import gradio as gr from import * from os.path import exists import requests model_fn = 'quick_224px' url = '' if not exists(model_fn): print('starting download') with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(model_fn, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) print('done') else: print('file exists') # Load the model (requires dummy itemgetters) def get_x(item):return None def get_y(item):return None sketch_model = load_learner(model_fn) def sketchify(image_path): pred = sketch_model.predict(image_path) np_im = pred[0].permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() return np_im title = "Sketchy Unet Demo" description = """
A resnet34-based unet model trained (briefly) to sketchify faces.
""" article = "Blog post: \n Model training (colab): \n My Twitter (questions and feedback welcome)" iface = gr.Interface(fn=sketchify, inputs=[gr.inputs.Image(label="Input Image", shape=(512, 512), type="filepath")], outputs=[gr.outputs.Image(type="numpy", label="Model Output")], title = title, description = description, article = article ) iface.launch()