import os import time import gradio as gr import ujson as json import traceback from typing import List from tqdm import tqdm from src.auctioneer_base import Auctioneer from src.bidder_base import Bidder, bidders_to_chatbots, bidding_multithread from utils import trace_back LOG_DIR = 'logs' enable_gr = gr.update(interactive=True) disable_gr = gr.update(interactive=False) def monitor_all(bidder_list: List[Bidder]): return sum([bidder.to_monitors() for bidder in bidder_list], []) def parse_bid_price(auctioneer: Auctioneer, bidder: Bidder, msg: str): # rebid if the message is not parsible into a bid price bid_price = auctioneer.parse_bid(msg) while bid_price is None: re_msg ="You must be clear about your bidding decision, say either \"I'm out!\" or \"I bid $xxx!\". Please rebid.") bid_price = auctioneer.parse_bid(re_msg) print(f"{} rebid: {re_msg}") return bid_price def enable_human_box(bidder_list): signals = [] for bidder in bidder_list: if 'human' in bidder.model_name and not bidder.withdraw: signals.append(gr.update(interactive=True, visible=True, placeholder="Please bid! Enter \"I'm out\" or \"I bid $xxx\".")) else: signals.append(disable_gr) return signals def disable_all_box(bidder_list): signals = [] for bidder in bidder_list: if 'human' in bidder.model_name: signals.append(gr.update(interactive=False, visible=True, placeholder="Wait a moment to engage in the auction.")) else: signals.append(gr.update(interactive=False, visible=False)) return signals def run_auction( auction_hash: str, auctioneer: Auctioneer, bidder_list: List[Bidder], thread_num: int, yield_for_demo=True, log_dir=LOG_DIR, repeat_num=0, memo_file=None): # bidder_list[0].verbose=True if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) # ***************** Learn Round **************** for bidder in bidder_list: if bidder.enable_learning and memo_file: # if no prev memo file, then no need to learn. if os.path.exists(memo_file): with open(memo_file) as f: data = json.load(f) past_learnings = data['learnings'][] past_auction_log = data['auction_log'] bidder.learn_from_prev_auction(past_learnings, past_auction_log) # ***************** Plan Round ***************** # init bidder profit bidder_profit_info = auctioneer.gather_all_status(bidder_list) for bidder in bidder_list: bidder.set_all_bidders_status(bidder_profit_info) plan_instructs = [bidder.get_plan_instruct(auctioneer.items) for bidder in bidder_list] bidding_multithread(bidder_list, plan_instructs, func_type='plan', thread_num=thread_num) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) bar = tqdm(total=len(auctioneer.items_queue), desc='Auction Progress') while not auctioneer.end_auction(): cur_item = auctioneer.present_item() bid_round = 0 while True: # ***************** Bid Round ***************** auctioneer_msg = auctioneer.ask_for_bid(bid_round) _bidder_list = [] _bid_instruct_list = [] # remove highest bidder and withdrawn bidders for bidder in bidder_list: if bidder is auctioneer.highest_bidder or bidder.withdraw: bidder.need_input = False continue else: bidder.need_input = True # enable input from demo instruct = bidder.get_bid_instruct(auctioneer_msg, bid_round) _bidder_list.append(bidder) _bid_instruct_list.append(instruct) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + enable_human_box(bidder_list) _msgs = bidding_multithread(_bidder_list, _bid_instruct_list, func_type='bid', thread_num=thread_num) for i, (msg, bidder) in enumerate(zip(_msgs, _bidder_list)): if bidder.model_name == 'rule': bid_price = bidder.bid_rule(auctioneer.prev_round_max_bid, auctioneer.min_markup_pct) else: bid_price = parse_bid_price(auctioneer, bidder, msg) # can't bid more than budget or less than previous highest bid while True: fail_msg = bidder.bid_sanity_check(bid_price, auctioneer.prev_round_max_bid, auctioneer.min_markup_pct) if fail_msg is None: break else: bidder.need_input = True # enable input from demo auctioneer_msg = auctioneer.ask_for_rebid(fail_msg=fail_msg, bid_price=bid_price) rebid_instruct = bidder.get_rebid_instruct(auctioneer_msg) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) msg = bidder.rebid_for_failure(rebid_instruct) bid_price = parse_bid_price(auctioneer, bidder, msg) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) bidder.set_withdraw(bid_price) auctioneer.record_bid({'bidder': bidder, 'bid': bid_price, 'raw_msg': msg}, bid_round) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) is_sold = auctioneer.check_hammer(bid_round) bid_round += 1 if is_sold: break else: if auctioneer.fail_to_sell and auctioneer.enable_discount: for bidder in bidder_list: bidder.set_withdraw(0) # back in the game # ***************** Summarize ***************** summarize_instruct_list = [] for bidder in bidder_list: if bidder is