'''Artist Classifier prototype --- - 2022-01-18 jkang first created ''' from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import seaborn as sns import io import json import numpy as np import skimage import skimage.io from skimage.transform import resize from loguru import logger from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras import gradio as gr import tensorflow as tf tfk = tf.keras from gradcam_utils import get_img_4d_array, make_gradcam_heatmap, align_image_with_heatmap # ---------- Settings ---------- ARTIST_META = 'artist.json' TREND_META = 'trend.json' EXAMPLES = ['monet2.jpg', 'picasso.jpeg', 'lichtenstein_popart.jpg'] ALPHA = 0.9 IMG_WIDTH = 299 IMG_HEIGHT = 299 # ---------- Logging ---------- logger.add('app.log', mode='a') logger.info('============================= App restarted =============================') # ---------- Model ---------- logger.info('loading models...') artist_model = from_pretrained_keras("jkang/drawing-artist-classifier") trend_model = from_pretrained_keras("jkang/drawing-artistic-trend-classifier") logger.info('both models loaded') def load_json_as_dict(json_file): with open(json_file, 'r') as f: out = json.load(f) return dict(out) def load_image_as_array(image_file): img = skimage.io.imread(image_file, as_gray=False, plugin='matplotlib') if (img.shape[-1] > 3): # if RGBA img = img[..., :-1] return img def resize_image(img_array, width, height): img_resized = resize(img_array, (height, width), anti_aliasing=True, preserve_range=False) return skimage.img_as_ubyte(img_resized) def predict(input_image): img_3d_array = load_image_as_array(input_image) img_3d_array = resize_image(img_3d_array, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT) img_4d_array = img_3d_array[np.newaxis,...] logger.info(f'--- {input_image} loaded') artist2id = load_json_as_dict(ARTIST_META) trend2id = load_json_as_dict(TREND_META) id2artist = {artist2id[artist]:artist for artist in artist2id} id2trend = {trend2id[trend]:trend for trend in trend2id} # Artist model a_heatmap, a_pred_id, a_pred_out = make_gradcam_heatmap(artist_model, img_4d_array, pred_idx=None) a_img_pil = align_image_with_heatmap( img_4d_array, a_heatmap, alpha=ALPHA, cmap='jet') a_img = np.asarray(a_img_pil).astype('float32')/255 a_label = id2artist[a_pred_id] a_prob = a_pred_out[a_pred_id] # Trend model t_heatmap, t_pred_id, t_pred_out = make_gradcam_heatmap(trend_model, img_4d_array, pred_idx=None) t_img_pil = align_image_with_heatmap( img_4d_array, t_heatmap, alpha=ALPHA, cmap='jet') t_img = np.asarray(t_img_pil).astype('float32')/255 t_label = id2trend[t_pred_id] t_prob = t_pred_out[t_pred_id] with sns.plotting_context('poster', font_scale=0.7): fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots( 1, 3, figsize=(12, 6), facecolor='white') for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3): ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax1.imshow(img_3d_array) ax2.imshow(a_img) ax3.imshow(t_img) ax1.set_title(f'Input Image', ha='left', x=0, y=1.05) ax2.set_title(f'Artist Prediction:\n => {a_label} ({a_prob:.2f})', ha='left', x=0, y=1.05) ax3.set_title(f'Style Prediction:\n => {t_label} ({t_prob:.2f})', ha='left', x=0, y=1.05) fig.tight_layout() buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, bbox_inces='tight', fotmat='jpg') buf.seek(0) pil_img = Image.open(buf) plt.close() logger.info('--- image generated') a_labels = {id2artist[i]: float(pred) for i, pred in enumerate(a_pred_out)} t_labels = {id2trend[i]: float(pred) for i, pred in enumerate(t_pred_out)} return a_labels, t_labels, pil_img iface = gr.Interface( predict, title='Predict Artist and Artistic Style of Drawings 🎨👨🏻‍🎨 (prototype)', description='Upload a drawing/image and the model will predict how likely it seems given 10 artists and their trend/style', inputs=[ gr.inputs.Image(label='Upload a drawing/image', type='file') ], outputs=[ gr.outputs.Label(label='Artists', num_top_classes=5, type='auto'), gr.outputs.Label(label='Styles', num_top_classes=5, type='auto'), gr.outputs.Image(label='Prediction with GradCAM') ], examples=EXAMPLES, ) iface.launch(debug=True, enable_queue=True)