import logging import os import sys import numpy as np import torch import cv2 import time import copy import dill from ultralytics import YOLO import safetensors.torch import gradio as gr from ultralytics.utils import LOGGER as ultralytics_logger from modules.utils.paths import * from modules.utils.image_helper import * from modules.live_portrait.model_downloader import * from modules.live_portrait_wrapper import LivePortraitWrapper from import get_rotation_matrix from modules.utils.helper import load_yaml from modules.config.inference_config import InferenceConfig from modules.live_portrait.spade_generator import SPADEDecoder from modules.live_portrait.warping_network import WarpingNetwork from modules.live_portrait.motion_extractor import MotionExtractor from modules.live_portrait.appearance_feature_extractor import AppearanceFeatureExtractor from modules.live_portrait.stitching_retargeting_network import StitchingRetargetingNetwork from collections import OrderedDict class LivePortraitInferencer: def __init__(self, model_dir: str = MODELS_DIR, output_dir: str = OUTPUTS_DIR): self.model_dir = model_dir self.output_dir = output_dir self.model_config = load_yaml(MODEL_CONFIG)["model_params"] self.appearance_feature_extractor = None self.motion_extractor = None self.warping_module = None self.spade_generator = None self.stitching_retargeting_module = None self.pipeline = None self.detect_model = None self.device = self.get_device() self.mask_img = None self.temp_img_idx = 0 self.src_image = None self.src_image_list = None self.sample_image = None self.driving_images = None self.driving_values = None self.crop_factor = None self.psi = None self.psi_list = None self.d_info = None def load_models(self, progress=gr.Progress()): self.download_if_no_models() total_models_num = 5 progress(0/total_models_num, desc="Loading Appearance Feature Extractor model...") appearance_feat_config = self.model_config["appearance_feature_extractor_params"] self.appearance_feature_extractor = AppearanceFeatureExtractor(**appearance_feat_config).to(self.device) self.appearance_feature_extractor = self.load_safe_tensor( self.appearance_feature_extractor, os.path.join(self.model_dir, "appearance_feature_extractor.safetensors") ) progress(1/total_models_num, desc="Loading Motion Extractor model...") motion_ext_config = self.model_config["motion_extractor_params"] self.motion_extractor = MotionExtractor(**motion_ext_config).to(self.device) self.motion_extractor = self.load_safe_tensor( self.motion_extractor, os.path.join(self.model_dir, "motion_extractor.safetensors") ) progress(2/total_models_num, desc="Loading Warping Module model...") warping_module_config = self.model_config["warping_module_params"] self.warping_module = WarpingNetwork(**warping_module_config).to(self.device) self.warping_module = self.load_safe_tensor( self.warping_module, os.path.join(self.model_dir, "warping_module.safetensors") ) progress(3/total_models_num, desc="Loading Spade generator model...") spaded_decoder_config = self.model_config["spade_generator_params"] self.spade_generator = SPADEDecoder(**spaded_decoder_config).to(self.device) self.spade_generator = self.load_safe_tensor( self.spade_generator, os.path.join(self.model_dir, "spade_generator.safetensors") ) progress(4/total_models_num, desc="Loading Stitcher model...") stitcher_config = self.model_config["stitching_retargeting_module_params"] self.stitching_retargeting_module = StitchingRetargetingNetwork(**stitcher_config.get('stitching')).to(self.device) self.stitching_retargeting_module = self.load_safe_tensor( self.stitching_retargeting_module, os.path.join(self.model_dir, "stitching_retargeting_module.safetensors"), True ) self.stitching_retargeting_module = {"stitching": self.stitching_retargeting_module} if