from __future__ import annotations import sys from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, TypeVar, overload from ._exceptions import TypedAttributeLookupError if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import final else: from typing_extensions import final T_Attr = TypeVar("T_Attr") T_Default = TypeVar("T_Default") undefined = object() def typed_attribute() -> Any: """Return a unique object, used to mark typed attributes.""" return object() class TypedAttributeSet: """ Superclass for typed attribute collections. Checks that every public attribute of every subclass has a type annotation. """ def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: annotations: dict[str, Any] = getattr(cls, "__annotations__", {}) for attrname in dir(cls): if not attrname.startswith("_") and attrname not in annotations: raise TypeError( f"Attribute {attrname!r} is missing its type annotation" ) super().__init_subclass__() class TypedAttributeProvider: """Base class for classes that wish to provide typed extra attributes.""" @property def extra_attributes(self) -> Mapping[T_Attr, Callable[[], T_Attr]]: """ A mapping of the extra attributes to callables that return the corresponding values. If the provider wraps another provider, the attributes from that wrapper should also be included in the returned mapping (but the wrapper may override the callables from the wrapped instance). """ return {} @overload def extra(self, attribute: T_Attr) -> T_Attr: ... @overload def extra(self, attribute: T_Attr, default: T_Default) -> T_Attr | T_Default: ... @final def extra(self, attribute: Any, default: object = undefined) -> object: """ extra(attribute, default=undefined) Return the value of the given typed extra attribute. :param attribute: the attribute (member of a :class:`~TypedAttributeSet`) to look for :param default: the value that should be returned if no value is found for the attribute :raises ~anyio.TypedAttributeLookupError: if the search failed and no default value was given """ try: return self.extra_attributes[attribute]() except KeyError: if default is undefined: raise TypedAttributeLookupError("Attribute not found") from None else: return default