import gradio as gr import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torchvision import transforms # load the model model = torch.jit.load("food_classifier_resnet18.ptl") # Transformations that will be applied the_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((224,224)), transforms.CenterCrop((224,224)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485,0.456,0.406],std=[0.229,0.224,0.225]) ]) # Classes class_names = ['Apple Pie','Bibimbap','Cannoli','Edamame','Falafel','French Toast','Ice Cream','Ramen','Sushi','Tiramisu'] # Returns transformed image def transform_img(img): return the_transform(img) # Returns string with class and probability def classify_img(img): # Applying transformation to the image model_img = transform_img(img) model_img = model_img.view(1,3,224,224) # Running image through the model model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): result = model(model_img) # Converting values to softmax values result = F.softmax(result,dim=1) # Grabbing top 3 indices and probabilities for each index top3_prob, top3_catid = torch.topk(result,3) # Dictionary I will display model_output = {} for i in range(top3_prob.size(1)): model_output[class_names[top3_catid[0][i].item()]] = top3_prob[0][i].item() print(model_output) return model_output demo = gr.Interface(classify_img, inputs = gr.inputs.Image(type="pil"), outputs = gr.outputs.Label(type="confidences",num_top_classes=3), title = "Food Classifier!", description = "Insert food image you would like to classify! Returns confidence % for the top three categories
Categories: Apple Pie, Bibimbap, Cannoli, Edamame, Falafel, French Toast, Ice Cream, Ramen, Sushi, Tiramisu", ) demo.launch(inline=False)