import os import pdb import pickle as pkl from import Dataset, DataLoader # from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R from models.joints_to_smplx import joints_to_smpl, JointsToSMPLX from utils import * from constants import * from datasets.trumans import TrumansDataset from models.synhsi import Unet # from hydra import compose, initialize import yaml ACT_TYPE = ['scene', 'grasp', 'artic', 'none'] def convert_trajectory(trajectory): trajectory_new = [[t['x'], t['y'], t['z']] for t in trajectory] trajectory_new = np.array(trajectory_new) return trajectory_new def get_base_speed(cfg, trajectory, is_zup=True): trajectory_layer = trajectory if is_zup: trajectory_layer = zup_to_yup(trajectory_layer) trajectory2D = trajectory_layer[:, [0, 2]] distance = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(trajectory2D[1:] - trajectory2D[:-1], axis=1)) speed = trajectory_layer.shape[0] // distance print('Base Speed:', speed, flush=True) return speed def get_guidance(cfg, trajectory, samplers, act_type='none', speed=35): trajectory_layer = trajectory # trajectory_layer = zup_to_yup(trajectory_layer) print(trajectory_layer.shape) if cfg.action_type != 'pure_inter': #TODO midpoints = trajectory_layer[[0] * cfg.len_pre + list(range(0, len(trajectory_layer), speed)) + [-1] * (cfg.len_act + (1 if cfg.stay_and_act else 0))] # midpoints[0, 0] = 1.4164 # midpoints[0, 2] = 2.2544 # midpoints = trajectory_layer[[0] * cfg.len_pre + [25, 50] + [50] + [70, 90]] else: midpoints = trajectory_layer[[0] * cfg.len_pre + [0] + [0] * (cfg.len_act + 1 if cfg.stay_and_act else 0)] midpoints = torch.tensor(midpoints).float().to(cfg.device) max_step = midpoints.shape[0] - 1 mat_init = cfg.batch_size * [np.eye(4)] mat_init = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(mat_init, axis=0)).float().to(cfg.device) print(midpoints) mat_init[:, 0, 3] = midpoints[0, 0] mat_init[:, 2, 3] = midpoints[0, 2] dx = midpoints[cfg.len_pre + 1, 0] - midpoints[0, 0] dz = midpoints[cfg.len_pre + 1, 2] - midpoints[0, 2] print(-np.arctan2(dx.item(), dz.item()), dx, dz) mat_rot_y = R.from_rotvec(np.array([0, np.arctan2(dx.item(), dz.item()), 0])).as_matrix() # mat_rot_y = R.from_rotvec(np.array([0, np.arctan2(-1, -2), 0])).as_matrix() mat_init[:, :3, :3] = torch.from_numpy(mat_rot_y).float().to(cfg.device) # goal_list = torch.zeros((max_step, cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal_list = [] action_label_list = [] # action_label_list = torch.zeros((max_step, cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) sampler_list = [] if act_type == 'none': for s in range(max_step): goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 1, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = midpoints[s + 1] goal_list.append(goal) if cfg.dataset.nb_actions > 0: action_label = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) action_label_list.append(action_label) else: action_label_list.append(None) sampler_list.append(samplers['body']) elif act_type == 'write': midpoints = torch.from_numpy(trajectory_layer[::4]).float().to(cfg.device) for s in range(midpoints.shape[0] // 16): goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 16, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = midpoints[s * 16: (s + 1) * 16] goal_list.append(goal) if cfg.dataset.nb_actions > 0: action_label = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) action_label_list.append(action_label) else: action_label_list.append(None) sampler_list.append(samplers['hand']) elif act_type == 'scene': for s in range(max_step): goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 1, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = midpoints[s + 1] goal_list.append(goal) sampler_list.append(samplers['body']) action_label = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) if