auctioneer.highest_bidder: win_lose_msg = bidder.win_bid(cur_item, auctioneer.highest_bid) else: win_lose_msg = bidder.lose_bid(cur_item) msg = bidder.get_summarize_instruct( bidding_history=auctioneer.all_bidding_history_to_string(), hammer_msg=auctioneer.get_hammer_msg(), win_lose_msg=win_lose_msg ) summarize_instruct_list.append(msg) # record profit information of all bidders for each bidder # (not used in the auction, just for belief tracking evaluation) bidder_profit_info = auctioneer.gather_all_status(bidder_list) for bidder in bidder_list: bidder.set_all_bidders_status(bidder_profit_info) bidding_multithread(bidder_list, summarize_instruct_list, func_type='summarize', thread_num=thread_num) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) # ***************** Replan ***************** if len(auctioneer.items_queue) > 0: # no need to replan if all items are sold replan_instruct_list = [bidder.get_replan_instruct( # bidding_history=auctioneer.all_bidding_history_to_string(), # hammer_msg=auctioneer.get_hammer_msg() ) for bidder in bidder_list] bidding_multithread(bidder_list, replan_instruct_list, func_type='replan', thread_num=thread_num) if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log()] + [disable_gr, disable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) auctioneer.hammer_fall() bar.update(1) total_cost = sum([b.openai_cost for b in bidder_list]) + auctioneer.openai_cost bidder_reports = [bidder.profit_report() for bidder in bidder_list] if yield_for_demo: chatbot_list = bidders_to_chatbots(bidder_list, profit_report=True) yield [bidder_list] + chatbot_list + monitor_all(bidder_list) + [auctioneer.log(bidder_reports) + f'\n## Total Cost: ${total_cost}'] + [disable_gr, enable_gr] + disable_all_box(bidder_list) memo = {'auction_log': auctioneer.log(show_model_name=False), 'memo_text': bidder_reports, 'profit': { bidder.profit for bidder in bidder_list}, 'total_cost': total_cost, 'learnings': { bidder.learnings for bidder in bidder_list}, 'model_info': { bidder.model_name for bidder in bidder_list}} log_bidders(log_dir, auction_hash, bidder_list, repeat_num, memo) auctioneer.finish_auction() if not yield_for_demo: yield total_cost def log_bidders(log_dir: str, auction_hash: str, bidder_list: List[Bidder], repeat_num: int, memo: dict): for bidder in bidder_list: log_file = f"{log_dir}/{auction_hash}/{' ', '')}-{repeat_num}.jsonl" if not os.path.exists(log_file): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_file), exist_ok=True) with open(log_file, 'a') as f: log_data = bidder.to_monitors(as_json=True) f.write(json.dumps(log_data) + '\n') with open(f"{log_dir}/{auction_hash}/memo-{repeat_num}.json", 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(memo) + '\n') def make_auction_hash(): return str(int(time.time())) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse from src.item_base import create_items from src.bidder_base import create_bidders from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast import cjjpy as cjj parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--input_dir', '-i', type=str, default='data/exp_base/') parser.add_argument('--shuffle', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--repeat', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--threads', '-t', type=int, help='Number of threads. Max is number of bidders. Reduce it if rate limit is low (e.g., GPT-4).', required=True) parser.add_argument('--memo_file', '-m', type=str, help='The last memo.json file to be loaded for learning. Only useful when the repeated auctions are interrupted (i.e., auction hash is different).') args = parser.parse_args() auction_hash = make_auction_hash() total_money_spent = 0 for i in tqdm(range(args.repeat), desc='Repeat'): cnt = 3 while cnt > 0: try: item_file = os.path.join(args.input_dir, f'items_demo.jsonl') bidder_file = os.path.join(args.input_dir, f'bidders_demo.jsonl') memo_file = args.memo_file if args.memo_file else f'{args.input_dir}/{auction_hash}/memo-{i-1}.json' # past memo for learning items = create_items(item_file) bidders = create_bidders(bidder_file, auction_hash=auction_hash) auctioneer = Auctioneer(enable_discount=False) auctioneer.init_items(items) if args.shuffle: auctioneer.shuffle_items() money_spent = list(run_auction( auction_hash, auctioneer, bidders, thread_num=min(args.threads, len(bidders)), yield_for_demo=False, log_dir=args.input_dir, repeat_num=i, memo_file=memo_file, )) total_money_spent += sum(money_spent) break except Exception as e: cnt -= 1 print(f"Error in {i}th auction: {e}\n{trace_back(e)}") print(f"Retry {cnt} more times...") print('Total money spent: $', total_money_spent) cjj.SendEmail(f'Completed: {args.input_dir} - {auction_hash}', f'Total money spent: ${total_money_spent}')