library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) library(shinyWidgets) library(shinycssloaders) library(data.table) library(Rnumerai) library(DT) # ============================================================================== # Leaderboard # ============================================================================== # Download latest leaderboard from Numerai and get a list of all models d_lb <- get_leaderboard() ls_model <- sort(d_lb$username) # ============================================================================== # Helper Functions # ============================================================================== # Download raw data download_raw_data <- function(model_name) { # Download data from Numerai d_raw <- round_model_performances(model_name) # Remove rows without CORR d_raw <- d_raw[!$corr), ] # Add the model name d_raw$model <- model_name # Return return(d_raw) } # Reformat reformat_data <- function(d_raw) { # Keep some columns only col_keep <- c("model", "corr", "corrPercentile", "corrWMetamodel", "fncV3", "fncV3Percentile", "payout", "roundPayoutFactor", "roundNumber", "roundResolved", "selectedStakeValue", "tc", "tcPercentile") d_munged <-[, col_keep]) # Reformat percentile d_munged[, corrPercentile := round(corrPercentile * 100, 6)] d_munged[, fncV3Percentile := round(fncV3Percentile * 100, 6)] d_munged[, tcPercentile := round(tcPercentile * 100, 6)] # Reorder columns setcolorder(d_munged, c("model", "roundNumber", "roundResolved", "selectedStakeValue", "corr", "corrPercentile", "fncV3", "fncV3Percentile", "tc", "tcPercentile", "corrWMetamodel", "roundPayoutFactor", "payout")) # Rename columns colnames(d_munged) <- c("model", "round", "resolved", "stake", "corr", "corr_pct", "fncv3", "fncv3_pct", "tc", "tc_pct", "corr_meta", "pay_ftr", "payout") # Return return(d_munged) } # ============================================================================== # UI # ============================================================================== ui <- shinydashboardPlus::dashboardPage( title = "Shiny Numerati", skin = "black-light", options = list(sidebarExpandOnHover = TRUE), header = shinydashboardPlus::dashboardHeader( title = "✨ Shiny Numerati", userOutput("user") ), sidebar = shinydashboardPlus::dashboardSidebar( id = "sidebar", sidebarMenu( menuItem(text = "Start Here", tabName = "start", icon = icon("play")), menuItem(text = "Performance", tabName = "performance", icon = icon("line-chart")), menuItem(text = "Payout", tabName = "payout", icon = icon("credit-card")), menuItem(text = "About", tabName = "about", icon = icon("question-circle")) ), minified = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE ), body = dashboardBody( tabItems( # ======================================================================== tabItem(tabName = "start", fluidPage( markdown("# **Shiny Numerati**"), markdown("### Community Dashboard for the Numerai Classic Tournament"), br(), fluidRow( column(6, markdown("## **Step 1 - Select Your Models**"), markdown("### First, click this ⬇"), pickerInput(inputId = "model", label = " ", choices = ls_model, multiple = TRUE, width = "100%", options = list( `title` = "---------->>> HERE <<<----------", `header` = "Notes: 1) Use the search box below to find and select your models. 2) Use 'Select All' for quick selection.", size = 20, `actions-box` = TRUE, `live-search` = TRUE, `live-search-placeholder` = "For example, try lgbm_v4 or integration_test", `virtual-scroll` = TRUE, `multiple-separator` = ", ", `selected-text-format`= "count > 3", `count-selected-text` = "{0} models selected (out of {1})", `deselect-all-text` = "Deselect All", `select-all-text` = "Select All" ) ) ), column(6, markdown("## **Step 2 - Download Data**"), markdown("### Next, click this ⬇ (it may take a while)"), br(), actionBttn(inputId = "button_download", label = "Download Data from Numerai", color = "primary", icon = icon("cloud-download"), style = "gradient", block = TRUE ) ) ), br(), h3(strong(textOutput(outputId = "text_download"))), verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "print_download"), br(), h3(strong(textOutput(outputId = "text_preview"))), shinycssloaders::withSpinner(DTOutput("dt_model")), br(), h3(strong(textOutput(outputId = "text_next"))) ) ), # ======================================================================== tabItem(tabName = "performance", fluidPage( markdown("![image](") ) ), tabItem(tabName = "payout", fluidPage( markdown("![image](") ) ), # ======================================================================== tabItem(tabName = "about", markdown("## **About this App**"), markdown('#### Yet another Numerai community dashboard by Jo-fai Chow.'), br(), markdown("## **Acknowledgement**"), markdown("#### This hobby project was inspired by Rajiv's shiny-kmeans on 🤗 Spaces."), br(), markdown("## **Changelog**"), markdown( " - #### **0.1.0** — First prototype with an interactive table output "), br(), markdown("## **Session Info**"), verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "session_info") ) # ======================================================================== ) # end of tabItems ), footer = shinydashboardPlus::dashboardFooter( left = "Powered by ❤️, ☕, Shiny, and 🤗 Spaces", right = paste0("Version 0.1.0")) ) # ============================================================================== # Server # ============================================================================== server <- function(input, output) { # About Joe output$user <- renderUser({ dashboardUser( name = "JC", image = "", subtitle = "@matlabulous", footer = p('"THE NMR LIFE CHOSE ME."', class = 'text-center') ) }) # ============================================================================ # Reactive --> Download Model Data # ============================================================================ react_download <- eventReactive(input$button_download, {sort(input$model)}) output$print_download <- renderPrint({react_download()}) output$text_download <- renderText({ if (length(react_download()) >= 1) "Your Selection:" else " " }) output$text_preview <- renderText({ if (length(react_download()) >= 1) "Data Preview:" else " " }) output$text_next <- renderText({ if (length(react_download()) >= 1) "⬅ [Coming Soon] Performance and Payout Charts 📈📊🔥" else " " }) react_d_model <- eventReactive( input$button_download, { # Download dataframes one by one (may parallelise this in the future) d_raw <- c() for (item in input$model) d_raw <- rbind(d_raw, download_raw_data(item)) # Data munging d_munged <- reformat_data(d_raw) # Return final result d_munged } ) output$dt_model <- DT::renderDT({ DT::datatable( # Data react_d_model(), # Other Options rownames = FALSE, extensions = "Buttons", options = list( dom = 'Bflrtip', # buttons = list('csv', 'excel', 'copy', 'print'), # order = list(list(0, 'asc'), list(1, 'asc')), pageLength = 5, lengthMenu = c(5, 10, 20, 100, 500, 1000, 50000), columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))) ) |> # Reformat individual columns formatRound(columns = c("corr", "tc", "fncv3", "corr_meta", "pay_ftr"), digits = 4) |> formatRound(columns = c("corr_pct", "tc_pct", "fncv3_pct"), digits = 1) |> formatRound(columns = c("stake", "payout"), digits = 2) |> formatStyle(columns = c("model"), fontWeight = "bold") |> formatStyle(columns = c("stake"), fontWeight = "bold", color = styleInterval(cuts = -1e-15, values = c("#D24141", "#2196F3"))) |> formatStyle(columns = c("corr", "fncv3"), color = styleInterval(cuts = -1e-15, values = c("#D24141", "black"))) |> formatStyle(columns = c("tc"), color = styleInterval(cuts = -1e-15, values = c("#D24141", "#A278DC"))) |> formatStyle(columns = c("corr_pct", "tc_pct", "fncv3_pct"), color = styleInterval(cuts = c(1, 5, 15, 85, 95, 99), values = c("#692020", "#9A2F2F", "#D24141", "#D1D1D1", # light grey "#00A800", "#007000", "#003700"))) |> formatStyle(columns = c("payout"), fontWeight = "bold", color = styleInterval(cuts = c(-1e-15, 1e-15), values = c("#D24141", "#D1D1D1", "#00A800"))) }) # ============================================================================ # Session Info # ============================================================================ output$session_info <- renderPrint({ sessionInfo() }) } # ============================================================================== # App # ============================================================================== shinyApp(ui, server)