s > max_step - cfg.len_act: action_label[:, :, cfg.action_id] = 1. action_label_list.append(action_label) elif act_type == 'grasp': for s in range(max_step): if s != max_step - cfg.len_act: goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 1, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = midpoints[s + 1] goal_list.append(goal) else: # grasp_goal = zup_to_yup(np.array([[-0.32, -3.36, 0.395], # [-0.3, -3.2, 0.395], # [-0.25, -3, 0.394], # [-0.147, -3.0, 0.395]])).reshape((cfg.batch_size, -1, 3)) grasp_goal = zup_to_yup(np.array(trajectory['Object'])).reshape((cfg.batch_size, 1, 3)) goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 3, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = torch.from_numpy(grasp_goal).float().to(cfg.device) goal_list.append(goal) action_label = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) if s < max_step - cfg.len_act: sampler_list.append(samplers['body']) elif s == max_step - cfg.len_act: sampler_list.append(samplers['hand']) else: sampler_list.append(samplers['body']) if cfg.action_id != -1: action_label[:, :, cfg.action_id] = 1. action_label_list.append(action_label) elif act_type == 'pure_inter': sampler_list += [samplers['body']] * (cfg.len_pre + cfg.len_act) goal = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, 1, 3)).float().to(cfg.device) goal[:, :] = midpoints[0] goal_list += [goal] * (cfg.len_pre + + cfg.len_act) action_label = torch.zeros((cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, cfg.dataset.nb_actions)).float().to(cfg.device) action_label_list += [action_label.clone()] * cfg.len_pre action_label[:, :, cfg.action_id] = 2. action_label_list += [action_label.clone()] * cfg.len_act return mat_init, goal_list, action_label_list, sampler_list def sample_step(cfg, mat, obj_locs, goal_list, action_label_list, sampler_list): max_step = len(goal_list) fixed_points = None fixed_frame = 2 points_all = [] cnt_fixed_frame = 0 cnt_seq_len = 0 for s in range(max_step): print('step', s) sampler = sampler_list[s] if s != 0: fixed_points = sampler.dataset.normalize_torch(transform_points(fixed_points, torch.inverse(mat))) else: if cfg.continue_last: method_id = cfg.method_name.split('_')[-1] method_name_last = cfg.method_name[:-1] + str(int(method_id) - 1) mat = torch.from_numpy(np.load(os.path.join(cfg.exp_dir, f'{method_name_last}_mat.npy'))).to(sampler.device) fixed_points = torch.from_numpy(np.load(os.path.join(cfg.exp_dir, f'{method_name_last}_fixed_points.npy'))).to(sampler.device) fixed_points = sampler.dataset.normalize_torch(transform_points(fixed_points, torch.inverse(mat))) samples, occs = sampler.p_sample_loop(fixed_points, obj_locs, mat, cfg.scene_name, goal_list[s], action_label_list[s]) if 0 <= s < cfg.len_pre: cnt_fixed_frame += sampler.fixed_frame if 0 <= s < cfg.len_pre: cnt_seq_len += cfg.dataset.seq_len points_gene = samples[-1] points_gene_np = points_gene.reshape(cfg.batch_size, cfg.dataset.seq_len, -1, 3).cpu().numpy() if s == 0 or fixed_frame == 0: #TODO points_all.append(points_gene_np[:, fixed_frame - 1:]) elif fixed_frame > 0: points_all.append(points_gene_np[:, fixed_frame:]) # fixed_frame = 0 if s == max_step - 1 else sampler_list[s + 1].fixed_frame fixed_frame = sampler_list[s].fixed_frame if s == max_step - 1 else sampler_list[s + 1].fixed_frame pelvis_new = points_gene[:, -fixed_frame, :9].cpu().numpy().reshape(cfg.batch_size, 3, 3) trans_mats = np.repeat(np.eye(4)[np.newaxis, :, :], cfg.batch_size, axis=0) for ip, pn in enumerate(pelvis_new): _, ret_R, ret_t = rigid_transform_3D(np.matrix(pn), rest_pelvis, False) ret_t[1] = 0.0 rot_euler = R.from_matrix(ret_R).as_euler('zxy') shift_euler = np.array([0, 0, rot_euler[2]]) shift_rot_matrix2 = R.from_euler('zxy', shift_euler).as_matrix() trans_mats[ip, :3, :3] = shift_rot_matrix2 