self.pipeline is None: self.pipeline = LivePortraitWrapper( InferenceConfig(), self.appearance_feature_extractor, self.motion_extractor, self.warping_module, self.spade_generator, self.stitching_retargeting_module ) self.detect_model = YOLO(MODEL_PATHS["face_yolov8n"]).to(self.device) def edit_expression(self, rotate_pitch=0, rotate_yaw=0, rotate_roll=0, blink=0, eyebrow=0, wink=0, pupil_x=0, pupil_y=0, aaa=0, eee=0, woo=0, smile=0, src_ratio=1, sample_ratio=1, sample_parts="All", crop_factor=1.5, src_image=None, sample_image=None, motion_link=None, add_exp=None): if self.pipeline is None: self.load_models() try: rotate_yaw = -rotate_yaw new_editor_link = None if isinstance(motion_link, np.ndarray) and motion_link: self.psi = motion_link[0] new_editor_link = motion_link.copy() elif src_image is not None: if id(src_image) != id(self.src_image) or self.crop_factor != crop_factor: self.crop_factor = crop_factor self.psi = self.prepare_source(src_image, crop_factor) self.src_image = src_image new_editor_link = [] new_editor_link.append(self.psi) else: return None psi = self.psi s_info = psi.x_s_info #delta_new = copy.deepcopy() s_exp = s_info['exp'] * src_ratio s_exp[0, 5] = s_info['exp'][0, 5] s_exp += s_info['kp'] es = ExpressionSet() if isinstance(sample_image, np.ndarray) and sample_image: if id(self.sample_image) != id(sample_image): self.sample_image = sample_image d_image_np = (sample_image * 255).byte().numpy() d_face = self.crop_face(d_image_np[0], 1.7) i_d = self.prepare_src_image(d_face) self.d_info = self.pipeline.get_kp_info(i_d) self.d_info['exp'][0, 5, 0] = 0 self.d_info['exp'][0, 5, 1] = 0 # "OnlyExpression", "OnlyRotation", "OnlyMouth", "OnlyEyes", "All" if sample_parts == "OnlyExpression" or sample_parts == "All": es.e += self.d_info['exp'] * sample_ratio if sample_parts == "OnlyRotation" or sample_parts == "All": rotate_pitch += self.d_info['pitch'] * sample_ratio rotate_yaw += self.d_info['yaw'] * sample_ratio rotate_roll += self.d_info['roll'] * sample_ratio elif sample_parts == "OnlyMouth": self.retargeting(es.e, self.d_info['exp'], sample_ratio, (14, 17, 19, 20)) elif sample_parts == "OnlyEyes": self.retargeting(es.e, self.d_info['exp'], sample_ratio, (1, 2, 11, 13, 15, 16)) es.r = self.calc_fe(es.e, blink, eyebrow, wink, pupil_x, pupil_y, aaa, eee, woo, smile, rotate_pitch, rotate_yaw, rotate_roll) if isinstance(add_exp, ExpressionSet): es.add(add_exp) new_rotate = get_rotation_matrix(s_info['pitch'] + es.r[0], s_info['yaw'] + es.r[1], s_info['roll'] + es.r[2]) x_d_new = (s_info['scale'] * (1 + es.s)) * ((s_exp + es.e) @ new_rotate) + s_info['t'] x_d_new = self.pipeline.stitching(psi.x_s_user, x_d_new) crop_out = self.pipeline.warp_decode(psi.f_s_user, psi.x_s_user, x_d_new) crop_out = self.pipeline.parse_output(crop_out['out'])[0] crop_with_fullsize = cv2.warpAffine(crop_out, psi.crop_trans_m, get_rgb_size(psi.src_rgb), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) out = np.clip(psi.mask_ori * crop_with_fullsize + (1 - psi.mask_ori) * psi.src_rgb, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) temp_out_img_path, out_img_path = get_auto_incremental_file_path(TEMP_DIR, "png"), get_auto_incremental_file_path(OUTPUTS_DIR, "png") save_image(numpy_array=crop_out, output_path=temp_out_img_path) save_image(numpy_array=out, output_path=out_img_path) new_editor_link.append(es) return out except Exception as e: raise def create_video(self, retargeting_eyes, retargeting_mouth, turn_on, tracking_src_vid, animate_without_vid, command, crop_factor, src_images=None, driving_images=None, motion_link=None, progress=gr.Progress()): if not turn_on: return None, None src_length = 1 if src_images is None: if motion_link is not None: self.psi_list = [motion_link[0]] else: return