# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # Code adapted from https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq # Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in # https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq. An additional grant of patent rights # can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict import logging import os import re import torch import traceback from torch.serialization import default_restore_location def torch_persistent_save(*args, **kwargs): for i in range(3): try: return torch.save(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: if i == 2: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) def convert_state_dict_type(state_dict, ttype=torch.FloatTensor): if isinstance(state_dict, dict): cpu_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): cpu_dict[k] = convert_state_dict_type(v) return cpu_dict elif isinstance(state_dict, list): return [convert_state_dict_type(v) for v in state_dict] elif torch.is_tensor(state_dict): return state_dict.type(ttype) else: return state_dict def save_state(filename, args, model, criterion, optimizer, lr_scheduler, num_updates, optim_history=None, extra_state=None): if optim_history is None: optim_history = [] if extra_state is None: extra_state = {} state_dict = { 'args': args, 'model': convert_state_dict_type(model.state_dict()), 'optimizer_history': optim_history + [ { 'criterion_name': criterion.__class__.__name__, 'optimizer_name': optimizer.__class__.__name__, 'lr_scheduler_state': lr_scheduler.state_dict(), 'num_updates': num_updates, } ], 'last_optimizer_state': convert_state_dict_type(optimizer.state_dict()), 'extra_state': extra_state, } torch_persistent_save(state_dict, filename) def load_model_state(filename, model): if not os.path.exists(filename): return None, [], None state = torch.load(filename, map_location=lambda s, l: default_restore_location(s, 'cpu')) state = _upgrade_state_dict(state) model.upgrade_state_dict(state['model']) # load model parameters try: model.load_state_dict(state['model'], strict=True) except Exception: raise Exception('Cannot load model parameters from checkpoint, ' 'please ensure that the architectures match') return state['extra_state'], state['optimizer_history'], state['last_optimizer_state'] def _upgrade_state_dict(state): """Helper for upgrading old model checkpoints.""" # add optimizer_history if 'optimizer_history' not in state: state['optimizer_history'] = [ { 'criterion_name': 'CrossEntropyCriterion', 'best_loss': state['best_loss'], }, ] state['last_optimizer_state'] = state['optimizer'] del state['optimizer'] del state['best_loss'] # move extra_state into sub-dictionary if 'epoch' in state and 'extra_state' not in state: state['extra_state'] = { 'epoch': state['epoch'], 'batch_offset': state['batch_offset'], 'val_loss': state['val_loss'], } del state['epoch'] del state['batch_offset'] del state['val_loss'] # reduce optimizer history's memory usage (only keep the last state) if 'optimizer' in state['optimizer_history'][-1]: state['last_optimizer_state'] = state['optimizer_history'][-1]['optimizer'] for optim_hist in state['optimizer_history']: del optim_hist['optimizer'] # record the optimizer class name if 'optimizer_name' not in state['optimizer_history'][-1]: state['optimizer_history'][-1]['optimizer_name'] = 'FairseqNAG' # move best_loss into lr_scheduler_state if 'lr_scheduler_state' not in state['optimizer_history'][-1]: state['optimizer_history'][-1]['lr_scheduler_state'] = { 'best': state['optimizer_history'][-1]['best_loss'], } del state['optimizer_history'][-1]['best_loss'] # keep track of number of updates if 'num_updates' not in state['optimizer_history'][-1]: state['optimizer_history'][-1]['num_updates'] = 0 # old model checkpoints may not have separate source/target positions if hasattr(state['args'], 'max_positions') and not hasattr(state['args'], 'max_source_positions'): state['args'].max_source_positions = state['args'].max_positions state['args'].max_target_positions = state['args'].max_positions # use stateful training data iterator if 'train_iterator' not in state['extra_state']: state['extra_state']['train_iterator'] = { 