trans_mats[ip, :3, 3] = ret_t.reshape(-1) mat = torch.from_numpy(trans_mats).to(device=cfg.device, dtype=torch.float32) if fixed_frame > 0: fixed_points = points_gene[:, -fixed_frame:] if s == max_step - 1: print('Saved Mat and Fixed Points', flush=True) #, f'{cfg.method_name}_mat.npy'), mat.cpu().numpy()) #, f'{cfg.method_name}_fixed_points.npy'), fixed_points.cpu().numpy()) points_all = np.concatenate(points_all, axis=1) points_all = points_all[:, cnt_seq_len - cnt_fixed_frame:] return points_all def sample_wrapper(trajectory, obj_locs): trajectory = convert_trajectory(trajectory) # obj_locs = {key: [data[key]['x'], data['key']['z']] for key in data.keys() if 'trajectory' not in key} # cfg = compose(config_name="config_sample_synhsi") with open('config/config_sample_synhsi.yaml') as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) cfg = dotDict(cfg) # @hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../config", config_name="config_sample_synhsi") # def sample(cfg) -> None: print(cfg) # seed_everything(100) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # model_joints_to_smplx = init_model(cfg.model.model_smplx, device=device, eval=True) model_joints_to_smplx = JointsToSMPLX(**cfg.model.model_smplx) model_joints_to_smplx.load_state_dict(torch.load(cfg.model.model_smplx.ckpt)) model_joints_to_smplx.eval() # model_body = init_model(cfg.model.synhsi_body, device=device, eval=True) model_body = Unet(**cfg.model.synhsi_body) model_body.load_state_dict(torch.load(cfg.model.synhsi_body.ckpt)) model_body.eval() # model_hand = init_model(cfg.model.synhsi_hand, device=device, eval=True) # synhsi_dataset = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.dataset) synhsi_dataset = TrumansDataset(**cfg.dataset) sampler_body = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.sampler.pelvis) # sampler_hand = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.sampler.right_hand) sampler_body.set_dataset_and_model(synhsi_dataset, model_body) # sampler_hand.set_dataset_and_model(None, model_hand) samplers = {'body': sampler_body, 'hand': None} # for scene_name in ['N3OpenArea']: # trajectory = np.load(os.path.join(cfg.test_dir, cfg.exp_name, f'trajectories.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item() # cfg.scene_name = scene_name # cfg.action_type = trajectory['action_type'] # if 'action_id' in trajectory.keys(): # cfg.action_id = trajectory['action_id'] # GP_LAYERS = ['GP_Layer'] method_name = cfg.method_name lid = 0 base_speed = get_base_speed(cfg, trajectory, is_zup=False) mat, goal_list, action_label_list, sampler_list = get_guidance(cfg, trajectory, samplers, act_type=cfg.action_type, speed=int(0.6 * base_speed)) points_all = sample_step(cfg, mat, obj_locs, goal_list, action_label_list, sampler_list) # os.makedirs(cfg.exp_dir, exist_ok=True) vertices = None for i in range(cfg.batch_size): keypoint_gene_torch = torch.from_numpy(points_all[i]).reshape(-1, cfg.dataset.nb_joints * 3).to(device) pose, transl, left_hand, right_hand, vertices = joints_to_smpl(model_joints_to_smplx, keypoint_gene_torch, cfg.dataset.joints_ind, cfg.interp_s) # output_data = {'transl': transl, 'body_pose': pose[:, 3:], 'global_orient': pose[:, :3], # 'id': 0} # print(output_data) # with open(os.path.join(cfg.exp_dir, f'{method_name}_{lid}_{i}.pkl'), 'wb') as f: # pkl.dump(output_data, f) # vertices = np.load('/home/jiangnan/SyntheticHSI/Gradio_demo/vertices.npy', allow_pickle=True) #'/home/jiangnan/SyntheticHSI/Gradio_demo/vertices.npy', vertices) return vertices.tolist() # v = sample() # # # return v # def load_dataset_meta(cfg): # metas = np.load(cfg.) # if __name__ == '__main__': # OmegaConf.register_resolver("times_three", times_three) # OmegaConf.register_new_resolver("times", lambda x, y: int(x) * int(y)) # sample()