None, None if src_images is not None: src_length = len(src_images) if id(src_images) != id(self.src_images) or self.crop_factor != crop_factor: self.crop_factor = crop_factor self.src_images = src_images if 1 < src_length: self.psi_list = self.prepare_source(src_images, crop_factor, True, tracking_src_vid) else: self.psi_list = [self.prepare_source(src_images, crop_factor)] cmd_list, cmd_length = self.parsing_command(command, motion_link) if cmd_list is None: return None,None cmd_idx = 0 driving_length = 0 if driving_images is not None: if id(driving_images) != id(self.driving_images): self.driving_images = driving_images self.driving_values = self.prepare_driving_video(driving_images) driving_length = len(self.driving_values) total_length = max(driving_length, src_length) if animate_without_vid: total_length = max(total_length, cmd_length) c_i_es = ExpressionSet() c_o_es = ExpressionSet() d_0_es = None out_list = [] psi = None for i in range(total_length): if i < src_length: psi = self.psi_list[i] s_info = psi.x_s_info s_es = ExpressionSet(erst=(s_info['kp'] + s_info['exp'], torch.Tensor([0, 0, 0]), s_info['scale'], s_info['t'])) new_es = ExpressionSet(es=s_es) if i < cmd_length: cmd = cmd_list[cmd_idx] if 0 < cmd.change: cmd.change -= 1 c_i_es.add( c_i_es.sub(c_o_es) elif 0 < cmd.keep: cmd.keep -= 1 new_es.add(c_i_es) if cmd.change == 0 and cmd.keep == 0: cmd_idx += 1 if cmd_idx < len(cmd_list): c_o_es = ExpressionSet(es=c_i_es) cmd = cmd_list[cmd_idx] c_o_es.div(cmd.change) elif 0 < cmd_length: new_es.add(c_i_es) if i < driving_length: d_i_info = self.driving_values[i] d_i_r = torch.Tensor([d_i_info['pitch'], d_i_info['yaw'], d_i_info['roll']])#.float().to(device="cuda:0") if d_0_es is None: d_0_es = ExpressionSet(erst = (d_i_info['exp'], d_i_r, d_i_info['scale'], d_i_info['t'])) self.retargeting(s_es.e, d_0_es.e, retargeting_eyes, (11, 13, 15, 16)) self.retargeting(s_es.e, d_0_es.e, retargeting_mouth, (14, 17, 19, 20)) new_es.e += d_i_info['exp'] - d_0_es.e new_es.r += d_i_r - d_0_es.r new_es.t += d_i_info['t'] - d_0_es.t r_new = get_rotation_matrix( s_info['pitch'] + new_es.r[0], s_info['yaw'] + new_es.r[1], s_info['roll'] + new_es.r[2]) d_new = new_es.s * (new_es.e @ r_new) + new_es.t d_new = self.pipeline.stitching(psi.x_s_user, d_new) crop_out = self.pipeline.warp_decode(psi.f_s_user, psi.x_s_user, d_new) crop_out = self.pipeline.parse_output(crop_out['out'])[0] crop_with_fullsize = cv2.warpAffine(crop_out, psi.crop_trans_m, get_rgb_size(psi.src_rgb), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) out = np.clip(psi.mask_ori * crop_with_fullsize + (1 - psi.mask_ori) * psi.src_rgb, 0, 255).astype( np.uint8) out_list.append(out) progress(i/total_length, "predicting..") if len(out_list) == 0: return None out_imgs =[pil2tensor(img_rgb) for img_rgb in out_list]) return out_imgs def download_if_no_models(self, progress=gr.Progress()): progress(0, desc="Downloading models...") for model_name, model_url in MODELS_URL.items(): if model_url.endswith(".pt"): model_name += ".pt" else: model_name += ".safetensors" model_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, model_name) if not os.path.exists(model_path): download_model(model_path, model_url) @staticmethod def load_safe_tensor(model, file_path, is_stitcher=False): def filter_stitcher(checkpoint, prefix): filtered_checkpoint = {key.replace(prefix + "_module.", ""): value for key, value in checkpoint.items() if key.startswith(prefix)} return filtered_checkpoint if is_stitcher: model.load_state_dict(filter_stitcher(safetensors.torch.load_file(file_path), 'retarget_shoulder')) else: model.load_state_dict(safetensors.torch.load_file(file_path)) model.eval() return model @staticmethod def get_device(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): return "cuda" elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): return "mps" else: return "cpu" def get_temp_img_name(self): self.temp_img_idx += 1 return "expression_edit_preview" + str(self.temp_img_idx) + ".png" @staticmethod def parsing_command(command, motoin_link): command.replace(' ', '') lines = command.split('\n') cmd_list = [] total_length = 0 i = 0 for line in lines: i += 1 if not line: continue try: cmds = line.split('=') idx = int(cmds[0]) if idx == 0: es = ExpressionSet() else: es = ExpressionSet(es = motoin_link[idx]) cmds = cmds[1].split(':') change = int(cmds[0]) keep = int(cmds[1]) except Exception as e: print(f"(AdvancedLivePortrait) Command Err Line {i}: {line}, :{e}") return None, None total_length += change + keep es.div(change) cmd_list.append(Command(es, change, keep)) return cmd_list, total_length def get_face_bboxes(self, image_rgb): pred = self.detect_model(image_rgb, conf=0.7, device=self.device) return pred[0].boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy() def detect_face(self, image_rgb, crop_factor, sort = True): original_logger_level = ultralytics_logger.level ultralytics_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL + 1) bboxes = self.get_face_bboxes(image_rgb) w, h = get_rgb_size(image_rgb) # print(f"w, h:{w, h}") cx = w / 2 min_diff = w best_box = None for x1, y1, x2, y2 in bboxes: bbox_w = x2 - x1 if bbox_w < 30: continue diff = abs(cx - (x1 + bbox_w / 2)) if diff < min_diff: best_box = [x1, y1, x2, y2] # print(f"diff, min_diff, best_box:{diff, min_diff, best_box}") min_diff = diff if best_box == None: print("Failed to detect face!!") return [0, 0, w, h] x1, y1, x2, y2 = best_box #for x1, y1, x2, y2 in bboxes: bbox_w = x2 - x1 bbox_h = y2 - y1 crop_w = bbox_w * crop_factor crop_h = bbox_h * crop_factor crop_w = max(crop_h, crop_w) crop_h = crop_w kernel_x = int(x1 + bbox_w / 2) kernel_y = int(y1 + bbox_h / 2) new_x1 = int(kernel_x - crop_w / 2) new_x2 = int(kernel_x + crop_w / 2) new_y1 = int(kernel_y - crop_h / 2) new_y2 = int(kernel_y + crop_h / 2) if not sort: return [int(new_x1), int(new_y1), int(new_x2), int(new_y2)] if new_x1 < 0: new_x2 -= new_x1 new_x1 = 0 elif w < new_x2: new_x1 -= (new_x2 - w) new_x2 = w if new_x1 < 0: new_x2 -= new_x1 new_x1 = 0 if new_y1 < 0: new_y2 -= new_y1 new_y1 = 0 elif h < new_y2: new_y1 -= (new_y2 - h) new_y2 = h if new_y1 < 0: new_y2 -= new_y1 new_y1 = 0 if w < new_x2 and h < new_y2: over_x = new_x2 - w over_y = new_y2 - h over_min = min(over_x, over_y) new_x2 -= over_min new_y2 -= over_min ultralytics_logger.setLevel(original_logger_level) return [int(new_x1), int(new_y1), int(new_x2), int(new_y2)] @staticmethod def retargeting(delta_out, driving_exp, factor, idxes): for idx in idxes: # delta_out[0, idx] -= src_exp[0, idx] * factor delta_out[0, idx] += driving_exp[0, idx] * factor @staticmethod def calc_face_region(square, dsize): region = copy.deepcopy(square) is_changed = False if dsize[0] < region[2]: region[2] = dsize[0] is_changed = True if dsize[1] < region[3]: region[3] = dsize[1] is_changed = True return region, is_changed @staticmethod def expand_img(rgb_img, square): crop_trans_m = create_transform_matrix(max(-square[0], 0), max(-square[1], 0), 1, 1) new_img = cv2.warpAffine(rgb_img, crop_trans_m, (square[2] - square[0], square[3] - square[1]), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return new_img def prepare_src_image(self, img): h, w = img.shape[:2] input_shape = [256,256] if h != input_shape[0] or w != input_shape[1]: if 256 < h: interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA else: interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR x = cv2.resize(img, (input_shape[0], input_shape[1]), interpolation = interpolation) else: x = img.copy() if x.ndim == 3: x = x[np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) / 255. # HxWx3 -> 1xHxWx3, normalized to 0~1 elif x.ndim == 4: x = x.astype(np.float32) / 255. # BxHxWx3, normalized to 0~1 else: raise ValueError(f'img ndim should be 3 or 4: {x.ndim}') x = np.clip(x, 0, 1) # clip to 0~1 x = torch.from_numpy(x).