'epoch': state['extra_state']['epoch'], 'iterations_in_epoch': 0, } return state def load_ensemble_for_inference(filenames, task, model_arg_overrides=None): """Load an ensemble of models for inference. model_arg_overrides allows you to pass a dictionary model_arg_overrides -- {'arg_name': arg} -- to override model args that were used during model training """ # load model architectures and weights states = [] for filename in filenames: if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError('Model file not found: {}'.format(filename)) state = torch.load(filename, map_location=lambda s, l: default_restore_location(s, 'cpu')) state = _upgrade_state_dict(state) states.append(state) args = states[0]['args'] if model_arg_overrides is not None: args = _override_model_args(args, model_arg_overrides) # build ensemble ensemble = [] for state in states: model = task.build_model(args) model.upgrade_state_dict(state['model']) model.load_state_dict(state['model'], strict=True) ensemble.append(model) return ensemble, args def _override_model_args(args, model_arg_overrides): # Uses model_arg_overrides {'arg_name': arg} to override model args for arg_name, arg_val in model_arg_overrides.items(): setattr(args, arg_name, arg_val) return args def move_to_cuda(sample): if len(sample) == 0: return {} def _move_to_cuda(maybe_tensor): if torch.is_tensor(maybe_tensor): return maybe_tensor.cuda() elif isinstance(maybe_tensor, dict): return { key: _move_to_cuda(value) for key, value in maybe_tensor.items() } elif isinstance(maybe_tensor, list): return [_move_to_cuda(x) for x in maybe_tensor] else: return maybe_tensor return _move_to_cuda(sample) INCREMENTAL_STATE_INSTANCE_ID = defaultdict(lambda: 0) def _get_full_incremental_state_key(module_instance, key): module_name = module_instance.__class__.__name__ # assign a unique ID to each module instance, so that incremental state is # not shared across module instances if not hasattr(module_instance, '_fairseq_instance_id'): INCREMENTAL_STATE_INSTANCE_ID[module_name] += 1 module_instance._fairseq_instance_id = INCREMENTAL_STATE_INSTANCE_ID[module_name] return '{}.{}.{}'.format(module_name, module_instance._fairseq_instance_id, key) def get_incremental_state(module, incremental_state, key): """Helper for getting incremental state for an nn.Module.""" full_key = _get_full_incremental_state_key(module, key) if incremental_state is None or full_key not in incremental_state: return None return incremental_state[full_key] def set_incremental_state(module, incremental_state, key, value): """Helper for setting incremental state for an nn.Module.""" if incremental_state is not None: full_key = _get_full_incremental_state_key(module, key) incremental_state[full_key] = value def load_align_dict(replace_unk): if replace_unk is None: align_dict = None elif isinstance(replace_unk, str): # Load alignment dictionary for unknown word replacement if it was passed as an argument. align_dict = {} with open(replace_unk, 'r') as f: for line in f: cols = line.split() align_dict[cols[0]] = cols[1] else: # No alignment dictionary provided but we still want to perform unknown word replacement by copying the # original source word. align_dict = {} return align_dict def print_embed_overlap(embed_dict, vocab_dict): embed_keys = set(embed_dict.keys()) vocab_keys = set(vocab_dict.symbols) overlap = len(embed_keys & vocab_keys) print("| Found {}/{} types in embedding file.".format(overlap, len(vocab_dict))) def parse_embedding(embed_path): """Parse embedding text file into a dictionary of word and embedding tensors. The first line can have vocabulary size and dimension. The following lines should contain word and embedding separated by spaces. Example: 2 5 the -0.0230 -0.0264 0.0287 0.0171 0.1403 at -0.0395 -0.1286 0.0275 0.0254 -0.0932 """ embed_dict = {} with open(embed_path) as f_embed: next(f_embed) # skip header for line in f_embed: pieces = line.rstrip().split(" ") embed_dict[pieces[0]] = torch.Tensor([float(weight) for weight in pieces[1:]]) return embed_dict def load_embedding(embed_dict, vocab, embedding): for idx in range(len(vocab)): token = vocab[idx] if token in embed_dict: embedding.weight.data[idx] = embed_dict[token] return embedding