import gradio as gr from haystack.nodes import BM25Retriever, FARMReader from haystack.document_stores import ElasticsearchDocumentStore from haystack.pipelines import ExtractiveQAPipeline from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import certifi ca_certs=certifi.where() class Config(): es_host = "" es_user = "elastic" es_password = "siKAHmmk2flwEaKNqQVZwp49" proposals_index = "petrolfo" #reader_model_name_or_path = "deepset/roberta-base-squad2" reader_model_name_or_path = "deepset/xlm-roberta-large-squad2" use_gpu = True class DocumentQueries(ABC): @abstractmethod def search_by_query(self, query : str, retriever_top_k: int, reader_top_k: int, es_index: str): pass class ExtractiveProposalQueries(DocumentQueries): def __init__(self, es_host: str, es_index: str, es_user, es_password, reader_name_or_path: str, use_gpu = False) -> None: reader = FARMReader(model_name_or_path = reader_name_or_path, use_gpu = use_gpu, num_processes=1) self._initialize_pipeline(es_host, es_index, es_user, es_password, reader = reader) def _initialize_pipeline(self, es_host, es_index, es_user, es_password, reader = None): if reader is not None: self.reader = reader self.es_host = es_host self.es_user = es_user self.es_password = es_password self.document_store = ElasticsearchDocumentStore(host = es_host, username=es_user, password=es_password, index = es_index, port = 443, scheme='https', verify_certs=True, ca_certs=ca_certs) self.retriever = BM25Retriever(document_store = self.document_store) self.pipe = ExtractiveQAPipeline(self.reader, self.retriever) def search_by_query(self, query : str, retriever_top_k: int, reader_top_k: int, es_index: str = None) : if es_index is not None: self._initialize_pipeline(self.es_host, es_index, self.es_user, self.es_password) params = {"Retriever": {"top_k": retriever_top_k}, "Reader": {"top_k": reader_top_k}} prediction = query = query, params = params) return prediction["answers"] query = ExtractiveProposalQueries(es_host = Config.es_host, es_index = Config.proposals_index, es_user = Config.es_user, es_password = Config.es_password, reader_name_or_path = Config.reader_model_name_or_path, use_gpu = Config.use_gpu) def update(query): return f"{query}", f"{query}", f"{query}", f"{query}" def search(question): p1_result = query.search_by_query(query = question, retriever_top_k = 5, reader_top_k = 3, es_index = "petro") p2_result = query.search_by_query(query = question, retriever_top_k = 5, reader_top_k = 3, es_index = "rodolfo") return [p1_result[0].answer, p1_result[0].context, p2_result[0].answer, p2_result[0].context] demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown( """ # Ask2Democracy Preguntale a los candidatos """) inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Haz tu pregunta aquĆ­") search_button = gr.Button("Buscar") with gr.Row(): response = gr.Label(value="Petro") context = gr.Label(value="El viejo") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): # resp_1 = gr.Markdown("Respuesta") # context_1 = gr.Markdown("Contexto") resp_1 = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="respuesta") context_1 = gr.Textbox(lines=5, label="contexto") with gr.Column(): resp_2 = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="respuesta") context_2 = gr.Textbox(lines=5, label="contexto"), inputs = inp, outputs=[resp_1, context_1, resp_2, context_2]) demo.launch(debug = True)