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # 1xHxWx3 -> 1x3xHxW x = return x def get_mask_img(self): if self.mask_img is None: self.mask_img = cv2.imread(MASK_TEMPLATES, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) return self.mask_img def crop_face(self, img_rgb, crop_factor): crop_region = self.detect_face(img_rgb, crop_factor) face_region, is_changed = self.calc_face_region(crop_region, get_rgb_size(img_rgb)) face_img = rgb_crop(img_rgb, face_region) if is_changed: face_img = self.expand_img(face_img, crop_region) return face_img def prepare_source(self, source_image, crop_factor, is_video=False, tracking=False): # source_image_np = (source_image * 255).byte().numpy() # img_rgb = source_image_np[0] # print("Prepare source...") if isinstance(source_image, str): source_image = image_path_to_array(source_image) if len(source_image.shape) <= 3: source_image = source_image[np.newaxis, ...] psi_list = [] for img_rgb in source_image: if tracking or len(psi_list) == 0: crop_region = self.detect_face(img_rgb, crop_factor) face_region, is_changed = self.calc_face_region(crop_region, get_rgb_size(img_rgb)) s_x = (face_region[2] - face_region[0]) / 512. s_y = (face_region[3] - face_region[1]) / 512. crop_trans_m = create_transform_matrix(crop_region[0], crop_region[1], s_x, s_y) mask_ori = cv2.warpAffine(self.get_mask_img(), crop_trans_m, get_rgb_size(img_rgb), cv2.INTER_LINEAR) mask_ori = mask_ori.astype(np.float32) / 255. if is_changed: s = (crop_region[2] - crop_region[0]) / 512. crop_trans_m = create_transform_matrix(crop_region[0], crop_region[1], s, s) face_img = rgb_crop(img_rgb, face_region) if is_changed: face_img = self.expand_img(face_img, crop_region) i_s = self.prepare_src_image(face_img) x_s_info = self.pipeline.get_kp_info(i_s) f_s_user = self.pipeline.extract_feature_3d(i_s) x_s_user = self.pipeline.transform_keypoint(x_s_info) psi = PreparedSrcImg(img_rgb, crop_trans_m, x_s_info, f_s_user, x_s_user, mask_ori) if is_video == False: return psi psi_list.append(psi) return psi_list def prepare_driving_video(self, face_images): print("Prepare driving video...") f_img_np = (face_images * 255).byte().numpy() out_list = [] for f_img in f_img_np: i_d = self.prepare_src_image(f_img) d_info = self.pipeline.get_kp_info(i_d) out_list.append(d_info) return out_list @staticmethod def calc_fe(x_d_new, eyes, eyebrow, wink, pupil_x, pupil_y, mouth, eee, woo, smile, rotate_pitch, rotate_yaw, rotate_roll): x_d_new[0, 20, 1] += smile * -0.01 x_d_new[0, 14, 1] += smile * -0.02 x_d_new[0, 17, 1] += smile * 0.0065 x_d_new[0, 17, 2] += smile * 0.003 x_d_new[0, 13, 1] += smile * -0.00275 x_d_new[0, 16, 1] += smile * -0.00275 x_d_new[0, 3, 1] += smile * -0.0035 x_d_new[0, 7, 1] += smile * -0.0035 x_d_new[0, 19, 1] += mouth * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 19, 2] += mouth * 0.0001 x_d_new[0, 17, 1] += mouth * -0.0001 rotate_pitch -= mouth * 0.05 x_d_new[0, 20, 2] += eee * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 20, 1] += eee * -0.001 #x_d_new[0, 19, 1] += eee * 0.0006 x_d_new[0, 14, 1] += eee * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 14, 1] += woo * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 3, 1] += woo * -0.0005 x_d_new[0, 7, 1] += woo * -0.0005 x_d_new[0, 17, 2] += woo * -0.0005 x_d_new[0, 11, 1] += wink * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 13, 1] += wink * -0.0003 x_d_new[0, 17, 0] += wink * 0.0003 x_d_new[0, 17, 1] += wink * 0.0003 