import csv import os import numpy as np import torch import dijkprofile_annotator.config as config import dijkprofile_annotator.utils as utils import dijkprofile_annotator.preprocessing as preprocessing from dijkprofile_annotator.models import Dijknet def annotate(surfacelines_filepath, outputfile, class_list='simple', max_profile_length=512, custom_model_path=None, custom_scaler_path=None, device=None): surfacelines_dict = preprocessing.read_surfaceline_file(surfacelines_filepath) profile_dict = preprocessing.make_height_profiles(surfacelines_dict, max_profile_length) dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if device: device = device else: # setup model device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class_dict, _, _ = utils.get_class_dict(class_list) model = Dijknet(1, len(class_dict)) if custom_model_path: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(custom_model_path, map_location=device)) else: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(dir, config.MODEL_PATH), map_location=device)) model.eval() # copy network to device model = predictions = make_predictions(model, profile_dict, max_profile_length, device) write_predictions_(predictions, profile_dict, surfacelines_dict, outputfile, class_list) def make_predictions(model, profile_dict, max_profile_length, device): accumulator = np.zeros((len(profile_dict), max_profile_length)) for i, key in enumerate(profile_dict.keys()): accumulator[i] = profile_dict[key]['profile'][:max_profile_length] accumulator = accumulator.reshape(accumulator.shape[0], 1, max_profile_length) outputs = model(torch.tensor(accumulator).to(device).float()) flat_output = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu() predictions = flat_output.numpy() return predictions def write_predictions_(predictions, profile_dict, surfacelines_dict, output_filepath, class_list): class_dict, inverse_class_dict, class_weights = utils.get_class_dict(class_list) with open(output_filepath, 'w') as csvFile: writer = csv.writer(csvFile, delimiter=';', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(config.HEADER) for i, key in enumerate(profile_dict.keys()): # get predictions profile_pred = predictions[i] # construct dict with key for each row row_dict = {key:-1 for key in config.HEADER} row_dict["LOCATIONID"] = key # loop through predictions and for the entries used_classes = [] prev_class_n = 999 # key thats not in the inverse_class_dict for index, class_n in enumerate(profile_pred): if class_n == 0 or class_n in used_classes: continue if class_n != prev_class_n: # get class name class_name = inverse_class_dict[class_n] # if this index is different from the last, this is the characteristicpoint used_classes.append(prev_class_n) # set prev_class to the new class prev_class_n = class_n # construct the csv row with the new class if index >= len(surfacelines_dict[key]): continue (x,y,z) = surfacelines_dict[key][index] row_dict["X_" + class_name] = round(x, 3) row_dict["Y_" + class_name] = round(y, 3) row_dict["Z_" + class_name] = round(z, 3) # write the row to the csv file row = [] for columnname in config.HEADER: row.append(row_dict[columnname]) writer.writerow(row)