def replace_unk(hypo_str, src_str, alignment, align_dict, unk): from fairseq import tokenizer # Tokens are strings here hypo_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_line(hypo_str) # TODO: Very rare cases where the replacement is '' should be handled gracefully src_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize_line(src_str) + [''] for i, ht in enumerate(hypo_tokens): if ht == unk: src_token = src_tokens[alignment[i]] # Either take the corresponding value in the aligned dictionary or just copy the original value. hypo_tokens[i] = align_dict.get(src_token, src_token) return ' '.join(hypo_tokens) def post_process_prediction(hypo_tokens, src_str, alignment, align_dict, tgt_dict, remove_bpe): from fairseq import tokenizer hypo_str = tgt_dict.string(hypo_tokens, remove_bpe) if align_dict is not None: hypo_str = replace_unk(hypo_str, src_str, alignment, align_dict, tgt_dict.unk_string()) if align_dict is not None or remove_bpe is not None: # Convert back to tokens for evaluating with unk replacement or without BPE # Note that the dictionary can be modified inside the method. hypo_tokens = tokenizer.Tokenizer.tokenize(hypo_str, tgt_dict, add_if_not_exist=True) return hypo_tokens, hypo_str, alignment def make_positions(tensor, padding_idx, left_pad): """Replace non-padding symbols with their position numbers. Position numbers begin at padding_idx+1. Padding symbols are ignored, but it is necessary to specify whether padding is added on the left side (left_pad=True) or right side (left_pad=False). """ max_pos = padding_idx + 1 + tensor.size(1) if not hasattr(make_positions, 'range_buf'): make_positions.range_buf = tensor.new() make_positions.range_buf = make_positions.range_buf.type_as(tensor) if make_positions.range_buf.numel() < max_pos: torch.arange(padding_idx + 1, max_pos, out=make_positions.range_buf) mask = tensor.ne(padding_idx) positions = make_positions.range_buf[:tensor.size(1)].expand_as(tensor) if left_pad: positions = positions - mask.size(1) + mask.long().sum(dim=1).unsqueeze(1) return tensor.clone().masked_scatter_(mask, positions[mask]) def strip_pad(tensor, pad): return tensor[tensor.ne(pad)] def buffered_arange(max): if not hasattr(buffered_arange, 'buf'): buffered_arange.buf = torch.LongTensor() if max > buffered_arange.buf.numel(): torch.arange(max, out=buffered_arange.buf) return buffered_arange.buf[:max] def convert_padding_direction(src_tokens, padding_idx, right_to_left=False, left_to_right=False): assert right_to_left ^ left_to_right pad_mask = src_tokens.eq(padding_idx) if not pad_mask.any(): # no padding, return early return src_tokens if left_to_right and not pad_mask[:, 0].any(): # already right padded return src_tokens if right_to_left and not pad_mask[:, -1].any(): # already left padded return src_tokens max_len = src_tokens.size(1) range = buffered_arange(max_len).type_as(src_tokens).expand_as(src_tokens) num_pads = pad_mask.long().sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) if right_to_left: index = torch.remainder(range - num_pads, max_len) else: index = torch.remainder(range + num_pads, max_len) return src_tokens.gather(1, index) def item(tensor): if hasattr(tensor, 'item'): return tensor.item() if hasattr(tensor, '__getitem__'): return tensor[0] return tensor def clip_grad_norm_(tensor, max_norm): grad_norm = item(torch.norm(tensor)) if grad_norm > max_norm > 0: clip_coef = max_norm / (grad_norm + 1e-6) tensor.mul_(clip_coef) return grad_norm def fill_with_neg_inf(t): """FP16-compatible function that fills a tensor with -inf.""" return t.float().fill_(float('-inf')).type_as(t) def checkpoint_paths(path, pattern=r'checkpoint(\d+)\.pt'): """Retrieves all checkpoints found in `path` directory. Checkpoints are identified by matching filename to the specified pattern. If the pattern contains groups, the result will be sorted by the first group in descending order. """ pt_regexp = re.compile(pattern) files = os.listdir(path) entries = [] for i, f in enumerate(files): m = pt_regexp.fullmatch(f) if m is not None: idx = int(m.group(1)) if len(m.groups()) > 0 else i entries.append((idx, m.group(0))) return [os.path.join(path, x[1]) for x in sorted(entries, reverse=True)]