{ "model": "speaker_encoder", "run_name": "speaker_encoder", "run_description": "resnet speaker encoder trained with commonvoice all languages dev and train, Voxceleb 1 dev and Voxceleb 2 dev", "epochs": 100000, "batch_size": null, "eval_batch_size": null, "mixed_precision": false, "run_eval": true, "test_delay_epochs": 0, "print_eval": false, "print_step": 50, "tb_plot_step": 100, "tb_model_param_stats": false, "save_step": 1000, "checkpoint": true, "keep_all_best": false, "keep_after": 10000, "num_loader_workers": 8, "num_val_loader_workers": 0, "use_noise_augment": false, "output_path": "../checkpoints/speaker_encoder/language_balanced/normalized/angleproto-4-samples-by-speakers/", "distributed_backend": "nccl", "distributed_url": "tcp://localhost:54321", "audio": { "fft_size": 512, "win_length": 400, "hop_length": 160, "frame_shift_ms": null, "frame_length_ms": null, "stft_pad_mode": "reflect", "sample_rate": 16000, "resample": false, "preemphasis": 0.97, "ref_level_db": 20, "do_sound_norm": false, "do_trim_silence": false, "trim_db": 60, "power": 1.5, "griffin_lim_iters": 60, "num_mels": 64, "mel_fmin": 0.0, "mel_fmax": 8000.0, "spec_gain": 20, "signal_norm": false, "min_level_db": -100, "symmetric_norm": false, "max_norm": 4.0, "clip_norm": false, "stats_path": null }, "datasets": [ { "name": "voxceleb2", "path": "/workspace/scratch/ecasanova/datasets/VoxCeleb/vox2_dev_aac/", "meta_file_train": null, "ununsed_speakers": null, "meta_file_val": null, "meta_file_attn_mask": "", "language": "voxceleb" } ], "model_params": { "model_name": "resnet", "input_dim": 64, "use_torch_spec": true, "log_input": true, "proj_dim": 512 }, "audio_augmentation": { "p": 0.5, "rir": { "rir_path": "/workspace/store/ecasanova/ComParE/RIRS_NOISES/simulated_rirs/", "conv_mode": "full" }, "additive": { "sounds_path": "/workspace/store/ecasanova/ComParE/musan/", "speech": { "min_snr_in_db": 13, "max_snr_in_db": 20, "min_num_noises": 1, "max_num_noises": 1 }, "noise": { "min_snr_in_db": 0, "max_snr_in_db": 15, "min_num_noises": 1, "max_num_noises": 1 }, "music": { "min_snr_in_db": 5, "max_snr_in_db": 15, "min_num_noises": 1, "max_num_noises": 1 } }, "gaussian": { "p": 0.0, "min_amplitude": 0.0, "max_amplitude": 1e-05 } }, "storage": { "sample_from_storage_p": 0.5, "storage_size": 40 }, "max_train_step": 1000000, "loss": "angleproto", "grad_clip": 3.0, "lr": 0.0001, "lr_decay": false, "warmup_steps": 4000, "wd": 1e-06, "steps_plot_stats": 100, "num_speakers_in_batch": 100, "num_utters_per_speaker": 4, "skip_speakers": true, "voice_len": 2.0 }