## Notes I also created a Qlik dashboard to explore this data and a pdf which can be viewed here: ## Link '''https://yq99nw4o7qdge1s.us.qlikcloud.com/single/ ?appid=68edb70d-68b9-4050-b956-34c12bc2460c&sheet=37d34302-8565-4551-afd2-abd2dcffa243 &theme=horizon&opt=ctxmenu,currsel&select=clearall ''' ##pdf ''' https://huggingface.co/spaces/jmansfield89/US_Energy_Consumption_2019/blob/main/Qlik_Dashboard.pdf ''' ## Other ''' NOTE: You will need a Qlik account so you can login and view and interact with the dashboard. If you do not have an account, you can view a pdf of the dashboard I created in the "Files and versions" section of this app. '''