import os import time import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import whoami import threading from myconfigs import * from oss_utils import ossService from gen_client import * myHumanGen = HumanGenService() oss_service = ossService() ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES = False profile_name = '' # result_video_oss_url = {} # user_id, (list[signed_url), list[oss_path])] def tab_func_template(): prompt = "" return prompt, 'template_mode' def tab_func_prompt(): ref_video_path = None return ref_video_path, 'prompt_mode' def video_2_prompt_func(ref_video_path): # print("[dataset_func] ref_video_path: %s" % ref_video_path) if not os.path.exists(ref_video_path): raise gr.Error(f"The input video {ref_video_path} is not existed!") video_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path) # print("[dataset_func] video_file_name: %s" % video_file_name) input_prompt = myHumanGen.template_video_2_prompt(video_file_name) # print("[dataset_func] input_prompt: %s" % input_prompt) return ref_video_path,input_prompt def get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string, num): directory=oss_service.ObjectName+'/Service/'+date_string+'/'+user_id+'/' for obj in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=directory, delimiter='/'): # print(f"folder is existed{directory}") break else: # print(f"folder is not existed: {directory}") return [],[] no_check_video_list = [] no_check_timer_list = [] for obj in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=directory, delimiter = '/'): if obj.is_prefix(): # folder file_full_path = obj.key+'result.mp4' exist = oss_service.bucket.object_exists(file_full_path) if not exist: # print(f'{file_full_path} is not existed') tmp_directory=obj.key # print(f'tmp_directory = {tmp_directory}') for obj_xxx in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=tmp_directory, delimiter = '/'): # print(f'obj_xxx.key = {obj_xxx.key}') if obj_xxx.is_prefix(): # folder pass else: import re pattern = r"dreamoving-.*-result\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name file_name_xxx = os.path.basename(obj_xxx.key) match =, obj_xxx.key) if match and len( == len(file_name_xxx): file_full_path = obj_xxx.key print(f'successfully match file_full_path: {file_full_path}') exist = True break else: pass if exist: object_meta = oss_service.bucket.head_object(file_full_path) bytes_num = object_meta.headers.get('Content-Length') # bytes # print(f"Object Size: {bytes_num} bytes") mb_num = float(bytes_num) / (1000 ** 2) # MB # print(f"Object Size: {mb_num} MB") if mb_num > 0.1: # > 100KB last_modified = object_meta.headers.get('Last-Modified') # print(f"Last Modified: {last_modified}") from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime # HTTP-date to datetime last_modified_datetime = parsedate_to_datetime(last_modified) # datetime to Unix Time -from 1970-01-01 UTC seconds, nearest is bigger last_modified_timestamp = int(last_modified_datetime.timestamp()) no_check_video_list.append(file_full_path) no_check_timer_list.append(last_modified_timestamp) else: pass # print(f'file size: {file_full_path}') else: # file pass # print(f'not a file: {obj.key}') # last_modified = obj.last_modified # last modify time valid_video_list = [] valid_image_list = [] if len(no_check_video_list) > 0: if len(no_check_video_list) > 1: # sort by time zipped_lists = zip(no_check_timer_list, no_check_video_list) # big to small, nearest is bigger sorted_pairs = sorted(zipped_lists, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) list1_sorted, list2_sorted = zip(*sorted_pairs) no_check_timer_list = list(list1_sorted) no_check_video_list = list(list2_sorted) for file_full_path in no_check_video_list: oss_video_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + file_full_path # print(f'Generated video: {oss_video_path}') _, video_url = oss_service.sign(oss_video_path, timeout=3600*100) valid_video_list.append(video_url) print(f'diaplay signed video_url: {video_url}') style = "video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,w_544,h_768,m_fast" params1 = {'x-oss-process': style} _, snapshot_image = oss_service.sign(oss_video_path, timeout=3600*100, params=params1) valid_image_list.append(snapshot_image) if len(valid_video_list) >= num: break return valid_video_list, valid_image_list def refresh_video(user_id, request_id): if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = 'dreamoving-'+get_random_string() if user_id is None or user_id == '': request_id = get_random_string() print(f'[refresh_video] user_id: {user_id}') print(f'[refresh_video] request_id: {request_id}') # print(f'profile_name====={}') notes, process_status = myHumanGen.get_ranking_location(user_id) new_list = [] new_image_list = [] if process_status == 'runing': print(f'process_status: {process_status}') # new_list.append(None) # new_image_list.append(None) date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list, valid_image_list = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string, 3) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list1, valid_image_list1 = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list1 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list1 if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_bf_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list2, valid_image_list2 = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string_bf_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list2 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list2 if len(new_list) < 4: for i in range(4-len(new_list)): new_list.append(None) new_image_list.append(None) else: date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list, valid_image_list = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string, 4) new_list = valid_video_list new_image_list = valid_image_list if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list1, valid_image_list1 = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list1 