import streamlit as st import os, sys, io, time import urllib.request as urllib import numpy as np from PIL import Image import DPT, BTS_infer ### Some Utils Functions ### def get_image(st_asset = st.sidebar, as_np_arr = False, extension_list = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']): image_url, image_fh = None, None if st_asset.checkbox('use image URL?'): image_url = st_asset.text_input("Enter Image URL") else: image_fh = st_asset.file_uploader(label = "Update your image", type = extension_list) im = None if image_url: response = urllib.urlopen(image_url) im = elif image_fh: im = if im and as_np_arr: im = np.array(im) return im def show_miro_logo(use_column_width = False, width = 100, st_asset= st.sidebar, str_color = 'white'): logo_url = f'{str_color}.png' st_asset.image(logo_url, use_column_width = use_column_width, channels = 'BGR', output_format = 'PNG', width = width) def im_apply_mask(im_rgb_array, mask_array, get_pil_im = False, bg_rgb_tup = None, bg_blur_radius = None, bg_greyscale = False, mask_gblur_radius = 0): ''' return either a np array with 4 channels or PIL Image with alpha ref: ref: ref: Args: bg_rgb_tup: if given, return a 3-channel image with color background instead of transparent bg_blur_radius: if given, return a 3-channel image with GaussianBlur applied to the background ''' h, w, c = im_rgb_array.shape m_h, m_w = mask_array.shape if not all([h == m_h, w == m_w]): raise ValueError(f'im_apply_mask: mask_array size {(m_h, m_w)} must match im_rgb_array {(h, w)}') im = Image.fromarray(im_rgb_array) # convert bitwise mask from np to pillow # ref: pil_mask = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255* mask_array)) pil_mask = pil_mask.filter( ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius = mask_gblur_radius) ) if mask_gblur_radius > 0 else pil_mask if bg_rgb_tup: bg_im = np.zeros([h,w,3], dtype = np.uint8) # black bg_im[:,:] = bg_rgb_tup # apply color # old method using just np but doesn't support blurred mask # idx = (mask_array != 0) # bg_im[idx] = im_rgb_array[idx] bg_im = Image.fromarray(bg_im) bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask) im = bg_im elif bg_blur_radius: bg_im = im.copy().filter( ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius = bg_blur_radius) ) bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask) im = bg_im elif bg_greyscale: bg_im = ImageOps.grayscale(Image.fromarray(im_rgb_array)) bg_im = np.array(bg_im) bg_im = np.stack((bg_im,)*3, axis = -1) # greyscale 1-channel to 3-channel bg_im = Image.fromarray(bg_im) bg_im.paste(im, mask = pil_mask) im = bg_im else: im.putalpha(pil_mask) return im if get_pil_im else np.array(im) ### Streamlit App ### # @st.experimental_memo @st.cache(allow_output_mutation = True) def get_model_zoo(): model_zoo = { 'DPT': {'infer_func': DPT.inference,'model': DPT.load_model()}, 'BTS': {'infer_func': BTS_infer.inference,'model': BTS_infer.get_model()} } return model_zoo # @st.experimental_memo(suppress_st_warning=True) @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True, hash_funcs={st.delta_generator.DeltaGenerator: lambda _:None}) def mono_depth(pil_im, model_name, _st_asset = None): s_time = time.time() model_zoo = get_model_zoo() infer_func = model_zoo[model_name]['infer_func'] model_obj = model_zoo[model_name]['model'] depth_im = infer_func(img_array_rgb = np.array(pil_im), model_obj = model_obj) if _st_asset: with _st_asset:''' model name: {model_name}\n inference time: `{round(time.time()-s_time,2)}` seconds\n depth image shape: {np.array(depth_im).shape}\n depth image type: {type(depth_im)}\n depth map min-max: {depth_im.min()}, {depth_im.max()} ''') return depth_im def Main(): # streamlit version 1.9.2 st.set_page_config( layout = 'wide', page_title = 'Monocular Depth', page_icon = '', initial_sidebar_state = 'collapsed' ) l_col, r_col = st.columns(2) show_miro_logo(st_asset = l_col, str_color = 'purple', width = 200) with l_col.expander('Monocular Depth: CNN vs Transformers'):''' Comparsion of two [SoTA]( models: [BTS (CNN), 2019]( and [DPT (Transformer), 2021]( ''') model_zoo = get_model_zoo() im = get_image(st_asset = r_col.expander('Input Image', expanded = True), extension_list = ['jpg','jpeg']) model_name = l_col.selectbox('Pick Model', options = list(model_zoo.keys())) if im: d_im = mono_depth(pil_im = im, model_name=model_name, _st_asset = r_col.expander('inference info')) l_col, r_col = st.columns(2) l_col.image(im, caption = 'Input Image') r_col.image(d_im, caption = 'Depth Map') with l_col.form('depth filter'): min_d, max_d = st.slider('Depth Filter', value = (0,255), help = 'smaller value = further away from camera', min_value = 0, max_value = 255) submitted = st.form_submit_button('filter depth') if submitted: depth_mask = ((d_im>= min_d) & (d_im<=max_d)) depth_filter_im = im_apply_mask(np.array(im),mask_array = depth_mask) r_col.image(depth_filter_im, caption = 'Depth Filtered Image') else: st.warning(f'please provide an image :point_up:') if __name__ == '__main__': Main()