x_d_new[0, 3, 1] += wink * -0.0003 rotate_roll -= wink * 0.1 rotate_yaw -= wink * 0.1 if 0 < pupil_x: x_d_new[0, 11, 0] += pupil_x * 0.0007 x_d_new[0, 15, 0] += pupil_x * 0.001 else: x_d_new[0, 11, 0] += pupil_x * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 15, 0] += pupil_x * 0.0007 x_d_new[0, 11, 1] += pupil_y * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 15, 1] += pupil_y * -0.001 eyes -= pupil_y / 2. x_d_new[0, 11, 1] += eyes * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 13, 1] += eyes * 0.0003 x_d_new[0, 15, 1] += eyes * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 16, 1] += eyes * 0.0003 x_d_new[0, 1, 1] += eyes * -0.00025 x_d_new[0, 2, 1] += eyes * 0.00025 if 0 < eyebrow: x_d_new[0, 1, 1] += eyebrow * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 2, 1] += eyebrow * -0.001 else: x_d_new[0, 1, 0] += eyebrow * -0.001 x_d_new[0, 2, 0] += eyebrow * 0.001 x_d_new[0, 1, 1] += eyebrow * 0.0003 x_d_new[0, 2, 1] += eyebrow * -0.0003 return torch.Tensor([rotate_pitch, rotate_yaw, rotate_roll]) class ExpressionSet: def __init__(self, erst=None, es=None): if es is not None: self.e = copy.deepcopy(es.e) # [:, :, :] self.r = copy.deepcopy(es.r) # [:] self.s = copy.deepcopy(es.s) self.t = copy.deepcopy(es.t) elif erst is not None: self.e = erst[0] self.r = erst[1] self.s = erst[2] self.t = erst[3] else: self.e = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros((1, 21, 3))).float().to(self.get_device()) self.r = torch.Tensor([0, 0, 0]) self.s = 0 self.t = 0 def div(self, value): self.e /= value self.r /= value self.s /= value self.t /= value def add(self, other): self.e += other.e self.r += other.r self.s += other.s self.t += other.t def sub(self, other): self.e -= other.e self.r -= other.r self.s -= other.s self.t -= other.t def mul(self, value): self.e *= value self.r *= value self.s *= value self.t *= value @staticmethod def get_device(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): return "cuda" elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): return "mps" else: return "cpu" def logging_time(original_fn): def wrapper_fn(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() result = original_fn(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.time() print("WorkingTime[{}]: {} sec".format(original_fn.__name__, end_time - start_time)) return result return wrapper_fn def save_exp_data(file_name: str, save_exp: ExpressionSet = None): if save_exp is None or not file_name: return file_name with open(os.path.join(EXP_OUTPUT_DIR, file_name + ".exp"), "wb") as f: dill.dump(save_exp, f) return file_name def load_exp_data(self, file_name, ratio): file_list = [os.path.splitext(file)[0] for file in os.listdir(EXP_OUTPUT_DIR) if file.endswith('.exp')] with open(os.path.join(EXP_OUTPUT_DIR, file_name + ".exp"), 'rb') as f: es = dill.load(f) es.mul(ratio) return es def handle_exp_data(code1, value1, code2, value2, code3, value3, code4, value4, code5, value5, add_exp=None): if add_exp is None: es = ExpressionSet() else: es = ExpressionSet(es=add_exp) codes = [code1, code2, code3, code4, code5] values = [value1, value2, value3, value4, value5] for i in range(5): idx = int(codes[i] / 10) r = codes[i] % 10 es.e[0, idx, r] += values[i] * 0.001 return es def print_exp_data(cut_noise, exp=None): if exp is None: return exp cuted_list = [] e = exp.exp * 1000 for idx in range(21): for r in range(3): a = abs(e[0, idx, r]) if (cut_noise < a): cuted_list.append((a, e[0, idx, r], idx * 10 + r)) sorted_list = sorted(cuted_list, reverse=True, key=lambda item: item[0]) print(f"sorted_list: {[[item[2], round(float(item[1]), 1)] for item in sorted_list]}") return exp class Command: def __init__(self, es: ExpressionSet, change, keep): = es self.change = change self.keep = keep