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list1 if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_bf_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list2, valid_image_list2 = get_user_result_video_list(user_id, date_string_bf_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list2 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list2 if len(new_list) < 4: for i in range(4-len(new_list)): new_list.append(None) new_image_list.append(None) return user_id, notes, new_list[0], new_list[1], new_list[2], new_list[3]#, new_image_list[0], new_image_list[1], new_image_list[2], new_image_list[3] get_local_storage = """ function() { globalThis.setStorage = (key, value) => { if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { // localStorage.removeItem(key) let get_user_id = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)); if (get_user_id === null || get_user_id === "") { let new_value = ''; const letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; const digits = '0123456789'; let prevCharType = null; for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (prevCharType === 'digit' || prevCharType === null) { let letter = letters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length)); new_value += letter; prevCharType = 'letter'; } else { let digit = digits.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * digits.length)); new_value += digit; prevCharType = 'digit'; } } localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(new_value)); } } } globalThis.getStorage = (key, value)=>{ if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)) } else { return '' } } globalThis.rmStorage = (key, value)=>{ if (typeof Storage !== "undefined") { localStorage.removeItem(key) } } const user_id = getStorage('user_id') return [user_id]; } """ # def hello(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None) -> str: # if profile is None: # return "I don't know you." # # print(gr.OAuthProfile) # profile_name = # print(f'profile name={}') # return f"Hello {}" with gr.Blocks(title = "Dreamoving", css='style.css', theme=gr.themes.Soft( radius_size=gr.themes.sizes.radius_sm, text_size=gr.themes.sizes.text_md ) ) as demo: # gr.Markdown( # "# Gradio OAuth Space\n\nThis Space is a demo for the new **Sign in with Hugging Face** feature." # ) # gr.LoginButton() # gr.LogoutButton() # m_text = gr.Markdown() # demo.load(hello, inputs=None, outputs=m_text) with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(f"""
""") if ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES: template_videos_to_ref = [] template_video_list = examples['template_video'] for i in range(9): file_name = template_video_list[i] oss_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + oss_service.ObjectName + "/template_video/" + file_name print(f'template_video: {oss_path}') _, url = oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100) template_videos_to_ref.append(url) else: # template_videos = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/template_video", tail=".mp4") template_videos_to_ref = [] template_video_list = examples['template_video'] for i in range(9): # file_name = os.path.basename(template_videos[i]) # file_path = os.path.dirname(template_videos[i]) file_name = template_video_list[i] video_path = "./data/template_video/" + file_name template_videos_to_ref.append(video_path) # For the same style generation, after users upload a video, they can click the AI button to automatically generate a prompt. with gr.Accordion(label="🧭 User Guide: It is recommended to read these instructions before using!", open=False): gr.Markdown(""" - ⭐️ 1. Video generation time is about 5 minutes. Due to the high number of concurrent users, the generation task may need to queue. Please click the refresh button and check the prompt message. - ⭐️ 2. If the input image is a cartoon picture, be sure to select "Cartoon Video Generation." - ⭐️ 3. The system retains up to 4 videos generated in the last two days, refreshing at midnight. Please download and save them in time. - ⭐️ 4. System updates generally occur between 7-8 a.m. - ⭐️ 5. Google Chrome is recommended. """) user_id = gr.Text(label="id", visible=False) # user_id.change(None, user_id, None, js="(v)=>{ rmStorage('user_id',v) }") user_id.change(None, user_id, None, js="(v)=>{ setStorage('user_id',v) }") user_id.change(None, user_id, None, js="(v)=>{ getStorage('user_id',v) }") request_id = gr.Text(label="hf_request_id", visible=False) demo.load( None, inputs=None, outputs=[user_id], js=get_local_storage, ) input_mode = gr.Text(value="template_mode", label="input_mode", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box'): gr.Markdown("Enter/Select a face image") with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box1'): with gr.Row(): ref_image = gr.Image(sources='upload', type='filepath', show_label=False, label='输入图片',elem_id='show_window_image') gr.Examples(examples['examples_images'], examples_per_page=9, inputs=[ref_image], label='') with gr.Row(): model_id = gr.Checkbox(label="Cartoon Video Generation", elem_id='checkbox_0', show_label=False) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("Select a mode: Reference-Video/Prompt") with gr.Tab("Guided Style Generation") as tab0: prompt_template = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter prompt words to control the generation effect, such as the character, the character's clothing, the scene, etc.",label="Prompt", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') # with gr.Row(): # # with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box3'): # # with gr.Group(): # with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): # prompt_template = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter prompt words to control the generation effect, such as the character, the character's clothing, the scene, etc.", label="Prompt提示词", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') # with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1, elem_id='column_button'): # # prompt_caption_01 = gr.Button(value="AI Caption", elem_id='button_param1') # prompt_caption_01 = gr.Button( # value="AI", # elem_classes='btn_texture_font_file' # ) with gr.Row(): # FIXME: the width/height setting not work here, ref_video = gr.Video(sources='upload', show_label=False, label='Input Video', autoplay=False, elem_id='show_window_video', width=224, height=360) # gr.Examples(examples['template_video'], examples_per_page=9,inputs=[ref_video], label='Template Video') # dataset_select = gr.Dataset( # label='Template Video', # components=[gr.Video(visible=False)], # samples=examples['template_video'], # samples_per_page=9, # type='index', # pass index or value # # min_width=400, # # elem_id='dataset', # # elem_id='template_param', # ) gr.Examples( label='Template Video', examples=template_videos_to_ref, inputs=ref_video, outputs=[ref_video, prompt_template], fn=video_2_prompt_func, examples_per_page=9, cache_examples=True, #run_on_click=True, ) # prompt_template = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') with gr.Tab("Text-to-Video") as tab1: # prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", show_label=False, text_align='left') example_prompts= [] file = open(ref_video_prompt, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): example_prompts.append(line) file.close() prompt = gr.Dropdown(label="Prompt List",choices=example_prompts, show_label=False, allow_custom_value=True) with gr.Row(): # Generate Button run_button = gr.Button(value="Generation", elem_id='button_param') # btn = gr.Button("Result Video").style(full_width=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): # gr.Markdown("Result Video",elem_id='font_style') with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box2'): with gr.Row(elem_id='round_box'): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): gr.Markdown("Result Video", elem_id='font_style') with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=1): user_notes = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, text_align='left', elem_id='text_style11') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): refresh_button = gr.Button(value="Refresh", elem_id='button_param1') with gr.Row(): output_video0 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=False, elem_id='show_window_result') output_video1 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=False,elem_id='show_window_result') with gr.Row(): output_video2 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=False,elem_id='show_window_result') output_video3 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=False,elem_id='show_window_result') # Sample Video num_video = 8 num_videos_per_row = 4 mp4_lists = [] if ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES: mp4_url_list = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/sample_video", tail=".mp4") for i in range(min(num_video, len(mp4_url_list))): file_name = os.path.basename(mp4_url_list[i]) oss_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + oss_service.ObjectName + "/template_video/" + file_name print(f'template_video: {oss_path}') _, video_url = oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100) mp4_lists.append(video_url) else: mp4_lists = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/sample_video", tail=".mp4") if len(mp4_lists) <= num_video: num_video = len(mp4_lists) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("Sample Video",elem_id='font_style') with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box'): with gr.Column(): for i in range(int((num_video+num_videos_per_row-1)/num_videos_per_row)): with gr.Row(): for j in range(num_videos_per_row): if i*num_videos_per_row+j < len(mp4_lists): gr.Video(value=mp4_lists[i*num_videos_per_row+j], show_label=False, interactive=False, label='result') else: gr.Video(interactive=False, label='result') fn=refresh_video, queue = False, inputs=[user_id, request_id], outputs=[user_id, user_notes, output_video0, output_video1, output_video2, output_video3] ) # # fn=myHumanGen.click_button_prompt, # queue = False, # inputs=[user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image, ref_video, prompt, prompt_template, model_id], # outputs=[prompt_template] # ) #, outputs=[ref_video,prompt_template]) # button, outputs=[prompt, input_mode]) # template mode, outputs=[ref_video, input_mode]) # prompt mode def async_process(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = 'dreamoving-' + get_random_string() # if user_id is None or user_id == '': request_id = get_random_string() print(f'[async_process] user_id: {user_id}') print(f'[async_process] request_id: {request_id}') # parm-chheck check_note_info = myHumanGen.valid_check(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template,model_id) if check_note_info == '': thread = threading.Thread(target=myHumanGen.click_button_func_async, args=(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template,model_id,)) thread.start() # thread.join() time.sleep(5) return refresh_video(user_id, request_id) else: user_id, notes, video_0, video_1, video_2, video_3 = refresh_video(user_id, request_id) return user_id, check_note_info, video_0, video_1, video_2, video_3, inputs=[user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image, ref_video, prompt, prompt_template, model_id], outputs=[user_id, user_notes, output_video0, output_video1, output_video2, output_video3]) with gr.Row(): # DingTalk gr.HTML(f"""
DingTalk Group of Dreamoving
""") # WeChat gr.HTML(f"""
WeChat Group of Dreamoving
""") # version gr.HTML(f"""
Version: {VERSION}
""") # concurrency_count, concurrency_limit, max_threads demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=1000).launch( server_name="", # if os.getenv('GRADIO_LISTEN', '') != '' else "", share=True, server_port=7860, root_path=f"/{os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH')}" if os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH') else "" )