check_functions.get(rule_type, lambda c, m: False)(content, message): # 如果规则指定了函数,则调用对应的函数 if "function" in rule: function_name = rule["function"] result = eval(f"await {function_name}()") await message.channel.send(result) # 否则发送预定义的响应消息 elif "response" in rule: await message.channel.send(rule["response"]) # 确保命令系统正常工作 await bot.process_commands(message) async def sendMessageToChannelHelper(data): channel = await bot.fetch_channel(os.environ.get("CHANNEL_ID")) # 创建一个 embed 对象 mTitle = "Empty Title" if "id" in data: mTitle = data["id"] if "log_tag" in data: mTitle = data["log_tag"] mDescription = "Empty Description" if "model" in data: mDescription = data["model"] if "log_message" in data: mDescription = data["log_message"] mColor = 0x00ff00 if ("log_tag" in data or "log_message" in data) and (data["log_level"] == "assert" or data["log_level"] == "error"): mColor = 0xff0000 embed = discord.Embed(title=mTitle, description=mDescription, color=mColor) # 将 fields 数据加入 embed for field in data: if field == "img": embed.set_image(url=data[field]) else: embed.add_field(name=field, value=data[field], inline=True) # 发送 embed 消息 await channel.send(embed=embed) def sendMessageToChannel(data): bot.loop.create_task(sendMessageToChannelHelper(data)) def run(): try: token = os.environ.get("TOKEN") or "" if token == "": raise Exception("Please add your token to the Secrets pane.") bot.run(token) except discord.HTTPException as e: if e.status == 429: print( "The Discord servers denied the connection for making too many requests" ) print( "Get help from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66724687/in-discord-py-how-to-solve-the-error-for-toomanyrequests" ) else: raise e def discord_bot(): print("Running discord_bot") run()