from __future__ import annotations import math from types import TracebackType from warnings import warn from import TaskGroup, TaskStatus from ._compat import ( DeprecatedAsyncContextManager, DeprecatedAwaitable, DeprecatedAwaitableFloat, ) from ._eventloop import get_asynclib class _IgnoredTaskStatus(TaskStatus[object]): def started(self, value: object = None) -> None: pass TASK_STATUS_IGNORED = _IgnoredTaskStatus() class CancelScope(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager["CancelScope"]): """ Wraps a unit of work that can be made separately cancellable. :param deadline: The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically :param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation """ def __new__( cls, *, deadline: float = math.inf, shield: bool = False ) -> CancelScope: return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield, deadline=deadline) def cancel(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable: """Cancel this scope immediately.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def deadline(self) -> float: """ The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically. Will be ``float('inf')`` if no timeout has been set. """ raise NotImplementedError @deadline.setter def deadline(self, value: float) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @property def cancel_called(self) -> bool: """``True`` if :meth:`cancel` has been called.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def shield(self) -> bool: """ ``True`` if this scope is shielded from external cancellation. While a scope is shielded, it will not receive cancellations from outside. """ raise NotImplementedError @shield.setter def shield(self, value: bool) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def __enter__(self) -> CancelScope: raise NotImplementedError def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> bool | None: raise NotImplementedError def open_cancel_scope(*, shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope: """ Open a cancel scope. :param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation :return: a cancel scope .. deprecated:: 3.0 Use :class:`~CancelScope` directly. """ warn( "open_cancel_scope() is deprecated -- use CancelScope() directly", DeprecationWarning, ) return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield) class FailAfterContextManager(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager[CancelScope]): def __init__(self, cancel_scope: CancelScope): self._cancel_scope = cancel_scope def __enter__(self) -> CancelScope: return self._cancel_scope.__enter__() def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> bool | None: retval = self._cancel_scope.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) if self._cancel_scope.cancel_called: raise TimeoutError return retval def fail_after(delay: float | None, shield: bool = False) -> FailAfterContextManager: """ Create a context manager which raises a :class:`TimeoutError` if does not finish in time. :param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before raising the exception, or ``None`` to disable the timeout :param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation :return: a context manager that yields a cancel scope :rtype: :class:`~typing.ContextManager`\\[:class:``\\] """ deadline = ( (get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf ) cancel_scope = get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield) return FailAfterContextManager(cancel_scope) def move_on_after(delay: float | None, shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope: """ Create a cancel scope with a deadline that expires after the given delay. :param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before exiting the context block, or ``None`` to disable the timeout :param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation :return: a cancel scope """ deadline = ( (get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf ) return get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield) def current_effective_deadline() -> DeprecatedAwaitableFloat: """ Return the nearest deadline among all the cancel scopes effective for the current task. :return: a clock value from the event loop's internal clock (or ``float('inf')`` if there is no deadline in effect, or ``float('-inf')`` if the current scope has been cancelled) :rtype: float """ return DeprecatedAwaitableFloat( get_asynclib().current_effective_deadline(), current_effective_deadline ) def create_task_group() -> TaskGroup: """ Create a task group. :return: a task group """ return get_asynclib().TaskGroup()