import os import os.path import cloudinary import cloudinary.uploader import cloudinary.api # Import the CloudinaryImage and CloudinaryVideo methods for the simplified syntax used in this guide from cloudinary import CloudinaryImage from cloudinary import CloudinaryVideo from facefusion.filesystem import is_image, is_video cloudinary.config( cloud_name = os.environ.get('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME'), api_key = os.environ.get('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY'), api_secret = os.environ.get('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET'), secure = True ) def is_large_file(file_path : str) -> bool: return os.path.getsize(file_path) > 100*1*1024*1024 def upload_file(file_path : str): file_resource_type = '' if is_image(file_path): file_resource_type = 'image' if is_video(file_path): file_resource_type = 'video' if is_large_file(file_path): return cloudinary.uploader.upload_large(file_path, folder = os.environ.get('CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER'), overwrite = True, resource_type = file_resource_type) else: return cloudinary.uploader.upload(file_path, folder = os.environ.get('CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_FOLDER'), overwrite = True, resource_type = file_resource_type)