vox_saliency_demo / run_gradio.py
added st app for testing
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from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import download, os, sys
def best_window(saliency, aspect_ratio=(16, 9)):
""" returns left, right, bottom, top
saliency is np.array with shape (height, width)
aspect_ratio is tuple of (width, height)
orig_height, orig_width = saliency.shape
move_vertically = orig_height >= orig_width / aspect_ratio[0] * \
if move_vertically:
saliency_per_row = np.sum(saliency, axis=1)
height = round(orig_width / aspect_ratio[0] * aspect_ratio[1])
convolved_saliency = np.convolve(saliency_per_row, np.ones(height),
max_row = np.argmax(convolved_saliency)
return 0, orig_width, max_row, max_row + height
saliency_per_col = np.sum(saliency, axis=0)
width = round(orig_height / aspect_ratio[1] * aspect_ratio[0])
convolved_saliency = np.convolve(saliency_per_col, np.ones(width),
max_col = np.argmax(convolved_saliency)
return max_col, max_col + width, 0, orig_height
def overlay_saliency(img, map, bbox = {}):
background = img.convert("RGBA")
overlay = map.convert("RGBA")
overlaid = Image.blend(background, overlay, 0.75)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlaid)
if bbox:
[bbox['left'], bbox['bottom'], bbox['right'], bbox['top']],
outline="orange", width=5)
return overlaid
def get_saliency_sum_box(crop_data, bounded, saliency):
left, right, bottom, top = int(crop_data["x"]), int(
crop_data["x"] + crop_data["width"]), int(crop_data["y"]), int(
crop_data["y"] + crop_data["height"])
sal_sum = np.sum(saliency[bottom:top, left:right])
total = np.sum(saliency)
pct_sal = round(100 * sal_sum / total, 2)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(bounded)
draw.rectangle([left, bottom, right, top], outline="red", width=5)
return bounded, pct_sal
def test_model(im_arr, model_dict, aspect_ratio_tup = None):
# original_arr, crop_data = original_arr
# crop_data["original_height"] = original_arr.shape[0]
# crop_data["original_width"] = original_arr.shape[1]
original_img = Image.fromarray(im_arr).convert('RGB')
w, h = original_img.size
h_ = int(400 / w * h)
resized_img = original_img.resize((400, h_))
resized_arr = np.asarray(resized_img)
resized_arr = resized_arr[np.newaxis, ...]
saliency_arr = model_dict['sess'].run(model_dict['predicted_maps'],
model_dict['input_plhd']: resized_arr
saliency_arr = saliency_arr.squeeze()
saliency_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(saliency_arr * 255), 'L')
saliency_resized_img = saliency_img.resize((w, h))
saliency_resized_arr = np.asarray(saliency_resized_img)
saliency_zero_one = np.divide(saliency_resized_arr, 255.0)
bbox = None
if aspect_ratio_tup:
left, right, bottom, top = best_window(saliency_resized_arr,
bbox = {'left': left, 'right': right, 'bottom': bottom, 'top':top}
# output = original_arr[bottom:top, left:right, :]
bounded = overlay_saliency(original_img, saliency_resized_img, bbox=bbox)
return bounded
# with_sal_box, pct_sal = get_saliency_sum_box(crop_data, bounded,
# saliency_zero_one)
# sal_sum = str(pct_sal) + "%"
# return with_sal_box, sal_sum
def load_model(model_name = "weights/model_mit1003_cpu.pb"):
### Model loading code
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
if not os.path.isfile(model_name):
download.download_pretrained_weights('weights/', 'model_mit1003_cpu')
with tf.gfile.Open(model_name, "rb") as file:
input_plhd = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, None, None, 3))
[predicted_maps] = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def,
input_map={"input": input_plhd},
sess = tf.Session()
return {
'sess': sess,
'predicted_maps': predicted_maps,
'input_plhd': input_plhd
if __name__ == '__main__':
examples = [["images/1.jpg", True],
["images/2.jpg", True]]
thumbnail = "https://ibb.co/hXdbDyD"
io = gr.Interface(test_model,
gr.inputs.Image(label="Your Image", tool='select'),
[gr.outputs.Image(label="Cropped Image"),
gr.outputs.Label(label="Percent of Saliency in Red Box")],
examples=examples, analytics_enabled=False)